Μου φαίνεται ότι εκεί στους υπονόμους τους τρώει ο κώλος τους. Μας έπιασαν στο στόμα τους αλλά αν συνεχίσουν θα τα βγάλουμε όλα στη φόρα. Και για τον αρχισυντάκτη του παιδεραστή που έχει σχέση 10 χρόνια αλλά είναι παρθένος και για τις αλλαξοκωλιές που κάνουν. Οκ τρωκτικά το πούλο γιατί θα τα βγάλουμε όλα στη φόρα.
όσο για τον άλλο τον αντίπαλό σας καλά πληροφορήθηκε ότι είχαμε κάτι προβλήματα αλλά όπως βλέπετε τα τελειώσαμε. Περιμένουμε τα email σας και σας ευχαριστούμε για τα καλά σας λόγια
Εγγραφή σε:
Σχόλια ανάρτησης (Atom)
71 σχόλια:
paiderastis o makis?gia afto efige o giolias?kseparthenepse?
από τον Ευριπίδη Μπίλλη,
τ. επίκουρο καθηγητή ΕΜΠ
Απρίλιος του 1821 - Εκτέλεση του Πατριάρχη Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Γρηγορίου, και εξαπόλυση πλήθους εξαγριωμένων Τούρκων κατά Ελλήνων κατοίκων της Τουρκίας, ως αντίποινα για την εξέγερση των Ελλήνων στην Πελοπόννησο.
1822 - Νεά αντίποινα από τον Σουλτάνο για να τρομοκρατήσει τους χριστιανούς στο νησί της Χίου. Δολοφονούνται 50.000 Έλληνες.
1850 - 12.000 Αρμένιοι και Νεστοριανοί σφαγιάζονται από Κούρδους υπό την ηγεσία του Μπεντέρ Χαν Μπέγκ, οι οποίοι είναι οπλισμένοι με καραμπίνες, ειδικά κατασκευασμένες για την τουρκική κυβέρνηση και οι οποίοι χρηματοδοτούνται και υποστηρίζονται επίσης από την τουρκική κυβέρνηση.
7 Απριλίου του 1860 - Ο Σουλτάνος διατάζει την σφαγή των Μαρωνιτών χωρικών στον Λίβανο.
6 Ιουλίου 1860 - Σύριοι σφαγιάζονται μετά από διαταγή του Αχμέντ πασά. Ο αριθμός των σφαγιασθέντων συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των Μαρωνιτών του Λιβάνου στις 7 Απριλίου, ανέρχεται στις 11.000.
1876 - Εξαπολύονται συμμορίες Τούρκων...
για να καταπνίξουν εξέγερση στην Βουλγαρία. 15.000 σφαγιάζονται στην περιοχή της Φιλλιπούπολης, μεταξύ αυτών και Αρμένιοι της τοπικής κοινότητας. Καταστρέφονται 58 χωριά και 5 μοναστήρια.
28 Ιουνίου 1877 - Κατά την αποχώρηση των ρωσικών δυνάμεων, προς την λήξη του Ρωσο-τουρκικού πολέμου, πάνω από 6.000 Αρμένιοι δολοφονούνται, όταν ο τουρκικός στρατός και κουρδικές άτακτες ομάδες καταστρέφουν τα χριστιανικά χωριά της περιοχής.
4 Ιουνίου 1878 - Η Τουρκία πουλά τη Κύπρο στην Αγγλία.
Καλοκαίρι του 1892 - Σφαγιάζονται 8.000 Γιεζίδες κοντά στο Μοσούλ, και καίγονται τα χωριά τους διότι αρνούνται να ασπαστούν το Ισλαμ, μετά από εντολές του Φερίκ πασά.
Σεπτέμβριος του 1894 έως Αύγουστο του 1896 - Ο Σουλτάν Χαμίτ εφαρμόζει την τακτική της γενοκτονίας στους Αρμένιους.
Αύγουστος και Σεπτέμβριος του 1894 - 12.000 Αρμένιοι σκοτώνονται στο Σασούν.
Οκτώβριος του 1895 - Λαμβάνει χώρα η πρώτη οργανωμένη γενοκτονία στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και στην Τραπεζούντα.
Νοέμβριος και Δεκέμβριος του 1895 - Οι τουρκικές αρχές οργανώνουν μεγάλης έκτασης σφαγές σε όλη τη χώρα.
Ιούνιος του 1896 - Σφαγή των Αρμενίων της πόλης Βαν.
1896 - Σφαγή 300.000 Αρμενίων στην Κωνσταντινούπολη.
12 Μαΐου 1896 - Δολοφονίες 55.000 Ελλήνων και διαμάχες μεταξύ Ελλήνων και Τούρκων στην Κρήτη.
Μάρτιος του 1909 - Νέες σφαγές 30.000 Αρμενίων και Αμερικανών ιεραποστόλων, στα Άδανα και άλλες πόλεις της Κιλικίας, οργανωμένες από τους Νεότουκρους.
1909 - Οι Νεότουρκοι αντιμετωπίζουν την επανάσταση των Αράβων στην Υεμένη με αιματοχυσίες.
1 Οκτωβρίου 1911 - Δολοφονείται ο Επίσκοπος Γρεβενών, Αιμιλιανός από τους Τούρκους.
1912 - Ο τουρκικός στρατός κατά την υποχώρησή του από την ανατολική Θράκη, λεηλατεί τα χωριά της περιοχής του Διδυμοτείχου και της Ανδριανούπολης. Τα χωριά της περιοχής Μαλγάρα καίγονται. Το ίδιο συμβαίνει και στο Κεσσάνι. Δολοφονίες και σφαγές συνοδεύουν την καταστροφή και λεηλασία της ελληνικής αυτής περιοχής.
1913 - Η ανακατάληψη της ανατολικής Θράκης με τις θηριωδίες που ακολουθούν έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη σφαγή 15.690 Ελλήνων.
Φεβρουάριος 1913 - Οι Έλληνες κάτοικοι της περιφέρειας Κριθέα της Ανατολικής Θράκης τρέπονται σε φυγή από τις Τουρκικές αρχές. Ακολουθούν βάρβαρες λεηλασίες.
Ιανουάριος έως Δεκέμβριος του 1914 - Πάνω από 250.000 Έλληνες εκτοπίζονται από τις περιοχές της ανατολικής Θράκης και Σμύρνης. Τα υπάρχοντά τους κατάσχονται.
27 Μαΐου 1914 - Οι Τουρκικές αρχές διατάζουν το χριστιανικό πληθυσμό της Περγάμου να εγκαταλείψουν τη πόλη μέσα σε δύο ώρες. Οι τρομοκρατημένοι κάτοικοι καταφεύγουν στη Μυτιλήνη.
Μάιος και Ιούνιος του 1914 - Οι Τούρκοι επιδίδονται σε όλες τις μορφές διωγμών που σαν στόχο έχουν τους Έλληνες της δυτικής Μικράς Ασίας. Τα παράλια της Μικράς Ασίας έχουν καταστραφεί. Στην Ερυθραία και στη Φωκαία οι Έλληνες σφαγιάζονται ανελέητα.
Ιούλιος και Αύγουστος 1914 - Η τουρκική κυβέρνηση δημιουργεί "τάγματα καταναγκαστικών έργων". Πρόκειται για μια νέα μέθοδο εξόντωσης των Ελλήνων - οθωμανών πολιτών που έχουν καταταγεί στον τουρκικό στρατό. Με τον τρόπο αυτό 400.000 Έλληνες εξοντώθηκαν από την πείνα και την κακοποίηση.
Αύγουστος του 1914 - 12.000 Ασσύριοι δολοφονούνται από τον Τζεβτέτ Χαλίλ Μπέι. Ο αριθμός των Ασσυρίων όλων των θρησκειών που έχουν δολοφονηθεί από τους Τούρκους από το 1895 ανέρχεται στις 424.000.
Σεπτέμβριος 1914 - Με διάταγμα της Τουρκικής κυβέρνησης πολλά χωριά της Ανατολικής Θράκης, όπου πλειοψηφεί το Ελληνικό στοιχείο, εκκενώνονται δια της βίας (Νεοχώριο, Γαλατάς, Καλλίπολη, κτλ.). Ακολουθούν λεηλασίες σε σπίτια και καταστήματα. Χιλιάδες αφήνουν τα πατρογονικά τους εδάφη και καταφεύγουν στην Ελλάδα.
Νοέμβριος - Δεκέμβριος 1914 - Με διάταγμα της Τουρκικής κυβέρνησης η περιοχή Βιζύη και μέρος της περιοχής Σαράντα Εκκλησιές εκκενώνονται. 19.000 Έλληνες εξορίζονται στην Ανατολία και οι περιουσίες τους λεηλατούνται. Σύμφωνα με τα αρχεία του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου 119.940 Έλληνες απελάθηκαν από την Ανατολική Θράκη.
Απρίλιος του 1915 - Το τουρκικό καθεστώς προχωρεί σε οργανωμένες συλλήψεις ενός μεγάλου αριθμού Αρμενίων διανοουμένων και εθνικών ηγετών στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και στις επαρχίες. Στη συνέχεια εκτοπίζονται στην Ανατόλια και καθοδόν σφαγιάζονται. Οι Αρμένιοι στρατιώτες που υπηρετούν στον τουρκικό στρατό αφοπλίζονται και σφαγιάζονται κατά χιλιάδες. Ο ανυπεράσπιστος αρμενικός πληθυσμός οδηγείται στην έρημο της Συρίας και σφαγιάζεται κατά δεκάδες χιλιάδες από τον τουρκικό στρατό, από άτακτα στρατεύματα και πολίτες ή αφήνεται στην έρημο για να πεθάνει από την ασιτία και την κακοποίηση. 1.500.000 Αρμένιοι εξαλείφθηκαν από τις τουρκιές θηριωδίες.
1915 - Οι Τούρκοι θέτουν σε εφαρμογή μια άγρια καταδίωξη κατά των Σύριων Ορθοδόξων και Νεστοριανών κατοίκων των περιοχών Χακάρι, Μαρντίν και Μιντιάτ. Από τα πρώτα θύματα της καταδίωξης είναι ο Αντάι Σερ, Αρχιεπίσκοπος του Σερτ. Η καμπάνια αυτή, γεμάτη σφαγές και καταστροφές, συνεχίστηκε έως το τέλος του Πρώτου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, φτάνοντας σχεδόν στον στόχο της.
20 Αυγούστου 1915 έως 6 Μαΐου 1916 - Οι Οθωμανοί απαγχονίζουν 35 Λιβανέζους και Σύριους εθνικούς ηγέτες στις πλατείες Αλ Μπουρτζ του Λιβάνου και Αλ Μαρτζά της Συρίας, με την κατηγορία ότι "αγωνίζονται για την ελευθερία". 130.000 Λιβανέζοι και Σύριοι δολοφονούνται κάτω από τον Οθωμανικό ζυγό.
1916 - Οι Τούρκοι αναγκάζουν τους κατοίκους διαφόρων περιοχών του Πόντου να μεταναστεύσουν στο Σίβας. Κατά την παραπάνω μετακίνηση, από τους 16.750 κατοίκους των περιοχών Ελέβι και Τρίπολης, επέζησαν μόνον οι 550. Και από τους 49.520 κατοίκους της Τραπεζούντας, παρέμειναν ζωντανοί μόνο οι 20.300.
1916 - Καταστροφή της περιοχής Ρισέου-Πλατάνου του Πόντου. Λεηλασίες των πόλεων Οφίς, Σούρμενα και Γέμουρα. Οι λεηλασίες οργανώθηκαν από τους αξιωματούχους του Οθωμανικού κράτους και εκτελέστηκαν υπό την ηγεσία του Αχμέτ Μπέη και του στρατάρχη της περιοχής Βελίπ Πασά.
27 Δεκεμβρίου 1916 - Σύλληψη των διακεκριμένων πολιτών της Αμισού καθώς και 4.000 Ελλήνων πολιτών και εκτόπισή τους στην Ανατολία.
Άνοιξη του 1917 - Οι Τούρκοι διατάσσουν τον διωγμό 23.000 Ελλήνων, κατοίκων της Κυδωνίας.
Νοέμβριος του 1917 - 400 ελληνικές οικογένειες εκτοπίζονται από τους Τούρκους από τη Ν.Δ. Μικρά Ασία, ενώ λεηλατούνται οι περιουσίες τους.
Απρίλιος του 1918 - Άλλες 8000 ελληνικές οικογένειες εκτοπίζονται από τη Ν.Δ. Μικρά Ασία.
1920 - Ο Επίσκοπος της Τραπεζούντας Χρύσανθος, καταδικάζεται ερήμην σε θάνατο από το Στρατοδικείο της Άγκυρας. Καταδικάζεται επίσης και ο Επίσκοπος του Ζήλων ο οποίος αποδημεί στη φυλακή.
1920 - 30.000 Αρμένιοι σφαγιάζονται στην περιοχή του Κάρς από Κεμαλικούς.
Σεπτέμβριος 1920 - Η Κεμαλική Τουρκία επιτίθεται στην Δημοκρατία της Αρμενίας. Οι Αρμένιοι μάχονται ενάντια στα ισχυρά τουρκικά στρατεύματα. Οι Τούρκοι επικρατούν τη 2-12-1920. Τη νίκη αυτή των Τούρκων επακολουθεί η προσάρτηση του 50% της επικράτειας της Δημοκρατίας της Αρμενίας, που είχε συσταθεί στις 28 Μαΐου 1918, στη Τουρκία.
1920 έως 1921 - Άλλοι 50.000 Αρμένιοι εκτελούνται από Κεμαλικούς
3 Ιουνίου 1921 - Κεμαλικοί συλλαμβάνουν 1.320 επιφανείς Έλληνες κάτοικους της Σαμσούντας. Την επομένη δολοφονούν 701 από τους κρατούμενους. Τα θύματα θάβονται σε ομαδικό τάφο πίσω από την οικία του Μπεκίρ πασά. Οι υπόλοιποι των κρατουμένων εξορίζονται στο εσωτερικό της Ανατόλιας.
24 Αυγούστου 1922 - Ο Τουρκικός στρατός καταλαμβάνει τη Πέργαμο. Οι Έλληνες τρέπονται σε φυγή για να σωθούν.
9 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1922 - Οι Τούρκοι εισβάλλουν στη Σμύρνη και πυρπολούν την πόλη. Οργανώνονται μεγάλης έκτασης σφαγές κατά των Ελλήνων και των Αρμενίων. Δολοφονούνται περίπου 150.000 άτομα.
από τον Ευριπίδη Μπίλλη,
τ. επίκουρο καθηγητή ΕΜΠ
Απρίλιος του 1821 - Εκτέλεση του Πατριάρχη Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Γρηγορίου, και εξαπόλυση πλήθους εξαγριωμένων Τούρκων κατά Ελλήνων κατοίκων της Τουρκίας, ως αντίποινα για την εξέγερση των Ελλήνων στην Πελοπόννησο.
1822 - Νεά αντίποινα από τον Σουλτάνο για να τρομοκρατήσει τους χριστιανούς στο νησί της Χίου. Δολοφονούνται 50.000 Έλληνες.
1850 - 12.000 Αρμένιοι και Νεστοριανοί σφαγιάζονται από Κούρδους υπό την ηγεσία του Μπεντέρ Χαν Μπέγκ, οι οποίοι είναι οπλισμένοι με καραμπίνες, ειδικά κατασκευασμένες για την τουρκική κυβέρνηση και οι οποίοι χρηματοδοτούνται και υποστηρίζονται επίσης από την τουρκική κυβέρνηση.
7 Απριλίου του 1860 - Ο Σουλτάνος διατάζει την σφαγή των Μαρωνιτών χωρικών στον Λίβανο.
6 Ιουλίου 1860 - Σύριοι σφαγιάζονται μετά από διαταγή του Αχμέντ πασά. Ο αριθμός των σφαγιασθέντων συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των Μαρωνιτών του Λιβάνου στις 7 Απριλίου, ανέρχεται στις 11.000.
1876 - Εξαπολύονται συμμορίες Τούρκων...
για να καταπνίξουν εξέγερση στην Βουλγαρία. 15.000 σφαγιάζονται στην περιοχή της Φιλλιπούπολης, μεταξύ αυτών και Αρμένιοι της τοπικής κοινότητας. Καταστρέφονται 58 χωριά και 5 μοναστήρια.
28 Ιουνίου 1877 - Κατά την αποχώρηση των ρωσικών δυνάμεων, προς την λήξη του Ρωσο-τουρκικού πολέμου, πάνω από 6.000 Αρμένιοι δολοφονούνται, όταν ο τουρκικός στρατός και κουρδικές άτακτες ομάδες καταστρέφουν τα χριστιανικά χωριά της περιοχής.
4 Ιουνίου 1878 - Η Τουρκία πουλά τη Κύπρο στην Αγγλία.
Καλοκαίρι του 1892 - Σφαγιάζονται 8.000 Γιεζίδες κοντά στο Μοσούλ, και καίγονται τα χωριά τους διότι αρνούνται να ασπαστούν το Ισλαμ, μετά από εντολές του Φερίκ πασά.
Σεπτέμβριος του 1894 έως Αύγουστο του 1896 - Ο Σουλτάν Χαμίτ εφαρμόζει την τακτική της γενοκτονίας στους Αρμένιους.
Αύγουστος και Σεπτέμβριος του 1894 - 12.000 Αρμένιοι σκοτώνονται στο Σασούν.
Οκτώβριος του 1895 - Λαμβάνει χώρα η πρώτη οργανωμένη γενοκτονία στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και στην Τραπεζούντα.
Νοέμβριος και Δεκέμβριος του 1895 - Οι τουρκικές αρχές οργανώνουν μεγάλης έκτασης σφαγές σε όλη τη χώρα.
Ιούνιος του 1896 - Σφαγή των Αρμενίων της πόλης Βαν.
1896 - Σφαγή 300.000 Αρμενίων στην Κωνσταντινούπολη.
12 Μαΐου 1896 - Δολοφονίες 55.000 Ελλήνων και διαμάχες μεταξύ Ελλήνων και Τούρκων στην Κρήτη.
Μάρτιος του 1909 - Νέες σφαγές 30.000 Αρμενίων και Αμερικανών ιεραποστόλων, στα Άδανα και άλλες πόλεις της Κιλικίας, οργανωμένες από τους Νεότουκρους.
1909 - Οι Νεότουρκοι αντιμετωπίζουν την επανάσταση των Αράβων στην Υεμένη με αιματοχυσίες.
1 Οκτωβρίου 1911 - Δολοφονείται ο Επίσκοπος Γρεβενών, Αιμιλιανός από τους Τούρκους.
1912 - Ο τουρκικός στρατός κατά την υποχώρησή του από την ανατολική Θράκη, λεηλατεί τα χωριά της περιοχής του Διδυμοτείχου και της Ανδριανούπολης. Τα χωριά της περιοχής Μαλγάρα καίγονται. Το ίδιο συμβαίνει και στο Κεσσάνι. Δολοφονίες και σφαγές συνοδεύουν την καταστροφή και λεηλασία της ελληνικής αυτής περιοχής.
1913 - Η ανακατάληψη της ανατολικής Θράκης με τις θηριωδίες που ακολουθούν έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη σφαγή 15.690 Ελλήνων.
Φεβρουάριος 1913 - Οι Έλληνες κάτοικοι της περιφέρειας Κριθέα της Ανατολικής Θράκης τρέπονται σε φυγή από τις Τουρκικές αρχές. Ακολουθούν βάρβαρες λεηλασίες.
Ιανουάριος έως Δεκέμβριος του 1914 - Πάνω από 250.000 Έλληνες εκτοπίζονται από τις περιοχές της ανατολικής Θράκης και Σμύρνης. Τα υπάρχοντά τους κατάσχονται.
27 Μαΐου 1914 - Οι Τουρκικές αρχές διατάζουν το χριστιανικό πληθυσμό της Περγάμου να εγκαταλείψουν τη πόλη μέσα σε δύο ώρες. Οι τρομοκρατημένοι κάτοικοι καταφεύγουν στη Μυτιλήνη.
Μάιος και Ιούνιος του 1914 - Οι Τούρκοι επιδίδονται σε όλες τις μορφές διωγμών που σαν στόχο έχουν τους Έλληνες της δυτικής Μικράς Ασίας. Τα παράλια της Μικράς Ασίας έχουν καταστραφεί. Στην Ερυθραία και στη Φωκαία οι Έλληνες σφαγιάζονται ανελέητα.
Ιούλιος και Αύγουστος 1914 - Η τουρκική κυβέρνηση δημιουργεί "τάγματα καταναγκαστικών έργων". Πρόκειται για μια νέα μέθοδο εξόντωσης των Ελλήνων - οθωμανών πολιτών που έχουν καταταγεί στον τουρκικό στρατό. Με τον τρόπο αυτό 400.000 Έλληνες εξοντώθηκαν από την πείνα και την κακοποίηση.
Αύγουστος του 1914 - 12.000 Ασσύριοι δολοφονούνται από τον Τζεβτέτ Χαλίλ Μπέι. Ο αριθμός των Ασσυρίων όλων των θρησκειών που έχουν δολοφονηθεί από τους Τούρκους από το 1895 ανέρχεται στις 424.000.
Σεπτέμβριος 1914 - Με διάταγμα της Τουρκικής κυβέρνησης πολλά χωριά της Ανατολικής Θράκης, όπου πλειοψηφεί το Ελληνικό στοιχείο, εκκενώνονται δια της βίας (Νεοχώριο, Γαλατάς, Καλλίπολη, κτλ.). Ακολουθούν λεηλασίες σε σπίτια και καταστήματα. Χιλιάδες αφήνουν τα πατρογονικά τους εδάφη και καταφεύγουν στην Ελλάδα.
Νοέμβριος - Δεκέμβριος 1914 - Με διάταγμα της Τουρκικής κυβέρνησης η περιοχή Βιζύη και μέρος της περιοχής Σαράντα Εκκλησιές εκκενώνονται. 19.000 Έλληνες εξορίζονται στην Ανατολία και οι περιουσίες τους λεηλατούνται. Σύμφωνα με τα αρχεία του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου 119.940 Έλληνες απελάθηκαν από την Ανατολική Θράκη.
Απρίλιος του 1915 - Το τουρκικό καθεστώς προχωρεί σε οργανωμένες συλλήψεις ενός μεγάλου αριθμού Αρμενίων διανοουμένων και εθνικών ηγετών στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και στις επαρχίες. Στη συνέχεια εκτοπίζονται στην Ανατόλια και καθοδόν σφαγιάζονται. Οι Αρμένιοι στρατιώτες που υπηρετούν στον τουρκικό στρατό αφοπλίζονται και σφαγιάζονται κατά χιλιάδες. Ο ανυπεράσπιστος αρμενικός πληθυσμός οδηγείται στην έρημο της Συρίας και σφαγιάζεται κατά δεκάδες χιλιάδες από τον τουρκικό στρατό, από άτακτα στρατεύματα και πολίτες ή αφήνεται στην έρημο για να πεθάνει από την ασιτία και την κακοποίηση. 1.500.000 Αρμένιοι εξαλείφθηκαν από τις τουρκιές θηριωδίες.
1915 - Οι Τούρκοι θέτουν σε εφαρμογή μια άγρια καταδίωξη κατά των Σύριων Ορθοδόξων και Νεστοριανών κατοίκων των περιοχών Χακάρι, Μαρντίν και Μιντιάτ. Από τα πρώτα θύματα της καταδίωξης είναι ο Αντάι Σερ, Αρχιεπίσκοπος του Σερτ. Η καμπάνια αυτή, γεμάτη σφαγές και καταστροφές, συνεχίστηκε έως το τέλος του Πρώτου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, φτάνοντας σχεδόν στον στόχο της.
20 Αυγούστου 1915 έως 6 Μαΐου 1916 - Οι Οθωμανοί απαγχονίζουν 35 Λιβανέζους και Σύριους εθνικούς ηγέτες στις πλατείες Αλ Μπουρτζ του Λιβάνου και Αλ Μαρτζά της Συρίας, με την κατηγορία ότι "αγωνίζονται για την ελευθερία". 130.000 Λιβανέζοι και Σύριοι δολοφονούνται κάτω από τον Οθωμανικό ζυγό.
1916 - Οι Τούρκοι αναγκάζουν τους κατοίκους διαφόρων περιοχών του Πόντου να μεταναστεύσουν στο Σίβας. Κατά την παραπάνω μετακίνηση, από τους 16.750 κατοίκους των περιοχών Ελέβι και Τρίπολης, επέζησαν μόνον οι 550. Και από τους 49.520 κατοίκους της Τραπεζούντας, παρέμειναν ζωντανοί μόνο οι 20.300.
1916 - Καταστροφή της περιοχής Ρισέου-Πλατάνου του Πόντου. Λεηλασίες των πόλεων Οφίς, Σούρμενα και Γέμουρα. Οι λεηλασίες οργανώθηκαν από τους αξιωματούχους του Οθωμανικού κράτους και εκτελέστηκαν υπό την ηγεσία του Αχμέτ Μπέη και του στρατάρχη της περιοχής Βελίπ Πασά.
27 Δεκεμβρίου 1916 - Σύλληψη των διακεκριμένων πολιτών της Αμισού καθώς και 4.000 Ελλήνων πολιτών και εκτόπισή τους στην Ανατολία.
Άνοιξη του 1917 - Οι Τούρκοι διατάσσουν τον διωγμό 23.000 Ελλήνων, κατοίκων της Κυδωνίας.
Νοέμβριος του 1917 - 400 ελληνικές οικογένειες εκτοπίζονται από τους Τούρκους από τη Ν.Δ. Μικρά Ασία, ενώ λεηλατούνται οι περιουσίες τους.
Απρίλιος του 1918 - Άλλες 8000 ελληνικές οικογένειες εκτοπίζονται από τη Ν.Δ. Μικρά Ασία.
1920 - Ο Επίσκοπος της Τραπεζούντας Χρύσανθος, καταδικάζεται ερήμην σε θάνατο από το Στρατοδικείο της Άγκυρας. Καταδικάζεται επίσης και ο Επίσκοπος του Ζήλων ο οποίος αποδημεί στη φυλακή.
1920 - 30.000 Αρμένιοι σφαγιάζονται στην περιοχή του Κάρς από Κεμαλικούς.
Σεπτέμβριος 1920 - Η Κεμαλική Τουρκία επιτίθεται στην Δημοκρατία της Αρμενίας. Οι Αρμένιοι μάχονται ενάντια στα ισχυρά τουρκικά στρατεύματα. Οι Τούρκοι επικρατούν τη 2-12-1920. Τη νίκη αυτή των Τούρκων επακολουθεί η προσάρτηση του 50% της επικράτειας της Δημοκρατίας της Αρμενίας, που είχε συσταθεί στις 28 Μαΐου 1918, στη Τουρκία.
1920 έως 1921 - Άλλοι 50.000 Αρμένιοι εκτελούνται από Κεμαλικούς
3 Ιουνίου 1921 - Κεμαλικοί συλλαμβάνουν 1.320 επιφανείς Έλληνες κάτοικους της Σαμσούντας. Την επομένη δολοφονούν 701 από τους κρατούμενους. Τα θύματα θάβονται σε ομαδικό τάφο πίσω από την οικία του Μπεκίρ πασά. Οι υπόλοιποι των κρατουμένων εξορίζονται στο εσωτερικό της Ανατόλιας.
24 Αυγούστου 1922 - Ο Τουρκικός στρατός καταλαμβάνει τη Πέργαμο. Οι Έλληνες τρέπονται σε φυγή για να σωθούν.
9 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1922 - Οι Τούρκοι εισβάλλουν στη Σμύρνη και πυρπολούν την πόλη. Οργανώνονται μεγάλης έκτασης σφαγές κατά των Ελλήνων και των Αρμενίων. Δολοφονούνται περίπου 150.000 άτομα.
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols:
"We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols:
"… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts:
God exists and Evil exists.
A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways.
Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil."
The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few.
Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind.
The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan.
The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion.
The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement.
The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years.
The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt.
Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design.
Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see.
The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve.
Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order.
The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier.
The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable.
Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs.
The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28)
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols:
"We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols:
"… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts:
God exists and Evil exists.
A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways.
Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil."
The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few.
Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind.
The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan.
The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion.
The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement.
The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years.
The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt.
Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design.
Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see.
The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve.
Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order.
The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier.
The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable.
Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs.
The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28)
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols:
"We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols:
"… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts:
God exists and Evil exists.
A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways.
Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil."
The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few.
Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind.
The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan.
The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion.
The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement.
The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years.
The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt.
Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design.
Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see.
The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve.
Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order.
The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier.
The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable.
Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs.
The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28)
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols:
"We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols:
"… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts:
God exists and Evil exists.
A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways.
Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil."
The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few.
Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind.
The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan.
The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion.
The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement.
The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years.
The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt.
Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design.
Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see.
The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve.
Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order.
The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier.
The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable.
Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs.
The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28)
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
Under the old, but far from dated, international gold standard, the flow of gold in and out of countries responded to relative prices between countries. In brief: a country that imports more produce and services than it exports experiences an outflow of gold as its gold was exchanged for goods to make up the difference. Moreover, since a country's gold reserves were finite and could be increased only by becoming a net exporter of goods and services, then, ipso facto, the process of gold loss had a natural limit. However, even before the gold supply was drawn down to zero within the chronic importing country, a decrease in the quantity of gold circulating therein would in result in falling prices. Whilst simultaneously there would be an opposite effect within the economies of its trading partners i.e. the habitual exporting countries would accumulate more gold over time, causing a rise in overall prices. Hence, a point would be eventually reached whereby the discrepancy in prices between the two countries was such that the goods of the chronic importer became more attractive as exports to the habitual exporter. Thus the flow of gold worked to maintain rough purchasing power parity of an equivalent quantity of gold between nations and prevented lasting trade imbalances from accumulating. That is, gold brought prudence and discipline into economic affairs when nations, its people and its leaders abandoned these virtues.
Where trade occurs between nations there exists a general principle following the immutable economic law that consumption perforce is funded by production vis-à-vis imports must ultimately be paid for with exports. Thus, within a country that had accumulated gold through the sale of exports, any future imports could be funded by the loss of gold for a finite period of time.
The assault on the primacy of gold came after World War II when instead of returning to the pre-war implementation of the gold standard, the Global Elite devised a new system known as the Bretton Woods System. This assault on the primacy of gold orchestrated at the Bretton Woods Conference began by it setting the gold standard at $35 an ounce and designating the US dollar ($) as the international reserve asset, replacing gold in this role, and instituting a system of fixed exchange rates between national currencies. Moreover, policing this system was newly created economic behemoths the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Thus, in July 1944, world leaders left behind gold as a currency and blithely rode into the future believing that this "barbarous relic" would be lost forever and they could stabilise international trade by the floating exchange rates of fiat monies and the proactive intervention at sensitive moments by these newly created economic behemoths. The Bretton Woods Conference established the fundamental guidelines that allowed the establishment of the International Monetary Fund in an effort to stabilise international trade after World War II.
Before Bretton Woods, the gold standard ensured that exchange rates were fixed and each currency was, in a sense, defined as a definite quantity of gold. Therefore, exchange ratios followed directly from the definition of the currency itself. Although the authors of the Bretton Woods Agreement posited fixed exchange rates, in practice they turned out not to be as fixed as suggested. In such a system, countries pursued their own inflationary policy, and then adjusted rates ex-post when the fixed rates became untenable. For, the Bretton Woods system not only permitted and encouraged but also almost compelled world inflation.
The Bretton Woods Agreement and the European Recovery Program dominated the dawn of the new post-war monetary order. The latter was supposedly proposed by US Secretary of State General George Marshall in 1947 and became known as the Marshall Plan. This grandiose social welfare programme played a decisive role in the reconstruction of war-torn Europe but wholly depended on the credit of the United States; or, rather, upon the American taxpayer willing and able to fund it with billions of dollars of their taxes. In essence: The USA held most of the world's gold stock after the end of World War II since this terrible yet contrived conflict had bled Europe and Japan dry while profiting America greatly. These war-ravaged countries depleted in manpower and national confidence therefore had neither gold nor dollars. By a gesture of great magnanimity, the American people came to their assistance, furnishing gifts, loans, credits, but especially via the Marshall Plan Aid. Even the gold sent to the America for safekeeping during the war was returned to Europe. This encouraged the export of private and public capital, which caused the lowering of tariff barriers. In short, America had become the ideal creditor of not only Europe but of the world. This was the period of the post-war Bretton Woods System (1945-71) of a fixed exchange rate of currencies based not on a gold standard but a gold-reserve system: a system that was apparently well designed for the reconstruction of economies shattered and depleted by depression and war. Moreover, crucial to this system was the credit of the United States, which was extended as backing of long-term and medium-term credit to Europe, allowing for the reconstruction of Europe and similar kinds of social programmes around the world. This policy was also justified by the chimera often called the "Cold War" predicated upon the threat of the "Red Menace" and the supposed stand-off between Capitalism and Communism: between freedom and tyranny and the peculiar arrangement of nuclear war and détente, seemingly poised between two nuclear superpower alliances - the Anglo-American and the Soviet. Notwithstanding that the so-called "Cold War" was a deception of breathtaking proportions, this system continued until 1989-1991 when, what President Ronald Reagan called the Evil Empire, (i.e. the Soviet Empire) supposedly collapsed. However, during this period there was a gradual change from a post-war Bretton Woods System based on a gold-reserve standard, to the floating exchange-rate system, which is the principal cause of the looming global disaster.
Thus, in the decades after World War Two, billions of dollars of US tax revenue were funnelled into the hands of European governments to finance the growing trade deficits created by these governments' socialist schemes and exchange controls with overvalued currencies relative to the dollar. This situation eventually precipitated a rush between European nations to competitively devalue their currency relative to each other but especially to the dollar and in the process brought about a reversal in value. That is, the dollar became overvalued in terms of purchasing power parity relative to its trading partners in Europe. Therefore, with the willing co-operation of Europe and Japan, Americans could import more than they exported.
However, by the 1970s the US was suffering severe inflation and had racked up enormous budget deficits and trade deficits. These were largely derived from the deficit financing of the Vietnam War and an expanding agenda of social programmes that brought welfarism increasingly into American society. Finally, as foreigners sought to exchange their dollar reserves, which were convertible to gold at the fixed price established by the Bretton Woods Agreement, the Nixon Administration forestalled a run on the US gold supply by abandoning the Bretton Woods system by suspending convertibility: by "closing the gold window." What happened was that an overvalued dollar had resulted in the loss of US gold reserves and that there were far too many dollars in the world for all of them to be exchanged for gold at the official price. At this point the Bretton Woods System had reached a crisis and so it was abandoned … just as the Global Elite planned it. For, the Bretton Woods System was merely a stepping-stone to the Global cashless society now unfolding on Earth.
The Evil Agenda for the creation of the New World Order demanded that the material resources of America and her people was used to build the foundations of the World Empire and her military used to bring about the geopolitical realities necessary for its establishment. Then, when this was done, the United States of America founded as a Republic of sovereign states is to be destroyed so that it can be easily merged into the New World Order. Thus, the industry, ingenuity, wealth and goodwill of the American taxpayer were to be co-opted into the diabolic plan for World Empire without them knowing it. Crucial to this was the immense tax revenues that were used to fund wars, revolutions and insurrections around the world and prop up useful tyrannies. Moreover, billions of dollars have been siphoned off into grandiose socialist programmes, to bribe governments and officials and channelled into covert military projects not in the interests of the American people and ultimately of the entire world's peoples. Crucial to garnering the taxes of Americans and their deployment in such nefarious deeds was:
Usurpation by the US dollar of the British Pound as the de facto world reserve currency.
Replacing gold with fiat money by the planned destruction of the Gold Standard by the demonetisation of gold replacing it with a system designating the fiat US dollar as the international reserve asset i.e. King Dollar.
Unlike gold, which can only be extracted slowly from the earth with great difficulty and processed at great expense, fiat money and its associated credit instruments can be created with relative ease or in the case of treasury debt with no effort at all.
The institution of a system of fixed exchange rates between national currencies in which the dollar alone was to be fully convertible to gold, and then only by foreign central banks. Other currencies would be convertible to dollars at fixed exchange rates.
Conferring upon the US significant advantages resulting from the dollar being the centre of the modern financial system in which securities denominated in fiat US dollars are the most widely held reserve asset. More specifically: the "greenback" was to be the exclusive oil currency and ipso facto the most powerful currency in the modern world.
King Dollar has allowed the United States to imports goods and commodities from the rest of the world for consumption while paying for them with dollars. In addition to the purchase of US stocks and real estate, these "exported" dollars are often used by foreign central banks to purchase debt instruments from either the Federal Reserve System or the private sector. Furthermore, where these are US Treasury securities, they are created (just like the fiat money called the "dollar") out of nothing and so require no savings by any American consumer to justify them.
US dollars accumulated in mind-boggling amounts under the promise of convertibility are now held in such huge quantities by most central banks and major private banks that they cannot be sold without destroying the value of the remaining asset.
This arrangement freed Americans from the ponderous burden of saving and the onerous requirement of first producing before consuming. Their consumption is offset by a growing indebtedness of the private sector and the Federal Reserve System to foreign governments and foreign nationals. This has made the economy of the United States very vulnerable to malicious action by such entities as China, Russia and the Muslim World.
Under the fiat dollar standard, the automatic adjustment mechanism of the gold standard has ceased to function in the modern world and no adjustment mechanism is in place short of a crisis such as a hyperinflation or a debt default implosion that can rebalance world trade.
Consequently, the USA has witnessed an explosion of credit creation that has destabilized the global economy.
Central bank holdings of "reserve assets" (consisting mostly of debt securities such as other central bank securities backed up only by the taxing power of the sponsoring government) have soared to staggering heights from the relatively modest levels seen in the 1960s.
The status of King Dollar within the system of floating exchange rates between fiat currencies has conferred upon the US significant advantages but has also positioned it in a uniquely historic position: of having the largest trade deficits in history. Moreover, of being able to finance its growing level of indebtedness to the rest of the world by issuing debt instruments denominated in its own currency.
This state of affairs is unsustainable and will end with a catastrophic fall in the exchange value of the dollar relative to other currencies.
This catastrophic collapse in the value of the dollar is well planned and will occur when the secret masters of the financial system decree it.
Από τον Ευριπίδη Μπίλλη,
τ. επίκουρο καθηγητή ΕΜΠ
Μια προσπάθεια σύζευξης των θεμελιωδών αρχών του Παντουρκισμού και του Πανισλαμισμού θα κάνει το 1988 ο –τότε- Πρόεδρος της Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας Τ.Οζάλ, με το βιβλίο του «Η Τουρκία στην Ευρώπη». Πρώτος στόχος του Οζάλ είναι να ενοποιήσει τον Τουρκικό παράγοντα στο χρόνο, ώστε να αποδείξει ότι το όραμά του έχει αρκετά ιστορικά παραδείγματα. Υποστηρίζει ότι οι Τούρκοι είναι οι φορείς όλων των πολιτισμών που άνθησαν κατά καιρούς στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, όπως ο Χιττίτικος, ο Λυδικός, ο Ιωνικός, ο Βυζαντινός κλπ, ενώ οι φυλές που αναπτύχθηκαν στη περιοχή όπως οι Πελασγοί, οι Μίνωες της Κρήτης, οι Μυκηναίοι, οι Κάρες, οι Λέλεγες, ήταν τούρκικης καταγωγής! Πιο συγκεκριμένα όμως, ο Τούρκος συγγραφέας Σαλισίχ Σαλαχατίν γράφει:
« …Οι Τούρκοι πάντοτε...
σεβάστηκαν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα σε αντίθεση με τους Έλληνες , οι οποίοι πάντοτε τα καταπάτησαν….
….Οι Τούρκοι έφεραν τον πολιτισμό στην Κύπρο… Ο Κυπριακός λαός που μιλάει Ρωμαϊκά κι είναι Ορθόδοξος υποδέχτηκε τους Τούρκους σαν λυτρωτές…
…Οι Τούρκοι στη περιοχή του Αιγαίου 2.480 π.Χ. , ερχόμενοι απ' την Κεντρώα Ασία, δημιούργησαν τους εξής πολιτισμούς:
1)Στη Κρήτη τον Μινωικό πολιτισμό
2)Τον Κυκλαδικό πολιτισμό
1)Στην Πελοπόννησο τον Μυκηναϊκό πολιτισμό…
…Ο Έλλην επιστήμων Θαλής είναι Τούρκος…Το όνομα του το έχει πάρει από τη περιοχή Ταλάς της Φεργκάνα και το συναντούμε σε κείμενα των Ουιγκόρ…(!)
…Ο μυθολογικός ήρωας Ηρακλής είναι Τούρκος, το πραγματικό του όνομα είναι Γιαρακλής…
…Το αληθινό όνομα του μεγάλου επιστήμονος Ομήρου είναι Ομέρ…
Όπως αντιλαμβάνεστε από τα παραπάνω ,οι Τούρκοι έχουν θέσει τις βάσεις του Δυτικού πολιτισμού. Σήμερα, κανείς από τους σοβαρούς Ιστορικούς δεν αποδέχεται το πρότυπο της Ελληνικής κουλτούρας…..»
Salisik Salahattin
Εδώ πρέπει να σημειώσω ότι μέρος του έργου που διαβάσατε απ' το παραπάνω κείμενο του Τούρκου συγγραφέα δια της, υπ' αριθμό 07833 και υπό ημερομηνία 12 Ιουνίου 1967, αποφάσεως της Γενικής Δ/νσεως Εκδόσεων και εντύπου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού του Τουρκικού Υπουργείου Εθνικής Παιδείας, έχει συσταθεί σαν βοήθημα όχι μόνο των μαθητών αλλά και των υπαλλήλων του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών , του Υπουργείου Ε. Άμυνας και λοιπών κρατικών υπηρεσιών της Τουρκίας!
Όπως πρέπει να αντιλαμβάνεται ο νέο-έλληνας, σε ένα πιθανό μελλοντικό πόλεμο μεταξύ Ελλάδας-Τουρκίας, ο Τούρκος στρατιώτης δεν θα έχει την αίσθηση ότι επιτίθεται σε μια ξένη χώρα, αλλά θα έχει την εντύπωση (μέσω της Τούρκικης προπαγάνδας) ότι επιτίθεται για να ξαναπάρει ένα κομμάτι της Ιστορίας του, του πολιτισμού του και της πατρίδας του!
"In the New Order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society ... "
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) Italian Socialist politician who founded the Italian Communist Party in 1921 after spending time in Stalinist Russia, imprisoned by the Fascists and whose ideas still greatly influence modern Communism. Gramsci founded a newspaper, the L'Ordinine Nuovo or the New Order in 1919, the same year the Rockefellers and other Global Elite set about establishing the Council on Foreign Relations. Gramsci and other pragmatist understood that the World Socialist State would never arise from any spontaneous uprising from the proletarians (who were more than satisfied with rising standards of living and modern labour saving devices and were not suffering increased wretchedness as Marx predicted), came to accept the Fabian Socialist way to World Empire. That is, slow, gradual almost imperceptible destruction of Natural Moral Order by infiltrating and taking over cultural institutions. However, whereas the Fabians concentrated upon changing the civic order, Gramsci took the Communist assault another dimension by advocating an actual change in human consciousness, accomplished through the gradual infiltration and then total control of dominant western political, cultural, educational, ecclesiastical and media institutions. Thus, by capturing the intellectual and "moral" high ground these revolutionaries could not only dominate the discourse within western culture but also set about dissolving any ethical and moral objections and strangulating intellectual and political debate and thereby restructuring society and governments instead of overthrowing them. A determined, calculated assault on common-sense and upon Western civilisation smugly called by them as the "Long March through the Institutions": a phrase coined by Gramsci disciple, Rudi Dutschke. Ever increasing graduated taxation and government regulation; pernicious rise of Political Correctness; the deliberate corruption of public and private morals; the acceptance of abortion, euthanasia, divorce, Feminism and Homosexuality; the deliberate dumbing down and drugging of children; the toleration of mass immigration and illegal aliens and the endorsement of multiculturalism; the erosion of national sovereignty; the misanthropic element pervading the environmental movement. These and so much more are manifestations of the Fabian and Gramsci inspired assault on Natural Moral Order.
Today it is a stark and depressing fact that the Gramscians and Fabians are now in command of the very things they set about infiltrating. They have gained control of the West's political and educational institutions, its banking system, movies, TV and other media. Moreover, with this enormous intellectual, financial and political strength they are increasing their attack on the main target of their revolution: Natural Moral Order upon which Western Christian Civilisation itself is founded. That is why the West is submerged beneath a tidal wave of subtle and not-so-subtle anti-Christian Marxist and "liberal" propaganda. This very clever, very subtle, almost imperceptible corruption of Western culture is such that the target of this assault, the West predicated upon the moral and spiritual impulse arising from Christianity, is blissfully unaware of how perilously close to a Marxist, totalitarian state, a socialist World Empire, it is. In this, in the Culture War for the very survival of Western Christian Civilisation, the Gramscians and Fabians have won a spectacular victory and have thus fatally wounded the West.
"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?"
C.F. Potter: American educator and humanist who, with John Dewey, profoundly influenced education theory and greatly helped to define child-centred approaches to humanist instruction that destroyed proper education of children in public schools and elsewhere. Potter was a signer of the Humanist Manifesto in 1933, and the betrayer of generations of children and their loving, trusting parents: Humanism, A New Religion (1930)
"[The Bolshevik persecution of Christian Russia and the Orthodox Church] was almost unparalleled in the pitiful history of religious persecution ... the persecution has been accompanied by popular blasphemies and obscenities."
Dr Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury: official report issued by the Church of England denouncing the persecution of Christians in Russia by anti-God zealots primarily Bolshevik Zionist Jews.
"'We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world.'
Professor Arnold Toynbee, Speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen (l931)
"War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in thirty or forty years. To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The Western world will need to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate to their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist."
Dmitri Manualsky, Lenin School of Political Warfare, Moscow (1931)
"If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete understanding and brotherly love, they are doomed to disappointment. If we are ever to approach that time, it will be after patient and persistent effort of long duration. The present international situation of mistrust and fear can only be corrected by a formula of equal status, continuously applied, to every phase of international contacts, until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed out of the minds of the people of all lands."
Dr. Augustus O Thomas, president of the World Federation of Education Associations quoted in the book International Understanding: Agencies Educating for a New World (1931)
'The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of Lodges, rule the world."
Jean Izoulet, member of the Jewish "Alliance Israelite Universelle," Paris La Capitalae des Religions (1931)
"[the Jews might] become the dynamite which would blow up the British Empire."
Vladimir Jabotinski, Jewish Zionist leader, at the 5th Congress of Polish Zionist Revisionists at Warsaw, quoted in the London Times, 30th December (1931)
"The streets of our country are in turmoil. The universities are full of students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia is threatening us with her might and the Republic is in danger. Yes, danger from within and without. We need law and order. Without law and order our nation cannot survive. Elect us and we shall restore law and order"
Adolf Hitler on the hustings (1932)
"Germany is our public enemy No 1. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her."
Bernart Lecache, President, Jewish World League (1932)
"The subsidies granted to the Nihilists at this period [1905-17] by Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., New York, were no longer acts of isolated generosity. A veritable Russian terrorist organization had been set up at his expense. It covered Russia with its emissaries."
Monsieur Francois Coty, the celebrated scent manufacture quoted in the French newspaper Figaro on 20th February, 1932 alluding to the real and very significant role played by Jewish International Moneylenders and therefore Organised Jewry in the destruction of Mother Russia, her culture and millions of her people (1932)
"That the teachers should deliberately reach for power and then make the most of their conquest is my firm conviction. To the extent that they are permitted to fashion the curriculum and procedures of the school they will definitely and positively influence the social attitudes, ideals and behavior of the coming generation. It is my observation that the men and women who have affected the course of human events are those who have not hesitated to use the power that has come to them."
Dr. George S. Counts (1889-1974) professor of education, Columbia University, Director of Research for the Commission on Social Studies of the American Historical Association. A social engineering project funded by the Carnegie Corporation: "Dare the School Build a New Social Order?" (1932)
"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government's institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers"
Louis T McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency (12 years): The Congressional Record (1932)
"There is an inner government of the planet known under such different names as the spiritual Hierarchy, the society of Illumined Minds, or Christ and his Church, according to various religious traditions. Humanity is never left without spiritual guidance or direction under the Plan ... The widespread expectation that we approach the 'age of Maitreya' … when the World Teacher and present head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the Christ, will reappear among humanity to sound the keynote of the new age ... There are millions of mentally alert men and women in all parts of the world who are on rapport with the Plan and work to give it expression … in whom the consciousness of humanity as one interdependent unit is alive and active ... These beliefs give a new dimension to spiritual reality. ... They provide opportunity for cooperation with the spiritual evolution of humanity ... there is no group so likely to ensure that humanity achieves this most difficult goal as the men and women of goodwill. ... requiring only courage ... to initiate action to prepare for the New World Order."
Declaration of World Goodwill, a surrogate of the Lucis Trust an occult organisation promoting Luciferian and Satanic Principles founded in 1920 by Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949), a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky (1932)
"A US Department of Education; implementation of a scientific materialist philosophy; studies, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the bourgeois ideology; students taught on the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism and general ethics of a new socialist society; present obsolete methods of teaching will be superseded by a scientific pedagogy. The whole basis and organization of capitalist science will be revolutionized. Science will become materialistic, hence truly scientific. God will be banished from the laboratories as well as from the schools."
William Z Foster, Chairman of the Communist Party USA, Towards a Soviet America (1932)
"When the existing governments and ruling theories of life, the decaying religious and the decaying political forms of today, have sufficiently lost prestige through failure and catastrophe, then and then only will world-wide reconstruction be possible ... Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition prepared anywhere."
H G Wells, was a New Age One World Conspiracy insider given permission by the Secret Leaders of the New World Order Plan to relay some of their Ancient Plan to Transform Society: The Shape of Things to Come (1933)
"What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn't that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him"
Adolf Hitler: quoted from Hitler Speaks by Hermann Rauschning (1887-1982) the National Socialist President of the Danzig Senate (1933-34) who after his expulsion from the Nazi Party a short time later made a new life for himself as a professional anti-Nazi. Hitler speaks here of the coming New World Order wherein the few who lord it over the many will retain their great privilege by sophisticated mind-controlling techniques of Mass Psychology and Propaganda, Indoctrination, fear and brute force. Hitler, the dark initiate, was at first welcomed by the occult societies whose secret masters (the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil who are the "exalted nobility" Hitler alludes to) believed him to be the human vessel for the long-awaited incarnation of Lucifer. When these Secret Masters of this world, for they are verily the true Lords of Power on Earth, began to doubt this, they abandoned Hitler to their greater agenda that is the Great Conspiracy referred to by New Age intriguers as "the Plan" or the "Great Work." Lucifer is one of the Evil geniuses behind the Great Conspiracy against God brought to Earth and is a dark spirit of immense power. He is one of the two Dark Gods that represent the twin face of Evil: the other is Ahriman.
Ahriman is the Evil One of the ancients and the Satan of the Bible. Ahriman is thus one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation, Lucifer the other. In the coming years, these Dark Gods will incarnate in flesh and blood and will come forward and proclaim themselves the true and proper leaders of humanity and present themselves as the spiritual and secular leaders of the New World Order. For, they are the Antichrist and Great Dictator of the tyrannical World Empire that is now fatefully tightening its grip on this Earth. The primary aim of the Cult of Evil, whose initiates are the human agents of Evil on Earth, is the extermination of the Christ Impulse on Earth and everything arising from it. That is why the Cult of Evil and its minions ceaselessly attack Natural Moral Order set in place by God but especially that what is commonly called Christianity. That is why people like Hitler who are vehicles for Evil hate Christ and everything this God represents. The "new man" Hitler fearfully relates to is not the philosophical conceit "superman" described by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) but the demonically possessed human referred to in some New Age sources as the "occult hierarchy" that have and will increasingly become "externalised" as conditions on this Earth become more congenial for them as the New World Order advances. (1933)
"A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos in the fields of 'mental healing.' you must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only communist doctrine under the guise of 'psychology.' you must labour until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psychopolitician or an unwitting assistant to our aims. You must labour until we have dominion of the minds and bodies of every important person in [America] You must work until suicide arising from mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark ... you must dominate as respected men the fields of psychiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospitals and universities ... you can come and take your instructions as worshippers of Freud ... psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it, you can erase our enemies as insects. You [psychologists] can change their [leaders] loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the loyalty of a soldier ... or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or you can destroy his mind. Use the courts ... the judges ... the constitution ... its medical societies and its laws to further our ends ... by psychopolitics create chaos. Leave a nation leaderless. Kill our enemies. And bring to earth, through communism, the greatest peace man has ever known."
Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (1899-1953), Jewish-Russian Bolshevik, Head of the Lenin School of Psychopolitics, Soviet chief of secret police under Joseph Stalin. The terror organisation Beria headed was euphemistically called the Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD). Beria was also a mass murderer who was later executed by his associates for "anti-state activities" in the power struggle following Stalin's death: address to a group of American/Marxist Psychology students (1933)
The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson … and I am not wholly excepting the Administration of W.W. [Woodrow Wilson] The country is going through a repetition of Jackson's fight with the Bank of the United States —only on a far bigger and broader basis. Take care of yourself and do write me soon. Always sincerely, Franklin D Roosevelt."
Franklin D Roosevelt (1882-1945) 32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the great depression and treacherously led his country into the World War II: Letter to Col Edward Mandell House, November 21, 1933; available from the Sterling Library at Yale University (1933)
"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses."
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1881-1940) USMC whose memoir identifies the US armed forces as gangsters in the service of international bankers and their cronies: War Is A Racket (1933)
"Through the schools of the world we shall disseminate a new conception of government - one that will embrace all of the collective activities of men; one that will postulate the need for scientific control and operation of economic activities in the interest of all people ... [This will be accomplished by] first and foremost, the development of a new philosophy of life and education which will be fully appropriate to the new social order; second, the building of an adequate plan for the production of a new race of educational workers; third, the making of new activities and materials for the curriculum."
Dr Harold Ruggs, disciple of the wicked John Dewey, the so-called "father of progressive education": The Great Technology (1933)
"A new public mind is to be created. How? Only by creating tens of millions of individual minds and welding them into a new social mind. Old stereotypes must be broken up and 'new climates of opinion' formed in the neighborhoods of America ... Through the schools of the world we shall disseminate a new conception of government one that will embrace all the activities of men, one that will postulate the need of scientific control and operation of economic activities in the interest of all people"
Dr Harold Ruggs, The Great Technology (1933)
"The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not a Russian conception. It was forced on Russia from without, when, in 1917, German and German-American-Jew interests sent Lenin and his associates into Russia, furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection of the Russian armies ... The Movement has never been controlled by Russians.
(a) Of the 224 revolutionaries who, in 1917, were despatched to Russia with Lenin to foment the Bolshevik Revolution, 170 were Jews.
(b) According to the Times of 29th March, 1919, 'of the 20 or 30 commissaries or leaders who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75 percent, are Jews ... among minor officials the number is legion.'
According to official information from Russia, in 1920, out of 545 members of the Bolshevist Administration, 447 were Jews. The number of official appointments bestowed upon Jews is entirely out of proportion to their percentage in the State: 'The population of Soviet Russia is officially given as 158,400,000 the Jewish section, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, being about 7,800,000. Yet, according to the Jewish Chronicle of January 6, 1933: Over one-third of the Jews in Russia have become officials."
The Catholic Herald of October 21st and 28th and November 4, 1933 summarises the true nature of the Bolshevik Revolution and those who were directly responsible in the death of Mother Russia, her culture and tens of millions of her people (1933)
"Open the books ... and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia, by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York ... ."
Congressman Louis T McFadden, Chairman, House Banking Committee alluding to the massive financial support given to the "evil enemy," the "Reds," the Communists, by the capitalists in New York and London (1933)
"Judea Declares War on Germany! Jews of all the World Unite! Boycott of German Goods! Mass Demonstrations! … The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people."
Daily Express: headlines on March 24th, 1933 relating the unilateral declaration by Organised Jewry of war against Germany and its people (1933)
"... the Jews are the aristocrats of the world .... The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them. That will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business …. Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping. . . we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends."
Samuel Untermyer (1858-1940), the President of the World Jewish Economic Federation, Zionist Conspirator and Organised Jewry insider was head of the American delegation and the president of the International Jewish Boycott Conference assembled in Holland to discuss not only ways by which Jewish interests in Germany might be protected while waging economic war against the German people but to cow Germany to is will. When Germany refused to surrender to this World Conference of Jews, it adjourned and Untermyer returned to America and once shore went to the studios of the Columbia Broadcasting System and made a radio broadcast heard throughout the United States. The above quote is the gist of his exhortation to war with Germany. Untermyer was beset with the Talmudic mindset such that he would repeatedly call the Jews as 'the aristocrats of the world', that is, Jews as pre-eminent among men or more pertinent, the Jew as the master race: Columbia Broadcasting System, August 7th (1933)
"This economic boycott is our means of self-defense. President Roosevelt has advocated its use in the National Recovery Administration."
Samuel Untermyer quoted in New York Times and referring to Organised Jewry's unilateral declaration of war against Germany and its people, August 7th (1933)
"War in Europe in 1934 was inevitable."
Henry Morgenthau (1856-1946), Hearst Press, US September (1933)
"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations a greater Judaism in fact all the separate races and religions shall disappear."
Jewish World, February 9 (1933)
"As a Jew, Jacob Schiff struck a distinct note ... in his investing one million dollars in the bonds of the Kerensky Government"
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Knowledge in one volume ed. by Jacob de Haas alluding to the crucial role of Jewish International Usury in the affairs of post-Tzar Russia (1934)
"I too, like Hitler, believe in the power of the blood idea."
Chaim Nachman Bialik (1873-1934) Ukrainian-born Jewish poet who is the official national poet of the Zionist State of Israel. This is not surprising given that he was a student at a Yeshiva (an academy for the advanced study of Jewish texts, primarily the wicked man-made Talmud) and wrote long nostalgic poems and essays about the yeshiva and its students; calling the yeshiva "the creative factory of the Jewish people.": The Present Hour (1934)
"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced to it, not this year, but later on."
Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), originally named Emil Cohn, Les Aniles (1934)
"We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany."
David A Brown, National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign: his reported statement of intention to Robert E Edmondson, an anti-Jewish pamphleteer (1934)
"Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.''
Josef Stalin (1879-1953), Jewish-Russian dictator of Russia and mass murderer of tens of millions of Russian Christians (1934)
"Cumulative evidence supports the conclusion that in the United States as in other countries, the age of laissez-faire in economy and the government is closing and a new age of collectivism is emerging ... Organized public education in the United States, much more than ever before, is now compelled, if it to fulfill its social obligations, to adjust its objectives, its curriculum, its methods of instruction, and its administrative procedures to the requirements of the emerging integrated order."
American Historical Association report entitled "'Conclusions And Recommendations For The Social Studies" (1934)
"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is - the FED has usurped the government ... It was not accidental [the 1929 stock-market "crash"]. It was a carefully contrived occurrence ... The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all."
Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, whose passionate denunciation of International Bankers, their agenda for World Empire and their corrupt creature, central banks, cost him his life, that is, reader, he was murdered by agents of the Dark Force he opposed: Congressional Record (1934)
"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the FED. They are not government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers."
Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Congressional Record (1934)
"The Federal Reserve [Banks] are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers."
Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Congressional Record (1934)
"The open conspiracy, the evocation of a greater sounder fellow to the first Communist essay, an adequately implemented liberal socialism ... will ultimately supply teaching, coercive and directive public services to the whole world ... I believe this ... planned world-state is one to which all our thought and knowledge is tending ... It is appearing partially and experimentally at a thousand points [of "light"] ... generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it ... Plans for political synthesis seem to grow bolder and more extensive ... The New Plan in America to the New Plan in Russia ... how are both related to the ultimate world-state? ... There must be a common faith and law for mankind ... the main battle before it [the Open Conspiracy] is an educational battle."
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) prolific English writer best known for his science-fiction novels; he also wrote on contemporary social problems and wrote popular accounts of history and science: The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (1934)
"A dying laisser-faire must be completely destroyed and all of us, including the 'owners,' must be subjected to a large degree of social control ... An equitable distribution of income will be sought ... [And] the major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual [indoctrination, social engineering] it must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order."
Willard Givens, 33 degree Freemason, for 17 years executive secretary of the National Education Association (NEA), Education for the New America (1934)
"[1934 marks the beginning of] the organizing of the men and women ... group work of a new order ... [with] progress defined by service ... the world of the Brotherhood ... the Forces of Light ... [and] out of the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order must be built."
Alice A Bailey, (1880-1949) is a profoundly influential esoteric writer and teacher, the leader of the Theosophists, who was born into a wealthy English family who is best known for her work as secretary to the demonic entity known as Master Tibetan, Djwhal Khul. This partnership produced nineteen books and while Bailey by herself wrote four. The "Tibetan Master" gave these books telepathically to Alice Bailey who was apparently in full consciousness at the time of communication. Her duty, according to her devotees was to perform as secretary to the "Tibetan Master" thereby writing down the New Age teachings exactly as they were given to her, although her input was making these messages more amenable, accessible and readable. That is, her books were received telepathically from an Ascended Master via "channelling." This partnership lasted for thirty years and after the last planned book was completed, Bailey died on December 15, 1949. The disciples of Bailey and her "Tibetan Master" assert that their message contained in the books are for the present as well as the coming New Age by providing new insights into the coming century's unfolding and requirements to spiritual students. Consequently, these books are more popular now than when they were first written. in this seminal New Age book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Bailey sets out a cosmology that posits an interdependence of all states of consciousness and kingdoms in nature within the Earth as well as detailing an interaction between humanity, the "Hierarchy" of Ascended Masters and a mythic place in which these spiritual beings exist: the Shamballa. The book also sets out the essentials of the "Plan" and "Purpose" which influence all of human affairs as well as the supposed process of the "externalisation" of certain ashrams within the Hierarchy and the practical effects of this process. Another goal of Bailey, as she states in The Unfinished Autobiography, was to familiarize people with the belief of the actual existence of the "Disciples of Christ who are the Masters of Wisdom, real people, as real as they are to me" that is, she wanted to portray the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Occult Hierarchy, as "living men" involved in human affairs and behind historical events and working under the "Office of the Christ.": The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (1934)
"There are adequate resources for the sustenance of human life, and these science can increase and develop ... Man is the controller of it all, and they belong to everyone and are the property of no one group, nation or race. It is solely due to man's selfishness that ... thousands are starving whilst food is rotting or destroyed; it is solely due to the grasping schemes and the financial injustices of man's making that the resources of the planet are not universally available under some wise system of distribution … Today we are watching the death of civilisation ... Such a change is rapidly coming and is regarded by some as death -- terrible and to be avoided if possible. It is indeed death, but it is benevolent and needed ... For the progress of the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity, death is inevitable, good, and necessary … This global catastrophe, the Guides claim, will cleanse the earth of pollution and evil people and will usher in the long-awaited New Age of a thousand years of peace …. What lies in wait for the future ... is a global catastrophe that Ruth's [Montgomery] Guides foresee as more massive than anything this planet has undergone in many thousands of years. The long-awaited shift of the earth on its axis cannot be avoided, they stress, since natural forces that have brought about imbalance s will trigger this compensating movement in order to return it to stability."
Alice Bailey, Grande Dame of the New Age Movement received the contents of her books and the spirituality that epitomises the New Age from a guiding spirit, a demon called the Master Djwhal Khul, whist in a trance. Here she alludes to the 'Economic Problem' besetting the Earth that has metamorphosed into the Environmentalist Agenda, which has at its core a virulent misanthropy and hatred of industrialised Western society epitomised by such things as "Agenda 21" and the "UN World Forum on Sustainable Development." Four themes recur throughout this radical environmental movement: first, an overriding need for rich, developed nations to put poor, undeveloped nations on a global welfare system euphemistically called "Redistribution of Assets." Second, the current way of life, i.e. Industrial Civilisation, is not "sustainable" and must be radically changed to adhere to philosophical principles in which individuality, difference, competition and freedom are sacrificed for the imperatives of collectivism, co-operation and control of the individual from the cradle to the grave. Third, Population Control Agenda via the massive culling of the world's population, based upon sound Eugenic Principles, to make humanity more balanced with the Earth's ecosystem. Fourth, a global catastrophe is necessary to "cleanse the earth of pollution and evil people and will usher in the long-awaited New Age." In short: "Sustainability" = "Socialism" = "Destruction of Industrialised Civilisation" = Destruction of Western Civilisation founded upon the spiritual impulse arising from the Cross at Calvary: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (1934)
"Capital must protect itself in every way. ... Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd."
Civil Servant's Year Book, The Organizer (1934)
Στην αντιστοιχη της χθεσινης, τηλεμαχια της 8ης Ιουνιου 2004 η εκ Σταλιν αναβαπτισθεισα και πεφωτισθεισα
ηγετειρα του Ελλαδικου Κομμουνιστικου Κομματος Καμπουτσεας, ηρωτηθη, πώς δικαιολογη την βιαια παρεμποδισι του καλεσμενου από το πανεπιστημιο Μακεδονιας , διακεκριμενου Ιστορικου διευθυντου ερευνων στο CNRS, Στεφάν Κουρτουά να μιληση στο συνεδριο με τιτλο «Ενθυμουμενοι τον κομμουνισμο, Γιορταζοντας τα 15 χρονια Δημοκρατιας στηνΑνατολικη ευρωπη»
Να θυμισουμε στους καλοπροαιρετους αναγνωστες του διαδικτυου, ότι οι γνωστες για το «δημοκρατικο»μενος και «υστερικη «αγαπη προς τον διαλογο ομαδες του ΚΚΕ και των τραμπουκων της ΚΝΕ δεν εδωσαν ασυλο στις ιδεες του Κου Στεφαν Κουρτουα και απηγορευσαν βιαιως την διεξαγωγη του συνεδριου στο πανεπιστημιο.
Η απαντησις που παρειχε τοτε ανερυθροιαστη και καλοθρεμμενη ιερεια των λατρευτικων τελετων του ΚΚΕ κα Παπαρήγα ενώπιον εκατομμυρίων Έλλήνων τηλεθεατών, εδικαίωσε την κομμουνιστική συμπεριφορά των εγκαθέκτων της θρασύτατα, κυνικά, τυραννικά, δηλαδή και αυτή, κομμουνιστικά, λέγοντας.
«Οι εκδηλώσεις αυτές δεν έχουν θεματολογία αντίστοιχη στο επιστημονικό περιεχόμενο των πανεπιστημίων και είναι προπαγανδιστικές»
Ως εάν η κα Παπαρήγα, το ΚΚΕ και οι νεολαίοι της ΚΝΕ στην Ελλάδα του μετα του 2000 αποφασίζουν, κρίνουν ποιές εκδηλώσεις δεν είναι προπαγανδιστικές ( πχ περι Τσέ, Φίντελ,Μάο, κλπ) και είναι επιστημονικές (π.χ Θεωρία του Μαρξ, η Επανάστασις του Λένιν) και εκδιώκουν βιαίως όλες τις υπόλοιπες, «προστατεύοντας» το πανεπιστημιακό άσυλο. Φαντασθείτε πως θα ήταν τα κατ ευφημισμον ΑΕΙ( ανωτατα εκπαιδευτικα ιδρυματα) άν δεν είχαμε «Δημοκρατία»στην Ελλάδα και είχαν επικρατήσει οι σύντροφοι του Δ.Σ στον Συμμοριτοπόλεμο
Εχθες ερωτηθείσα εάν θα δεχόταν έλεγχο στα οικονομικά του κόμματός της, η κυρία Παπαρήγα απάντησε ως εάν δεν υπαρχει Νομος ή εισαγγελεις στην Ελλαδα παρα μονο για τους αφελεις..
«Ποιο κόμμα πληρώνει στην εφορία;» και κατέληξε πομποδως καταμουτρα σε ολους τους Ελληνες κοροίδα ότι
« δεν θα έδινε ούτε σε εισαγγελέα κατάλογο με τα ονόματα των οικονομικών υποστηρικτών του κόμματος».
Εδώ τολμουμε να αναφερουμε ό,τι ολοι οι ειασαγγελεις γνωριζουν, αλλα δεν τολμουν να εφαρμοσουν ειδικως για το ΚΚ Ελλαδικης Καμπουτσεας , δηλαδη:
Ότι ο νόμος (30/23 του 2002) υποχρεώνει τα κόμματα σε ονομαστική καταγραφή κάθε οικονομικής συνεισφοράς άνω των 600 ευρώ και απαγορεύει οικονομική στήριξη άνω των 15.000 ευρώ από τον ίδιο χορηγό, πάνω από μία φορά το χρόνο. Όμως αυτα για τη Κα Παπαρηγα είναι ψιλα γραμματα.
Αλλα το ακρον αωτον της υποκρισιας και αναισθησιας της υπερευαισθητου για την δικαιοσυνη και την διαφανεια κας Παπαρηγα ηταν το «ατρανταχτο»κλισε επιχειρημα..
«Η ηθική υπόσταση του ΚΚΕ δεν τσαλακώνεται με τίποτα»( ειναι ατσαλακωτη δηλαδη μπετον αρμε..)
προκαλώντας «όσους διαβάλλουν το ΚΚΕ να το κάνουν εδώ και τώρα με στοιχεία».
Φιλοι μου, η προσβολη στην λογικη είναι μεγαλυτερη εκεινης που υφισταται η Δικαιοσυνη.
Ενώ λιγα λεπτα πριν αρνειται την εφαρμογη του Νομου που απαιτει την καταγραφη κάθε οικονομικης συνεισφορας συνεπως προδηλως αυθαιρετει, παρανομει ( συνεπως ιδου το στοιχειον, μας το παραθετει η ιδια με την αρνησι της) , ταυτοχρονως ζητα οσους διαβαλλουν το ΚΚΕ να το κανουν με στοιχεια!!!!
Να λοιπον παραθετουμε δια πολλοστη φορα τα κατωθι αδιαψευστα στοιχεια και επαναλαμβανουμε :
Το πρωτοφανες στα παγκοσμια χρονικα, ένα κομμα αποδεδειγμενα να εισπραττη δισεκατομμυρια δολλαρια από την σοβιετικη πρεσβεια για αντεθνικους σκοπους και παρ’όλα αυτα ουδεις να συγκινειται.Πλην βεβαιως της κας Παπαρηγα που τρεμει συγκρυουσα και αρνειται γι αυτό και μονο τον λογο κάθε ελεγχο .
Διοτι δεν είναι οι συνδρομες και τα ονοματα των αφελων αγνων αγαθων προαιρεσεων εργαζομενων που πιστευουν ότι το ΚΚ Ελλαδικης Καμπουτσεας ειναι το κομμα του Λαου, εκεινα που κατεστησαν το ΚΚΕ το πλουσιοτερο κομμα της Ευρωπης... και για τα οποια σηκωνονται αι τριχες της κεφαλης της Κας Παπαρηγα μην τυχον και ελεγχθει..Είναι και τα εξης:
1. Τα 5 δις δραχμων σε δολλαρια που ειχε εισπραξει το ΚΚΕ απο την Σοβιετια ως υποτροφια για τις υπηρεσιες του. Το δημοσιευμα της ΕΣΤΙΑΣ της 28/11/1991, ουδεποτε διεψευσθη ή ετολμησε ποτε ο "ασκανδαλος" Περισσος να μηνυση ως ψευδες.
Το δημοσιευμα εχει ως εξης:
"...Ουδείς θα μπορουσε να φαντασθη..." έγραφε στο κυριο άρθρο της με τίτλο "Συγκλονιστικαί ομολογίαι δια τας προδοσίας του ΚΚΕ - Ο τροφοδοτης Λογαριασμος" η ''Εστία'' στο φύλλο της 28-11-1991, "...οτι θα συνεβαινε εν Αθηναις αυτο που συνεβη την παρελθουσα Παρασκευή (22-11-1991) οταν ο ραδιοσταθμος ''Σκάι'' και ολες οι εφημερίδες μεταδωσαν εκ Μόσχας ανακοινωσι της ''Κα-Γκε-Μπε'' καθ' ήν:
(α) Τα τελευταια 15 ετη χρηματοδοτησε το ΚΚΕ με ποσον πεντε δισεκατομμυρίων δραχμών, διαβιβασθεν εις αμερικανικα δολλαρια μεσω του διπλωματικου σακκου της εδω Σοβιετικης Πρεσβείας.
(β) Η ''υποτροφια'' αυτη κατεβάλλετο επι πλεον των άλλων πηγων χρηματοδοτησεως, όπως αι κοιναι εμποροβιομηχανικαι επιχειρήσεις και επιχορηγήσεις προς ''ειρηνιστικάς' οργανώσεις , επιτροπας ελληνοσοβιετικης φιλιας κλπ.κλπ..."
2. Είναι η ομολογια του τεως Γ.Γ ΤΟΥ ΚΚΕ στην συνενετυξι του στο ΒΗμα της 23/6/1991 την οποιαν ο πολιτικος μας κοσμος αντιπαρηλθε δια ποιους λογους ελαμβανε, την εκ Μοσχας Υποτροφιαν το ΚΚΕ.Την εξαρτησιν της πολιτικης του τελευταιου απο τις "ντιρεκτίβες'' του χρηματοδοτου! Την αποκαλυψιν εκαμεν ο ιδιος ο εως τότε Γ.Γ του ΚΚΕ, σύντροφος Φαρακος με συνεντευξι του στο «Βημα» (23/6/1991)...''
"Πληρης και αμεση η εξαρτηση του ΚΚΕ απο την εξωτερικη πολιτικη της ΕΣΣΔ'' βεβαιωνει ο Φαρακος γεννημα-θρεμμα του ΚΚΕ"
3. ''...Μεσω του σταθμαρχου της Κα-Γκε-μπε παρεδίδετο ο φακελλος με τα εκατομμύρια δολλαρια εις τον εκπρόσωπον του πολιτικου γραφείου του ΚΚΕ...'' προσεπιβεβαιώνει η Εισαγγελια της Μόσχας.
Για αυτα τα χρηματα, γι αυτες τις κατηγοριες της χρηματοδοτησεως του απο ξενες μυστικες υπηρεσιες, συγκεκριμμενα την ΚΑ ΓΚΕ ΜΠΕ, το ΚΚΕ δεν απηντησε ποτε.Η μαλλον δια να μην τους αδικουμε απαντουν ως εξης:
1.Να προσκομισουμε στοιχεια.
2.Δεν δεχεται Εισαγγελεα.
3.Το πόθεν έσχες του Κόμματος είναι η 90χρονη ηρωική πορεία του ..για την υπόθεση της εργατικής τάξης, του λαού. Το ΚΚΕ είναι κόμμα και δε δεχόμαστε καμία εφορία. Σε αυτή τη νομιμότητα δεν υποτασσόμαστε .
Γι αυτην λοιπον την καταφορα προδοτικη, εκνομη, υβριστικη, κομμουνιστικη συμπεριφορα το ΚΚΕ επρεπει να ελεχθη και τα οικονομικα του να γινουν φυλλο και φτερο.Οπως ακριβως γινονται και τα δικα μας οταν η εφορια μας καλει δια ''φορολογικη'' μας υποθεσι...
Πολλω δε μαλλον οταν υπαρχει και συγκεκριμμενος λογος περαν εκεινου του εφοριακου. Η Συνεργασια με ξενες μυστικες υπηρεσιες.
Ομως επειδη ουδεν τουτων συμβαινει μετα απο καθε καθημερινη Τηλεκτονια ημπορουμε ολοι μαζι να αναφωνησομεν:
Ζητω η Ελλαδικη Καμπουτσεα
Ζητω οι Πολιτικοι μας
Ζητω η αμνησια μας
Ζητω η λογικη μας
ας μην ξεχναμε και τους αλβανους. υψηλοβαθμοι πρακτορες των αλβανικων μυστικων υπηρεσιων ζουν στον αγιο παντελεημονα.επισης 1 εκατομμυριο ζουν στην ελλαδα.παιρνουν σπιτια ιδιαιτερα στα γιαννενα και στην ηπειρο.παιρνουν ελληνικη ιθαγενεια.
εχουν την ποιο ενεργη μαφια στην ελλαδα,αμεσα συνδεδεμενη με τον στρατο τους,το κρατος,την κοσοβαρικη πρεζα και κυριως ολα αυτα καταληγουν στον αλβανικο αλυτρωτισμο.
τι θα κανουμε οταν θα διεκδικησουν την τσαμουρια με ανταρτικο?οταν θα ζητησουν μεριδιο σε ολο το κρατος κατα το προηγουμενο της δικοινοτικης φυρομ?
περαν της χυδαιας αλλοτριωσης του πολιτισμου μας?κατι που ουτε περσες ουτε χιτλερ ουτε και οι τουρκοι απολυτα δεν πετυχαν 3000 χρονια?
πως θα μπορει η ελλαδα να διακοψει τις αδειες παραμονης και να τους αποστειλει στην χωρα τους σε μια τετοια εξελιξη οταν θα εχουν περιουσιες και ιθαγενεια?δεν θα ειμαστε ομηροι τους σε οτι διεκδικουν αυτοι η οι μεγαλες δυναμεις στην ελλαδα?πως θα μπορουμε να τους διωξουμε τοτε απο τον τοπο μας οταν στην διεθνη κοινη γνωμη θα μοιαζει σαν εθνοκαθαρση?
οδηγουμαστε σε εφιαλτικα αδιεξοδα.και σφυριζουμε αδιαφορα.
ο κυριος γιωργακης και ουσια ολοι οι πολιτικοι σημερα αδιαφορουν για τους θανασιμους κινδυνους.δεν σκεπτονται μετα 15 χρονια τον τοπο αλλα μονο το δωσε ημιν σημερον.εγκλημα μεγα απο τους πολιτικους.χωρις οραμα.χωρις σκεψη για το μελλον.μονο σε αυτη την χωρα γινονται αυτα.μακαριοι ολοι κρυβονται πισω απο ευκολιες του στυλ αυτα ειναι ακραια και φαντασιοπληκτα.
μα τα κρατη προγραμματιζουν στρατηγικες για καθε πιθανο η απιθανο σεναριο για το μελλον.δεν χορευουν τσαμικα και εχει ο θεος.
και στην κατοχη οπως και στην χουντα οταν τα ακραια εγιναν πραγματικοτητα,ολες αυτες οι φωνες λακισαν στην αλλοδαπη και αφησαν τον λαο μονο του.ας το εχουν υποψη οι του λαου οτι οι τυποι αυτοι θα την κανουν στην στραβη του μελλοντος.
με λιγα λογια κυριοι πολιτικαντηδες βγειτε και πειτε στο λαο τι μελλον του προετοιμαζετε.αν εχετε ιδεα και δεν ειστε τυχοδιωκτες..
και δημοσιογραφοι αρχιστε να θετετε ερωτηματα δυσκολα, για καθε ειδους σεναρια(κοινωνικα,εθνικα,πολιτιστικα,οικονομικα) για τον τοπο και ζητατε απαντησεις και ξεκαθαρες λυσεις για πιθανα μελλοντικα ζητηματα απο τους πολιτικους.
αλλιως το διακυβευμα του γιωργακη αλλαζει:
What If: The Annan Plan and Turkey
Σχέδιο Ανάν για το Τουρκοκουρδικό
Marcus A. Templar
Η Άγκυρα θέλει λύση του Κυπριακού κατά το Σχέδιο Ανάν (σε επιδεινωμένη μάλιστα εκδοχή του) και καταγγέλλει τους Κυπρίους που το απέρριψαν. Αν οι Τούρκοι το θέλουν για λύση του Κυπριακού, γιατί δεν το υιοθετούν για λύση του προβλήματος των είκοσι εκατομμυρίων Κούρδων της Τουρκίας, μειονότητας αντίστοιχης σε ποσοστό πληθυσμού με τους Τουρκοκυπρίους;
Το ερώτημα διατυπώνεται σε άρθρο του Μάρκους Τέμπλαρ, αμερικανού ιστορικού και εμπειρογνώμονα για τα Βαλκάνια.
Το αρθρο λοιπον θετει ενα ενδιαφερον σεναριο τυπου ''τι θα συνεβαινε αν'' απευθυνομενο σε Τουρκους αλλα και ολους εκεινους στην διεθνη κοινοτητα που δεν σταματουν δηθεν να κοπτωνται για την δημοκρατια και ελευθερια αλλα στην πραξη να κακοποιουν την αξια της δικαιοσυνης.
ο Τεμπλαρ περιγράφει λοιπον ως εξής τα χαρακτηριστικά της εφαρμογής του Σχεδίου Ανάν για τη θεραπεία της Τουρκίας από τη χρόνια πληγή της κουρδικής ανταρσίας:
Οι ελληνοκυπριοι,πλειονοτητα του πληθυσμου στη νησο Κυπρο με ομοθυμια απερριψαν το σχεδιο που προπαρασκευαστηκε απο τον γγ.ΟΗΕ κ.Αναν για την επανενωση με την μικρη τουρκικη μειονοτητα της νησου,κατα το δημοψηφισμα στις 24 Απριλιου 2004.
η ελληνικη πλειονοτητα θεωρησε την λυση αυτη ανεφαρμοστη και αδικη,ενω η τουρκικη κυβερνηση(σ.σ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΛΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟΙ Η ΜΗ..) την εξυμνησε ως βιωσιμο και καταλληλο για αμφοτερες πλευρες.
το μεγεθος της τουρκικης μειονοτητας στην Κυπρο-χονδρικα το 18 στα εκατο του πληθυσμου της νησου,εξαιρουνται οι παρανομα μετακληθεντες εποικοι απο την τουρκια- ισοδυναμει με το ποσοστο της Κουρδικης μειονοτητας στην Τουρκια.
Δοθεντων των μακροχρονιων κουρδικων αιτηματων για ευρυτερα πολιτικα και αλλα δικαιωματα στην Τουρκια,τιθεται ενα ενδιαφερον ερωτημα του τυπου ''τι θα συνεβαινε αν;''-ΑΝ ΤΟ ΣΧΕΔΙΟ ΑΝΑΝ ΕΦΗΡΜΟΖΕΤΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΚΟΥΡΔΙΚΗ ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΗΤΑ, ΟΙ ΤΟΥΡΚΟΙ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΕΚΡΙΝΑΝ ΑΚΟΜΗ ΩΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΣΙΜΟ ΤΟΤΕ;
What If: The Annan Plan and Turkey
Σχέδιο Ανάν για το Τουρκοκουρδικό
Marcus A. Templar
Η Άγκυρα θέλει λύση του Κυπριακού κατά το Σχέδιο Ανάν (σε επιδεινωμένη μάλιστα εκδοχή του) και καταγγέλλει τους Κυπρίους που το απέρριψαν. Αν οι Τούρκοι το θέλουν για λύση του Κυπριακού, γιατί δεν το υιοθετούν για λύση του προβλήματος των είκοσι εκατομμυρίων Κούρδων της Τουρκίας, μειονότητας αντίστοιχης σε ποσοστό πληθυσμού με τους Τουρκοκυπρίους;
Το ερώτημα διατυπώνεται σε άρθρο του Μάρκους Τέμπλαρ, αμερικανού ιστορικού και εμπειρογνώμονα για τα Βαλκάνια.
Το αρθρο λοιπον θετει ενα ενδιαφερον σεναριο τυπου ''τι θα συνεβαινε αν'' απευθυνομενο σε Τουρκους αλλα και ολους εκεινους στην διεθνη κοινοτητα που δεν σταματουν δηθεν να κοπτωνται για την δημοκρατια και ελευθερια αλλα στην πραξη να κακοποιουν την αξια της δικαιοσυνης.
ο Τεμπλαρ περιγράφει λοιπον ως εξής τα χαρακτηριστικά της εφαρμογής του Σχεδίου Ανάν για τη θεραπεία της Τουρκίας από τη χρόνια πληγή της κουρδικής ανταρσίας:
Οι ελληνοκυπριοι,πλειονοτητα του πληθυσμου στη νησο Κυπρο με ομοθυμια απερριψαν το σχεδιο που προπαρασκευαστηκε απο τον γγ.ΟΗΕ κ.Αναν για την επανενωση με την μικρη τουρκικη μειονοτητα της νησου,κατα το δημοψηφισμα στις 24 Απριλιου 2004.
η ελληνικη πλειονοτητα θεωρησε την λυση αυτη ανεφαρμοστη και αδικη,ενω η τουρκικη κυβερνηση(σ.σ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΛΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟΙ Η ΜΗ..) την εξυμνησε ως βιωσιμο και καταλληλο για αμφοτερες πλευρες.
το μεγεθος της τουρκικης μειονοτητας στην Κυπρο-χονδρικα το 18 στα εκατο του πληθυσμου της νησου,εξαιρουνται οι παρανομα μετακληθεντες εποικοι απο την τουρκια- ισοδυναμει με το ποσοστο της Κουρδικης μειονοτητας στην Τουρκια.
Δοθεντων των μακροχρονιων κουρδικων αιτηματων για ευρυτερα πολιτικα και αλλα δικαιωματα στην Τουρκια,τιθεται ενα ενδιαφερον ερωτημα του τυπου ''τι θα συνεβαινε αν;''-ΑΝ ΤΟ ΣΧΕΔΙΟ ΑΝΑΝ ΕΦΗΡΜΟΖΕΤΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΚΟΥΡΔΙΚΗ ΜΕΙΟΝΟΤΗΤΑ, ΟΙ ΤΟΥΡΚΟΙ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΕΚΡΙΝΑΝ ΑΚΟΜΗ ΩΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΣΙΜΟ ΤΟΤΕ;
Με την επίτευξη συμφωνίας μεταξύ των δύο κοινοτήτων που ζουν στην Τουρκία (τουρκικής και κουρδικής) και με την έγκρισή της σε δημοψήφισμα, το σημερινό κράτος παύει να υφίσταται και αντικαθίσταται από ένα νέο.
Από αυτό δεν υπάρχει δυνατότητα επιστροφής, ακόμη και αν η μια ή η άλλη περιοχή το ζητήσουν με συντριπτική πλειοψηφία. Σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του σχεδίου, η Τουρκία γίνεται ένα διζωνικό, δικοινοτικό ομοσπονδιακό κράτος, στο οποίο το 37% της επικράτειας περιέρχεται στην εξουσία της νέας κουρδικής κυβέρνησης.
Το νέο ομοσπονδιακό κράτος τιτλοφορείται ψευδεπίγραφα «Ενωμένη Τουρκική Δημοκρατία» και υπό το νέο του Σύνταγμα οι δύο μεγαλύτερες εθνικές ομάδες (Τούρκοι και Κούρδοι) έχουν ίση αντιπροσώπευση στη Γερουσία, παρά την πληθυσμιακή τους ανισότητα.
Με αυτήν τη διάταξη το κράτος περιέρχεται σε ακινησία.
Το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο (που λύνει τα αδιέξοδα) αποτελείται επίσης από ίσο αριθμό Κούρδων (18% του πληθυσμού) και Τούρκων (80%) δικαστών, με επιπλέον τρεις ξένους δικαστές.
Έτσι τρεις ξένοι δικαστές θα ρίχνουν τις κρίνουσες ψήφους. Δοθέντος ότι δεν υπάρχει ιεραρχία των νόμων μεταξύ των συνιστώντων κρατών, η «ομοσπονδία» είναι στην πραγματικότητα συνομοσπονδία, στην οποία τα συνιστώντα κράτη αποτελούν την πηγή του Δικαίου για την κεντρική εξουσία και όχι το αντίστροφο! (Πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι ο λόγος για τον οποίο οι ΗΠΑ εγκατέλειψαν την αρχική συνομοσπονδιακή δομή τους ήταν ότι δεν ήταν λειτουργική. Το Σύνταγμα του 1789 έδωσε σαφή ομοσπονδιακή υπεροχή έναντι της νομοθεσίας των Πολιτειών.)
Τουρκικοί και κουρδικοί πληθυσμοί μετατοπίζονται, ο καθένας στην αντίστοιχη περιοχή του.
Για τους Τούρκους ισχύουν περιορισμοί των δικαιωμάτων τους για επιστροφή και μόνιμη εγκατάσταση στα σπίτια και τις περιουσίες τους στην κουρδική περιοχή, αλλά για τους Κούρδους δεν υπάρχουν τέτοιοι περιορισμοί.
Επιπλέον οι Τούρκοι που παρέμειναν στα κουρδικά εδάφη δεν επιτρέπεται να ξεπεράσουν ποτέ το 6% των κατοίκων ενός χωριού. Έτσι οι Τούρκοι εμποδίζονται να αποκτήσουν δικό τους σχολείο ή και να κάνουν παιδιά, εάν το ποσοστό του 6% έχει συμπληρωθεί.
Η οικονομία της νέας ομοσπονδιακής Τουρκίας είναι χωρισμένη -χωρίς κοινή νομισματική και δημοσιονομική πολιτική. Επιπλέον τούρκοι επιχειρηματίες δεν επιτρέπεται να επενδύουν στο κουρδικό κράτος. Και ενώ οι Κούρδοι επωφελούνται όλων των παραπάνω διατάξεων, οι Τούρκοι φορολογούμενοι επωμίζονται το κόστος όλων αυτών των τροποποιήσεων και συμβάσεων της νέας δημοκρατίας, επειδή τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη κρίνουν ότι οι Κούρδοι υπέφεραν στις προηγούμενες δεκαετίες και πρέπει να αποζημιωθούν.
Επιπροσθέτως, οι τούρκοι πολίτες δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα να προσφύγουν στο Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο για τις ζημίες που υπέστησαν με την εφαρμογή του Σχεδίου Ανάν.
Η ανωτέρω ανάλυση περιγράφει τι απέρριψαν οι Κύπριοι με το Δημοψήφισμα της 24 Απριλίου 2004 και τι μπορούν να υιοθετήσουν οι Τούρκοι με την εφαρμογή του Σχεδίου Ανάν για το δικό τους μειονοτικό πρόβλημα.
ΥΓ.1 μεταφραστή: Εκτός του κ. Ερντογάν το άρθρο αφορά και τους παρ' ημίν φανατικούς προπαγανδιστές του Σχεδίου Ανάν του ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, τον αρχηγό του ΠΑΣΟΚ, τον ΣΥΝ και «βαρόνους» της ΝΔ και των ΜΜΕ, με τα κουρδισμένα παπαγαλάκια τους.
ΥΓ.2 σ.σ
Αφιερωνεται στους ανωνυμους ελληνες που αντιστεκονται στην μαζικη προπαγανδα,τον πολυπλευρο αφελληνισμο ,τον υπογειο ακηρυχτο πολεμο και την μαζικη επιθεση εναντιον τους.και στους πλανημενους που ακομη μπορουν να ανανηψουν.καθως και στους πολλαπλασιαζομενους εξωνημενους ως χλευη προς αυτους.
ΥΓ.3 συγγραφεα.
"Στη μνήμη του Τάσσου και του Λάμπρου, που τόσες φορές μας έκαμαν περήφανους..."
Το Αγαθονησι ειναι ένα πανέμορφο νησί, αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι του Σώματος της Ελληνικής Επικράτειας. Το Αγαθονησι είναι για πολύ καιρό τώρα στο μάτι του κυκλώνα, με συχνές παραβιάσεις του Εθνικού Εναερίου Χώρου από τα εχθρικά αεροσκάφη της Τουρκίας, τα οποία αναχαιτίζονται μονίμως από την Πολεμική μας Αεροπορία.
Μια μορφή κατάληψης του Ελληνικού Χώρου, επιχειρείται εδώ και καιρό επίσης προγραμματισμένα, καθώς από την Τουρκία οι δουλέμποροι κάνουν "συγκεκαλυμμένες αποβάσεις" δήθεν προσφύγων, με σκοπό την αλλοίωση του Ελληνικού Πληθυσμού. Η Ελληνική Πολιτεία δεν αντιδρά, προφασιζομενη ότι «δεν της το επιτρέπουν οι Διεθνείς Συμβάσεις που έχει υπογράψει». Το Αγαθονησι έτσι όπως το ζήσαμε 22 @ 23 Ιουνίου 2009 , δέχεται 100αδες τέτοιες αποβάσεις, με εντελώς απούσα την Πολιτεία από την ουσιαστική αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος η/και της απειλής.*
Χρησιμοποιείται επίσης το επιχείρημα ότι τα θύματα των δουλεμπόρων σχίζουν τα πλωτά-φουσκωτά στα οποία επιβαίνουν και έτσι καθίστανται Ναυαγοί** πράγμα που υποχρεώνει (κατά την επίσημη επιχειρηματολογία) την Ελλάδα να τους περισυλλέξει και να τους περιθάλψει.
Συμφωνα με τις συμβάσεις που οι ασκούντες την Κυβερνητική Πολιτική διατείνονται ότι η Ελλάδα έχει υπογράψει, όλοι αυτοί που εισέρχονται κατά χιλιάδες με αυτό τον τρόπο, θα φύγουν μόνο όταν το θελήσουν οι ίδιοι!!!!!!!
Ουσιαστικά αναπτύσσεται μια επιχειρηματολογία η οποία τεκμηριώνει και πείθει για ένα και μόνο πράγμα: ότι οι Διεθνείς Συμβάσεις εξασφαλίζουν το απυρόβλητο στην μετακίνηση "δούλων" από τους δουλεμπόρους, πράγμα που τεκμηριώνει ότι η Νέα Τάξη Πραγμάτων συνειδητά επιδιώκει την χωρίς εμπόδια άσκηση δουλεμπορίου με σκοπό την παραγωγή "Δούλων" για την ικανοποίηση του Κέρδους και κυρίως του βίτσιου της Εξουσίας.
Τεκμηριώνει επίσης ότι η Παγκοσμιοποίηση επιδιώκει μέσα από την κατασκευή "Βαβέλ" να καταλύσει τους Πολιτισμούς και την Πολιτιστική Ταυτότητα των Λαών, καθότι ο Πολιτισμός αποτελεί την οντολογική υπόσταση και την μοναδικότητα κάθε Λαού, η οποία και διασφαλίζει την Ελευθερία και την Δημοκρατία στον Άνθρωπο , στην Κοινωνία στους Λαούς. Καταλύοντας τους Πολιτισμούς και τις πολιτιστικές ταυτότητες, παράγονται μάζες ανθρώπων με οικονομική ύπαρξη και μόνο, και έτσι πραγματοποιείται το σχέδιο της Νέας Τάξης πραγμάτων για "Κοινωνία της Αγοράς". Μια κοινωνία χωρίς οντολογική υπόσταση , μια κοινωνία ηλιθίων καταναλωτών χειραγωγούμενων από την εξουσία.
Η Νέα Τάξη Πραγμάτων και τα υποσυστήματα της, δεν το κρύβουν άλλωστε καθώς με κάθε μέσο προπαγανδίζουν ότι τα Κράτη-Έθνη "τελείωσαν" και ότι είναι αντιδραστικό στοιχειό (ΦΑΣΙΣΤΑΣ) όποιος πιστεύει σε Πατρίδα Σημαία Έθνος Πολιτισμό κλπ.
Ένα ακόμη εφεύρημα είναι ο όρος των σύγχρονων Σοφιστών και Δημαγωγών, ο όρος "ΠΟΛΥΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ". Είναι ένα Σόφισμα πίσω από το οποίο κρύβεται η επιδίωξη του εξαναγκασμού σε μια ΑΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ δηλ. των μονοπωλίων και της Εξουσίας.
Η ΠΟΛΥΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ είναι αυτό που είχαμε πριν την Νέα Τάξη. με τους Γάλλους να είναι Γάλλοι, τους Ιταλούς να είναι Ιταλοί, τους Σπανιόλους να είναι Σπανιόλοι, τις Συριανές να είναι Συριανές, τους Ιρακινούς Ιρακινούς. Πολιτισμοί παλιοί και μεγάλοι όσο η Βαβυλώνα, όσο το Σινικό τοίχος των Κινεζών, Λαοί Συμπαγείς ώστε να έχουν την "κρίσιμη μάζα" που χρειάζεται για να διατηρείται και να παράγεται Πολιτισμός, Ταυτότητα, οντολογική υπόσταση, συνεχής πορεία προς το φως και την Αλήθεια.
Δεν υπάρχει ποιο φασιστικό και αντιδραστικό εργαλείο υποδούλωσης του Ανθρώπου από την κατάργηση των Πολιτισμών με την κατασκευή Απολιτισμικης Κοινωνίας της Αγοράς μέσα από την Δημαγωγία της δήθεν Πολυπολιτισμικης Κοινωνίας, σκοπό ο οποίος επιδιώκεται και μέσα από τους δουλεμπόρους που παίζουν -με το αζημίωτο- το βρώμικο παιχνίδι της Παγκοσμιοποίησης μέσα από την παραγωγή μεταφερομένων δούλων.
Οι Λαοί έχουν γυρίσει την πλάτη στην Ευρώπη, και αδιαφόρησαν στις Ευρωεκλογές ακριβώς επειδή η Ευρώπη ενεργεί ως υποσύστημα της Παγκοσμιοποίησης και επιδιώκει να ΜΗΝ υπάρχει Γαλλία, Ελλάδα, Γερμανία, Ιταλία , Ισπανία κλπ ως Πολιτιστική ταυτότητα, αλλά μια Απολιτισμικη μάζα χωρίς ταυτότητα και οντολογική υπόσταση με ανθρώπους ανακατεμένους να συνυπάρχουν μέσα από την οικονομία και σε ακτινωτή σχέση ο καθένας τους με την εξουσία.
Πριν κάποιες εκατονταετίες το MAYFLOWER έφερνε στα παράλια της Αμερικής κάποιους απεγνωσμένους DESPERADOS. Οι Ινδιάνοι, Λαός με τεράστιο Πολιτισμό, τους περιέθαλψαν και μοιράστηκαν τα υπάρχοντα τους με τους "αποβιβασθέντες" οι οποίοι θα είχαν πεθάνει στο κρύο εκείνου του χειμώνα εάν οι Ινδιάνοι δεν τους Αγκάλιαζαν.
Μέσα από μια διαδικασία που περιέλαβε τον χαρακτηρισμό των Ινδιάνων ως σφαγέων και βαρβάρων, οι "αποβιβασθέντες ναυαγοί" έκαναν τους Ινδιάνους μουσειακό είδος.
Η Θέση μας είναι ότι δεν πρέπει όλοι, οι Έλληνες, Οι Ιρακινοί, Οι Μαλτεζοι, Οι Κινέζοι, Οι Ισπανοί και όλα τα Έθνη, να γίνουμε...Ινδιάνοι στον Τόπο μας, χωρίς οντολογική υπόσταση και πολιτισμό .
Καθηγητης Ανδρεας Αθηναιος Η.Π.Α.
ΣΣ Τα ανωτερω εκφραζουν τις Ακαδημαικες θεσεις του Καθηγητη Ανδρεα Αθηναιου (Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Villanova UNiversity 1987, University of Pennsylvania 1978) U.S.A.
**Η πρόκληση Ναυαγίου δεν σε καθιστά ναυαγό που δικαουσε φροντίδας, όπως και η δολοφονία των γονέων σου (σύμφωνα με κλασσικό ανέκδοτο της Νομικής Σχολής) δεν σε καθιστά ορφανό που μπορεί να επικαλεστεί την ορφάνια του και να ζητήσει την συμπάθεια του Δικαστηρίου . Η πρόκληση ναυαγίου είναι ποινικό αδίκημα που τιμωρείται με πολυετή φυλάκιση. Υπάρχουν λύσεις, όχι όμως όταν υπηρετείται ο Σκοπός της Παγκοσμιοποίησης
**Η πρόκληση Ναυαγίου δεν σε καθιστά ναυαγό που δικαiουσε φροντίδας, όπως και η δολοφονία των γονέων σου (σύμφωνα με κλασσικό ανέκδοτο της Νομικής Σχολής) δεν σε καθιστά ορφανό που μπορεί να επικαλεστεί την ορφάνια του και να ζητήσει την συμπάθεια του Δικαστηρίου . Η πρόκληση ναυαγίου είναι ποινικό αδίκημα που τιμωρείται με πολυετή φυλάκιση. Υπάρχουν λύσεις, όχι όμως όταν υπηρετείται ο Σκοπός της Παγκοσμιοποίησης...
Η πρόκληση Ναυαγίου δεν σε καθιστά ναυαγό που δικαiουσε φροντίδας, όπως και η δολοφονία των γονέων σου (σύμφωνα με κλασσικό ανέκδοτο της Νομικής Σχολής) δεν σε καθιστά ορφανό που μπορεί να επικαλεστεί την ορφάνια του και να ζητήσει την συμπάθεια του Δικαστηρίου . Η πρόκληση ναυαγίου είναι ποινικό αδίκημα που τιμωρείται με πολυετή φυλάκιση. Υπάρχουν λύσεις, όχι όμως όταν υπηρετείται ο Σκοπός της Παγκοσμιοποίησης...
ο δηθεν ρατσισμος ηταν και το αλλοθι των εβραιων για να προωθησουν τον σιωνισμο.ετσι με προσχημα τους προσφυγες της εβραικης γενοκτονιας και τα περι παλαιστινιακου ρατσισμου,στο τελος πηραν τα χωματα των παλαιστινιων με εθνοκαθαρση και στο ονομα του οραματος για αναβιωση μετα 2000 χρονια στα ιδια εδαφη της ιουδαιας.
ας το σκεφτουν οσοι αρνησιπατρηδες χαβαλεδες ευκολα αποδεχονται την δηθεν λαθρομεταναστευση ουσια εποικισμο με το προσχημα του ανθρωπισμου και την εκποιηση πολιτισμου ελληνικου και εθνικης συνοχης.για ρωτηστε τους παλαιστινιους που εχασαν πατριδα και ξερουν τι ειναι να εποικιζεται η πατριδα σου στο ονομα του ανθρωπισμου και να την χανεις.πρεπει να χασεις κατι για να το εκτιμησεις...
αφου λοιπον δεν υπαρχει κανενα προβλημα,και αυτοι ειναι φιλανθρωποι,μηπως να τους κοψει το κρατος δηλαδη ο μαλακας φορολογουμενος τις παχυλες αμοιβες,τα αξιωματα τις μκο με χρημα του φορολογουμενου παλι και ολο αυτο το μαφιοζικο συστημα παρασιτισμου που πληρωνεται απο ελληνες για να κανει κακο στην ελλαδα και πολυ καλο στις τσεπες τους?
και με αυτα τα λεφτα τα ''δικα τους'' τα αντιρατσιστικα να πληρωνονται το τζαμπα σε παιδεια και υγεια υπερ ξενων στην υγεια των κοροιδων.αραγε οι υποδομες που εχουν λυγισει απο τους τζαμπατζηδες δεν ειναι προβλημα?ποιος θα συνεχισει να στηριζει σχολεια νοσοκομεια ικα που γονατιζουν απο τους φιλανθρωπους.εχουν οι πανεπιστημονες καμια αντιρατσιστικη μηχανη που κοβει χρημα?εκτος και αν σκοπευουν να κανουν β.κορεα τους ελληνες.ας το πουν ομως.τζαμπα ξυπνητζηδες δηλαδη..
h diafthora tis glossis prokalei diasaleysei logikou
Ο Ευάγγ. Π. Παπανούτσος απαντώντας σ’ έναν νέο:
Θα ήµουν απελπισµένος αν έβλεπα στο γράµµα σου ότι είσαι ευχαριστηµέ-νος µε τις συνθήκες της ζωής σου. Η στέρηση, η θλίψη, η οργή είναιανέκαθεν οι κινητήριες δυνάµεις στη σκέψη, στα αισθήµατα, στη βούλησητων ανθρώπων. Ο υποχωρητικός και ικανοποιηµένος, ο διαλλακτικός καιευκολοσυµβίβαστος, αυτός που τα βρίσκει όλα γύρω του “καλά λίαν” ήσκύβει το κεφάλι και συνθηκολογεί µε τη µοίρα του, δεν έχει φτερά στοπνεύµα ούτε φλόγα στην καρδιά - έχει γεράσει.
Ο νέος δεν καταθέτει ποτέτην εντολή που του έχει δοθεί, να ανανεώσει τις µορφές της ζωής, ναεπιχειρήσει εκείνα που οι προκάτοχοί του δεν καταπιάστηκαν ή τα άφησανατελείωτα.
Αν παραιτηθεί και αποσυρθεί, ο κόσµος θα γίνει φτωχότερος· από το βιβλίο του µέλλοντος θα λείψει µια σελίδα, και ποιος ξέρει; µπορείνα ήταν η καλύτερη. Εµείς που βρισκόµαστε κοντά στην έξοδο, ξοφλήσαµε- άλλος πιο λίγο άλλος πιο πολύ - το χρέος που µας έλαχε µε τον κλήρο πουτραβήξαµε.
Η σειρά σας τώρα. Ευχή µας είναι ν’ αξιωθείτε να σαςεκτιµήσουν οι νεώτεροί σας για τις αστοχίες και τις παραλείψεις σας, όπωςκάνετε σεις σήµερα σε µας, γιατί αυτή η επίθεση δίνει την ελπίδα ότι η ζωήδεν θα µείνει εκεί που έφτασε, αλλά θα προχωρήσει
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwVGgqQuH1w islam sar
Δείτε τι γράφουν στην Ιστορία τους οι γείτονές μας!
Θεωρούν Μινωίτες, Μυκηναίους, Ίωνες, Τρώες και Πελασγούς προτουρκικές φυλές που κατοικούσαν στο Αιγαίο!!!
Κάνοντας κανείς σύγκριση στην παρουσίαση των ιστορικών γεγονότων στα σχολικά βιβλία των γειτόνων μας κρατών της Βαλκανικής, με όσα γράφονται στα δικά μας σχολικά εγχειρίδια, αγανακτεί με τη διαστρέβλωση ή την απαξίωση των γεγονότων...
που γίνεται σε σημείο που αγγίζει τα όρια της δουλοπρέπειας.
Και όλα αυτά για να μη θιγούν οι γείτονές μας...
Και αυτοί (προπάντων οι Τούρκοι και οι Σκοπιανοί) μας γράφουν στα παλαιότερα των υποδημάτων τους, γράφοντας στα σχολικά τους εγχειρίδια τα εντελώς αντίθετα από αυτά που έχουν καταγραφεί στην Παγκόσμια Ιστορία!..
Για του λόγου το αληθές να ιδούμε πως παρουσιάζονται ιστορικά η Ελλάδα αλλά και οι Έλληνες, μέσα από τα σχολικά εγχειρίδια των γειτονικών μας...
χωρών. Μερικά δείγματα θα μας πείσουν.
1) Τουρκικά βιβλία: Συνήθως στα τουρκικά βιβλία ο Έλληνας παρουσιάζεται ως εχθρός, γεμάτος ωμότητα και πολύ συχνά απάνθρωπος, ενώ η Ελλάδα ως μία ιμπεριαλιστική χώρα που επιβουλεύεται συνεχώς τα «τουρκικά» εδάφη και διαρκώς ηττάται...
Στις 9-9-1922 στη Σμύρνη οι Έλληνες ρίχτηκαν στη θάλασσα, αναφέρουν χαρακτηριστικά, επιβεβαιώνοντας στο σημείο αυτό το «δικό μας» βιβλίο ιστορίας που είχε γράψει η κ. Ρεπούση, όπου, ως γνωστόν, έκανε αναφορά για «συνωστισμό προσφύγων» στην προβλήτα της Σμύρνης.
Για την Ελληνική Επανάσταση του 1821 οι Τούρκοι μαθητές διδάσκονται ότι πρόκειται για μια από τις εξεγέρσεις στο χώρο των Βαλκανίων και αντιμετωπίζεται ως «εκδήλωση αγνωμοσύνης προς τους Οθωμανούς, οι οποίοι κυβερνούσαν με δικαιοσύνη και ανοχή»...
Για να δικαιολογήσουν την επιθετικότητα που δείχνουν στο Αιγαίο, οι Τούρκοι μαθητές μαθαίνουν από το βιβλίο της Στʼ Δημοτικού ότι «Τα νησιά του Αιγαίου βρίσκονται σήμερα υπό ελληνική κατοχή. Η Ελλάδα δεν έχει τη δύναμη να διατηρήσει στο Αιγαίο την ειρήνη».
Σε εγχειρίδιο που διδάσκεται στις ακαδημίες ιστορίας και τις στρατιωτικές σχολές της Τουρκίας αναφέρεται: «Όλοι οι πολιτισμοί του Αιγαίου –μεταξύ αυτών και ο ελληνικός– ήταν τουρκικής προέλευσης! Φθάνουν μάλιστα στον παραλογισμό να θεωρούν Μινωίτες, Μυκηναίους, Ίωνες, Τρώες και Πελασγούς προτουρκικές φυλές που κατοικούσαν στο Αιγαίο. Σύμφωνα με αυτές τις απίστευτες θεωρίες, οι Έλληνες δεν ήταν παρά ένα μικρό παρακλάδι του μεγάλου τουρκικού λαού, του μοναδικού που είχε τη δύναμη να δημιουργεί μεγάλα κράτη και πολιτισμούς»...
Κι εμείς τι κάνουμε; Διαστρεβλώνουμε τα ιστορικά γεγονότα για να μη τους στεναχωρήσουμε! Ο ραγιαδισμός ζει και βασιλεύει...
2) ΣΚΟΠΙΑ: Η Ελλάδα παρουσιάζεται ως υπεύθυνη για τον «διαμελισμό της Μακεδονίας», για τη μη αναγνώριση των δικαιωμάτων της αλύτρωτης «Μακεδονίας του Αιγαίου» και της ύπαρξης μιας καταπιεσμένης «μακεδονικής μειονότητας» κ.λπ.
Στο βιβλίο της Ηʼ τάξης αναφέρεται: «Η σκληρότητα των ελληνικών Αρχών, οι φυλακίσεις, η εκδίκηση, καθώς και οι διά της βίας καταδιώξεις των Μακεδόνων συντάραξαν σύσσωμη την κοινή γνώμη. Για την απάνθρωπη συμπεριφορά (των Ελλήνων) απέναντι στους Μακεδόνες ενδιαφέρθηκε η Κοινωνία των Εθνών».
Στο βιβλίο της Ζʼ τάξης του Δημοτικού Σχολείου γράφουν: «Η πατρίδα μας έχει μακρά και πλούσια ιστορία. Στην αρχαιότητα ήταν πολύ ισχυρό κράτος. Την εποχή του Φιλίππου Βʼ (4ος αιώνας π.Χ.) η Μακεδονία ήταν το ισχυρότερο κράτος της Βαλκανικής Χερσονήσου, ενώ στην εποχή του υιού του Αλεξάνδρου του Μακεδόνα απλωνόταν σε τρεις ηπείρους και αποτελούσε παγκόσμιο κράτος».
Σε άλλο σημείο: «Κατά την εγκατάσταση των Σλάβων στη Μακεδονία (τον 7ον αιώνα μ.Χ.) αυτοί (οι Σλάβοι) συνάντησαν τους αρχαίους Μακεδόνες. Στην αρχή οι σχέσεις τους ήταν άσχημες, αλλά στην πορεία βελτιώθηκαν. Οι Μακεδόνες ήταν Χριστιανοί και με ανώτερο πολιτισμό. Σταδιακά άρχισαν να συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους. Οι Σλάβοι για τη νέα τους πατρίδα αποδέχτηκαν το όνομα Μακεδονία και άρχισαν να ονομάζονται Μακεδόνες. Οι γηγενείς Μακεδόνες αποδέχτηκαν τη σλαβική γλώσσα, αργότερα και τη σλαβική γραφή».
Δηλαδή, η διαστρέβλωση της Ιστορίας σε όλο της το μεγαλείο! Φυσικά, δεν θα τολμούσαν να κάμουν τίποτε από όλα αυτά, αν δεν στηριζότανε στις πλάτες κάποιων άλλων...
3) ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΙΑ: Ο ανθελληνισμός των Βουλγάρων ήταν εντονότατος από τις αρχές του 20ού αιώνα μέχρι το τέλος του Βʼ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου και συγκεκριμένα το 1950 (1900-1950). Η αλλαγή του πολιτικού κλίματος κατά τη δεκαετία του 1990 είχε ως αποτέλεσμα οι αναφορές στα σχολικά βιβλία για τους Έλληνες να είναι ως επί το πλείστον ουδέτερες. Οι υπάρχουσες (λίγες) αρνητικές έχουν σχέση κυρίως με προσπάθειες «απεθνικοποίησης» του βουλγαρικού πληθυσμού στα εδάφη που τους παραχωρήθηκαν μετά τον Αʼ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο.
Στο βιβλίο της Ηʼ τάξης αναφέρεται: «Η ελληνική κυβέρνηση απεθνικοποιεί τον τοπικό πληθυσμό της Δυτικής Θράκης. Κλείνουν τα σχολεία, εκκλησίες και μοναστήρια».
4) ΑΛΒΑΝΙΚΑ ΒΙΒΛΙΑ: Στα σχολικά βιβλία της Αλβανίας κυραιρχεί το θέμα των Τσάμηδων. Τα γεγονότα παρουσιάζονται τελείως αντίθετα από την πραγματικότητα. Εκείνα που έκαμαν οι Τσάμηδες στους Έλληνες πολίτες παρουσιάζονται ως εγκλήματα των Ελλήνων σε βάρος των Τσάμηδων...
Κατά τη δεκαετία του 1990 στα σχολικά βιβλία μπαίνει το θέμα των «Τσάμηδων», τους οποίους, όπως υποστηρίζεται στη σελίδα 126 του σχολικού βιβλίου της Δʼ τάξης του Δημοτικού που συντάχθηκε το 2002, υπέστησαν άγρια εγκλήματα από τους Έλληνες:
«Στην περίοδο 1944, οι ελληνικές φασιστικές δυνάμεις διέπραξαν μεγάλες βαρβαρότητες. Βασάνισαν και μετά σκότωσαν και έσφαξαν πάνω από 2.000 άνδρες, γυναίκες και παιδιά Τσάμηδων. Για να γλυτώσει από το μακελειό, ο τσάμικος πληθυσμός απομακρύνθηκε με κατεύθυνση την Αλβανία. Πάνω από 10.000 άτομα τοποθετήθηκαν στην Κονίσπολη, στο Δέλβινο, στους Αγίους Σαράντα, στο Φίερι και στη Λούσνια».
Δεν κινδύνευαν από κανένα «μακελειό» οι Τσάμηδες. Έφυγαν για να μην υποστούν τις συνέπειες της Απόφασης του Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δοσιλόγων Ιωαννίνων. Αριθ. Απόφασης 344/23-5-1945. Εκεί αναφέρονται τα πάσης φύσεως εγκλήματα, τα οποία διέπραξαν οι Τσάμηδες στο χώρο της Θεσπρωτίας. Εδολοφόνησαν ακόμη και τον Νομάρχη Θεσπρωτίας Βασιλάτη!
Πηγή Αθ. Δέμος, Πρωϊνός Λόγος
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Barry Brown
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