192 σχόλια:
ela ayto einai eykolo.kala kanei teties doulies i tzina i stasino?mitromana kai den tis fainete.pantos emena mou aresei pou einai skilomoura.aytes kanoun ta kalitera bukkake.grafei i alogomouri me to garnirisma poli sto fako.an kai go me tis tb persones idios tin vizarou tha protimousa ayto:http://www.efukt.com/2292_Unwanted_Public_Facials_1.html
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true: "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols: "We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols: "… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that: "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts: God exists and Evil exists. A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways. Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil." The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few. Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind. The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan. The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion. The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement. The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years. The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt. Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples. Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design. Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see. The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve. Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order. The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier. The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable. Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs. The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28) "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17) "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true: "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols: "We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols: "… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that: "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts: God exists and Evil exists. A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways. Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil." The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few. Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind. The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan. The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion. The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement. The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years. The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt. Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples. Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design. Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see. The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve. Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order. The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier. The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable. Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs. The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28) "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17) "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
When We Are Young Age Has No Meaning i Never Gave It A Second Thought until One Day Along Came This Old Man and This Is What He Said To Me yes This Is What He Said To Me
i Know What It Is To Be Young but You, You Don't Know What It Is To Be Old someday You'll Be Saying The Same Thing time Takes Away So The Story Is Told i Have So Many Questions for The Wise Man I Met couldn't Find All The Answers no One Has Theirs As Yet there'll Be Days To Remember full Of Laughter And Tears after Summer Comes Winter so Go The Years so My Friend Let's Make Music Together i'll Play The Old While You Sing Me The New in Time When Your Young Days Are Over there'll Be Someone Sharing Their Time With You
και ελεγα ποιον μου θυμιζει.κατι απο μεγαλους ελληνες του green graecilus-anthelinus ecology energy system.incorporated εν τω σωματει και υπο των κοκαλλων ελληνων ιερα(alekos;)
το βρηκα!ειναι ο εθναρχης με περουκα και βυζια σε νεαρη ηλικια!!το καταλαβον απο το ερκωτο κυρτωμενο στομα.σημα κατατεθεν του μεγαλου.
η μακεδονια ανηκει στην πρασινη ενεργεια.
η ελλαδα ανηκει στο social market economy.
jeffrey-giorgo her zaman arkadas for global leadership-goverment.
η λεξη γενιτσαρος εχει ενα ιδιαιτερο περιεχομενο ιστορικο.στα πλαισια ομως της υποταγης στην ιστορικη θεωρηση της τουρκιας απο την ελλαδα,εμφανιζονται τσασοι πανεπιστημιακοι που με την στηριξη του επισημου κρατους ανελαβαν να εφαρμοσουν στην κοινωνια αυτη την εξωεπιστημονικη επιλογη.ετσι και οι γενιτσαροι μεσα στο γενικοτερο κλιμα αυτο γινονται απο τους τσατσους περιπου τυχοδιωκτες πρωην βυζαντινοι και νυν οσμανοι υπηκοοι που για τον παρα μεσα στην τρελη χαρα αυτο στρατολογουνται ως ειδικες δυναμεις του σουλταν εφεντι.δεν ειναι τυχαιο οτι οι λυκοι της ταταρομογγολικης στεπας με τις ελληνικες βαλκανιες αραβικες αρμενικες και φραγκικες[οδαλισκες] γενετικες σεξο μπασταρδευσεις εχουν κοσκινισει και τα λεξικα και εγκυκλοπαιδειες αλλα και βιβλιοθηκες πανεπιστημιων ανα τον κοσμο με εξαγορες προσωπων,ωστε να εξαφανιζουν οτι αντιμαχεται την δικη τους ψευδη ιστορικη καταγραφη.αφορμη της σκεψης η αναζητηση στον γουγλη του λημματος janizary.παραδειγμα λοιπον τι γραφει το ιστορικο χερι και μαθαινουν για τους μογγολους τα φοιτηταρια και καθεις ανα τον κοσμο για αυτο ειναι πχ εδω http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/janizary
αλλα και εδω το merriam webster
http://mw1.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/janizary πολιτικαντηδες και οι ομογενειες ημπορουν να συνεχισουν να παιζουν το βιολι τους ακουραστα.
ετσι και αλλιως εχουν μοιρολατρικα δεχτει οτι μεχρι το τελος του αιωνα 2100 μαλλον ελλας ως χωρα δεν θα υφισταται.αλλα και ελληνισμος ως εννοια οικουμενικη οπως λχ οι ιουδαιοι επι 2 χιλιαδες χρονια συντηρουσαν υπαρξη χωρις χωρα land ειναι αμφιβολο αν θα υπαρχει αφου ο αφελληνισμος ειναι ραγδαιος και στο εδω land και στις επομενες γενεες ομογενων αλλοδαπης εξω.φροντιζει για αυτο ο εθνομηδενισμος και τα προταγματα της παγκοσμιας οικονομικης συγκυριας καθως και ο εποικισμος της υπαρχουσας ελληνικης γης.
ισως λοιπον ως το 2150 θαυμασουν στην θεση της μπαναλ ακροπολεως [που δεν θα εχει πιθανον και ουδενα πολιτισμικο δεσμο με του τοτε διαβιουντες] ενα μεγαλοπρεπες ισλαμικο ανακτορο..
1.μπραβο στον σακη.ηταν αξιοπρεπεστατος.εκανε το καλυτερο.το τραγουδι ομως ηταν πιο λιγο απο τον ιδιο.κληθηκε να στηριξει ενα τραγουδι που ειχε στηθει μονο για την εικονα.αυτο ειναι σωστο μεν,αλλα δεν αρκει.θελει και καποιο μουσικο ευρημα.οπως ειχαν τα πρωτα τραγουδια.δηλ.το βιολιστικο σολαρισμα φιοριτουρα της νορβηγιας,το καθηλωτικο γυρισμα στην μελωδια της ισλανδιας στο κορυφωμα της μπαλαντας[προσεχτε τα εκπληκτικης δυναμης γυρισματα που κανει η μελωδια στους στιχους 'Falling out of a perfect dream' και λιγο μετα στο στιχο Did you tell me You would never leave me this way?]
το ιδιο και τα εθνικ ινδικο μπολυγουντ γυρισματα με ολιγο απο εναρξη μπουζουκιου στο αζερμπαιτζαν[με το ανατολιτικο ροδοστανθο του μπακου την αισελ] πανω σε rnb χορευτικο ηχο ειναι στοιχεια που γραφουν.
το ιδιο το τουρκικο που ειχε το ευρημα του τεκ τεκ[ξανα ξανα στα τουρκικα] το τσιφτετελι με ολιγον rnb ηχο.εστω και αν η ερμηνευτρια ηταν μετριοτατη και το καθηλωσε το τραγουδι,που τελικα ανεβηκε στο 4 για πολιτικους συσχετισμους.
ακομη και το τραγουδι της εστονιας με το μελαχρινο κουκλι του βορρα με τα ματια νεραιδας ειχε μεσα ενα σκανδιναβικο ακουσμα της εθνικ κουλτουρας που εγραφε.
2.η αγγλια μαλλον αποτελει προιον των επιτροπων στην θεση αυτη.το ιδιο και η γαλλια στο 8.δυο τραγουδια εκτος κλιματος διαγωνισμου που σωθηκαν απο τις επιτροπες.
3.οι οποιες επιτροπες περιοριστηκαν μονο στο να σπασουν το ανατολικοευρωπαικο λομπι.μονο για να στειλουν το διαγωνισμο στην δυτικη.αντιθετα οι πολιτικες ισορροπιες των ψηψων καλα κρατησαν.οι επιτροπες δεν αλλοιωσαν καθολου καποιες κραυγαλεα μεταξυ αδελφων λαων ψηφους.
ετσι η τουρκια επαιρνε και εδινε στο αδελφο αζερμπαιτζαν,στην 'μακεδονια' και την αλβανια.η ελλαδα με την κυπρο και τις χωρες των βαλκανιων με μεταναστες εδω,η ρουμανια την μολδαβια,οι σκανδιναβοι αναμεταξυ τους,οι βαλτικες με τους ρωσους,οι πρωην γιουγκοσλαβοι μεταξυ τους κλπ κλπ. οι επιτροπες δεν απαλυναν αυτες τις ακροτητες οπου ηταν εξοφθαλμο.λχ ανδορα δωδεκα στην μετρια ισπανια που καταποντιστηκε!αρα ποιο το νοημα της υπαρξης τους.μονο καλλωπιστικο και για την μεταφορα του διαγωνισμου στην δυτικη ευρωπη.
4.επιτελους ας εξηγησουν στον κοσμο οτι η ελλαδα ειναι καθε χρονο στα φαβορι του στοιχηματος για ενα απλο λογο.γιατι ειναι η πρωτη χωρα της ευρωπης σε κατα κεφαλη τζογο.και σε συνδιασμο οτι ειναι απο τις πρωτες σε ενδιαφερον για την ευροβιζιον,αυτο σημαινει αναλογικα τα μεγαλυτερα ποσα να πονταρονται πανω στην εκαστοτε ελληνικη συμμετοχη.απο ελληνες..αρα οσο μεγαλυτερο συγκριτικα το πονταρισμα σε μια χωρα,τοσο χαμηλοτερη η αποδοση που δινει ο μπουκης για να προφυλαξει το μαγαζι του.αυτο ομως δεν σημαινει φαβορι.μπορει να σημαινει και μεγαλο κερδος για τον μπουκη που παιρνει στοιχημα μονοπατα απο ελληνες μονο..
5.κραυγαλεα πολιτικες καποιες ψηψοι.12 της γαλλιας στην τουρκια!αφου δεν σας βαζουμε στη ευρωπη σας δινουμε 12.η αγγλια 12 στην τουρκια για να τους βαλουν στην ευρωπη. η αρμενια 4 στη τουρκια για να κανουμε διπλωματια αλα ζειμπεκικα.ημαρτον!
6.στο τελος το σημαντικοτερο.η κυρια λινατσα απο τα σκοπια εκανε χυδαια πολιτικη λεγωντας τρις για μακεδονια.το καταστατικο της ebu απαγορευει πολιτικες ενεργειες και παραξεις στο διαγωνισμο.το ονομα αυτης της χωρας ειναι προσωρινα φυρομ διεθνως.μονο με αυτο δικαιουνται να εμφανιζονται.τις κουτοπονηριες και τους λεονταρισμους στην χωρα τους.ντροπη στην ερτ και στην κοιμωμενη του υπεξ υπουργο με το βλεμμα αγελαδας και χαμογελο κολγκειτ που επιτρεπουν τετοιες προκλησεις.η ερτ οφειλει να θεσει στο συμβουλιο της ebu το ζητημα και να ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙ κυρωσεις εις βαρος της mrt [τηλεορασης σκοπιων]ισως και απειλη αποκλεισμου απο την επομενη ευροβιζιον αν δεν συμμορφωθουν.δεν ειναι παραλογο,ειμαστε απολυτα καλυμμενοι να απαιτησουμε σεβασμο στους κανονες του διαγωνισμου.και κυρωσεις για τις παραβιασεις.ξυπνατε κυριοι.η αδιαφορια τα προκαλει αυτα.
γιατι αντιδρουν οσοι το κανουν για την τουρκικη επιστροφη εν ελλαδι μεσω νατοικου διοικητη?αφου η κυρια ρεπουση κατα την διαλεκτικη που δημιουργησε το ευαγγελιο της σαφως τοποθετηθηκε.οι ρωμιοι περνουσαν υπεροχα επι οσμανοκρατιας μας ειπε.
τι θελετε λοιπον?αντι να ευχαριστειτε τους πολιτικους που φροντιζουν να μας ξαναχαρισουν παλαιους παραδεισους,σεις τους μεμφεστε?αχαριστια..
βεβαια το ρεπουσιον(και κρατικο..) αποφθεγμα θα ημπορουσε και να αναστραφει.αφου περνουσαμε ζαχαρη,ας προτεινομε στους ευεργετες τουρκους να το εφαρμοσουμε αντιστροφα σημερα.
να καταλαβουμε και εμεις την τουρκια και να κανουμε τις ιδιες πραξεις ευεγερσιας με τοτε στους ιδιους.
για να ανταποδωσουμε το καλο βρε αδερφε που μας εκαμαν και που διδασκονται ημεδαποι[και ελληνοπουλα απο το ταμ ριρι ραμ και την μεκκα..] μαθητες και φοιτητες σημερον..
καθως και να βγαλουμε την υποχρεωση για τα τοσα κακα που τους προκαλεσαμε οπως παλι διδασκονται[τροπολιτσα, 1922,κλπ].ειμαι πεπεισμενος πως τοσο οι τουρκοι οσο και η κυρια ρεπουση και σια δεν θα εχουν αντιρρηση σε μια τετοια πραξη μεγαλοψυχιας και στην αναγκη μας να καθαρουμε τις ερινυες ημων..
Έχω δικές μου απόψεις με τις οποίες πολλές φορες δεν συμφωνώ. *George Bush Junior*
Πιστεύω ότι το ανθρώπινο γένος μπορεί να συνυπάρξει ειρηνικά με τα ψάρια... *Τζίνα Αλοιμόνου (Μοντέλο)*
Ο δείκτης των τιμών σήμερα έκλασε... συγγνώμη... έκλεισε στις τάδε τιμές. *Παρουσιάστρια ειδήσεων του MEGA *
Έπρεπε να διαλέγουν φύλακες με αρχαιοελληνικές μούρες στην Ακρόπολη. *Βάνα Μπάρμπα*
Και θα περάσουμε να ακούσουμε τη Μέλανι Τσι και το Αϊ τουρν του γιου ( Melanie C , I turn to you )... *Δημήτρης Φωτιάδης (Ιδιωτικός σταθμός Κατερίνης)*
-Κυρία Σαρρή, διαβάζετε Ηράκλειττο; -Ναι, γιατί γενικώς είμαι πολύ των extreme πραγμάτων. *Έφη Σαρρή*
-Ποια είναι τα αγαπημένα σας τραγούδια απο το καινούργιο CD ; -Το 2, το 5 και το 8. *Κατερίνα Στανίση*
Βλέπω στην τηλεόραση τα παιδάκια στην Αφρική και κλαίω. Θα ήθελα να ήμουν και εγώ τόσο αδύνατη, αλλά χωρίς όλες αυτές τις μύγες γύρω μου... *Mariah Carey*
Κατά την διάρκεια αγώνα ανώμαλου δρόμου γυναικών: Και οι ανώμαλες μπαίνουν στα τελευταία 1000 μέτρα... *Σχολιαστής στίβου*
Σε ποια χώρα τραγούδησε ο Λευτέρης Πανταζής; Στην Τουρκία, στην Αγγλία ή στο Λονδίνο; *Εύα Αντωνοπούλου (Τουίστ, ALPHA TV)*
Ρεάλ-Λάτσιο 2-2 υπέρ της Ρεάλ. *Εκφωνητής του MEGA *
Σε κάποιο ακριτικό χωριό: Εκτός από ανθρώπους, περνάνε και Ρουμάνοι τα σύνορα; *Ρεπόρτερ του TEMPO *
Μου αρέσουν όλοι οι ποιητές, ακόμα και ο Μπετόβεν. *Τζένη Χειλουδάκη*
Μετά από αγορά εκτυπωτή, παίρνουν τηλέφωνο στον προμηθευτή: -Πείτε μου το πρόβλημά σας. -Ο καινούργιος εκτυπωτής που πήραμε δεν εκτυπώνει.. -Είναι στο ρεύμα; -Ναι. -Πατήσατε το κουμπί; -Ναι. -Είναι on- line ; -Ναι. -Χαρτί έχει; -Ναι. -Οι μελανοταινίες είναι εντάξει; -Ναι... Τελικά πάει ο τεχνικός από κει και λέει: -Πού είναι ο υπολογιστής; -Ποιος υπολογιστής; *Τράπεζα Κύπρου*
Ναι, αλλά εσύ απάντησε θετικά όχι. *Ηθοποιός σε πρόγραμμα του ΑΝΤ1*
Οκτώ στους δέκα Ελληνες πιστεύουν ότι τα μοντέλα είναι χαζά. Τους υπόλοιπους τρεις όμως, που πιστεύουν πως είμαστε έξυπνες δεν τους ακούμε. *Βίκυ Κουλιανού*
-Και πού βρίσκεστε τώρα; -Στα Τρίκαλα. -Α, ωραία, κοντά στη θάλασσα. *Νίκη Κάρτσωνα*
Και τώρα ο ζωντανός καλεσμένος μας. *Ρούλα Κορομηλά*
Σε περιγραφή ανόργανης γυμναστικής: Οι αθλήτριες αποφάσισαν επιτέλους να ανοίξουν τα πόδια τους. *Κώστας Καπάταης*
Και τώρα μαζί μας η πασίγνωστη τραγουδίστρια... Πώς είπαμε ότι σε λένε; *Αννα Μαρία Λογοθέτη*
Σε τηλεφωνική σύνδεση με Καβάλα: -Ναι... από πού τηλεφωνείτε; -Καβάλα. -Γίναμε και ιντερνάσιοναλ. *Αννα Μαρία Λογοθέτη*
Πόσοι νέοι είναι στον σατανισμό... παθαίνουν ναρκωτικα και όλα αυτά τα άσχημα... *Ελένη Λουκά*
Θέλοντας να πει οτι το παιχνίδι βόλλεϋ θα ειναι μαγνητοσκοπημένο, λέει: Όχι κυρίες και κύριοι, αύριο δεν θα βγούμε ζωντανοί από το στάδιο Ειρήνης και Φιλίας. *Χάρης Αλευρόπουλος*
Κατά την διάρκεια των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων στην Βαρκελώνη και ενώ ο φακός ζουμάρει στα οπίσθια της Βαν Αντσικ (διάσημης κολυμβήτριας), λέει: "Και η Βαν Αντσικ, η βασίλισσα των πισινών." *Χάρης Αλευρόπουλος*
Ο αγώνας τέλειωσε με τρία γκολ, ένα για κάθε ομάδα. *Κώστας Μπάνιας (Αρτα TV)*
Η πρωτοπόρος Αναγέννηση Αρτας είναι δεύτερη. *Κώστας Μπάνιας (Αρτα TV)*
Έχουμε μαζί μας τον Σπύρο Γιαννάκη, 16 ετών, μαθητή του 3ου Λυκείου και αθλητή του Πύρρου. Λοιπόν Σπύρο, πες μας πώς σε λένε, πόσο χρονών είσαι, σε ποιο σχολείο πηγαίνεις και σε ποια ομάδα αγωνίζεσαι. *Κώστας Μπάνιας (Αρτα TV )*
Τηλεφώνημα σε γραφείο έκδοσης εισιτηρίων: Κρατήσεις στοματικώς κάνετε; *Αγνωστος*
Οι επιβάτες για Σπέτσες να είναι έτοιμοι για αποβίβαση. Passengers for Spetses , ready for the ksebarkation. *Καπετάνιος σε πλοίο προς Σπέτσες*
Αυτό τον καιρό δεν έχω σχέση, είμαι άσχετος. *Κάποιος από Δράμα*
Απορία σε εξεταστική, για θέμα πολλαπλής επιλογής: Εάν δεν είναι σωστή καμιά από τις πέντε απαντήσεις, τι να γράψουμε; *Κάποια απο Αθήνα*
Συζήτηση με τουρίστα: -How much is that? - Upstairs downstairs, one thousand (πάνω κάτω ένα χιλιάρικο). * **Κάποιος ιδιοκτήτης μαγαζιού με σουβενίρ στην Ξάνθη *
Αντζελα Δημητριου: απαντωντας στην ερωτηση αν τα τραγουδια που ειπε στην συναυλια της είναι ανεκδοτα: - Όχι, κάθε άλλο, ηταν και πολύ σοβαρα - Εισαι ποταπος και πραος (απαντωντας σε δημοσιογραφο που της εκανε κριτικη)
Ευη Αδαμ: - Η ευτυχια είναι μια ικανοτητα που δεν επηρεαζεται από τα δεδομενα… - Το κονσεπτ της οικογενειας δεν προβλεπει άλλο παιδι
Βεφα Αλεξιαδου: - Τα πορτοκαλια είναι ζαχαρωμενα με ζαχαρη… - Σημερα θα φτιαξουμε μια παραδοσιακη ελληνικη συνταγη με λουκανικα Φραγκφουρτης
Δημητρης Χατζηγεωργιου: - Είναι εξυπνος παικτης παρόλο που είναι βραχυσωμος
Μαρια Μπακοδημου: - ο Μακαριος που ζει τωρα;
Ελεονωρα Μελετη: - οι ζεβρες κανουν ωραια παπουτσια
Φαιη Σκορδα: Εμεις θα μεταφερουμε τι ειδαμε, τι ακουσαμε, τι μυρισαμε… - Όταν κανεις γραφει την αληθεια, μπορει και να κανει λαθος - Θα σας δειξω μια εικονα που είναι φανταστικη και πραγματικη συγχρονως - Εμεις τα κουτσομπολια θα τα λεμε με άλλο τροπο. Εμεις θα τα παιρνουμε αλλιως. Από πισω. Γιατι αλλιως είναι να παιρνεις από μπρος και αλλιως από πισω...
Ελενη Μενεγακη: - Μα το καπονι είναι ψαρι; Γιατι εγω ξερω τον σεναριογραφο. - Είναι ένα καθημερινο σιριαλ που προβαλλεται 3 φορες την εβδομαδα - Το ημιγυμνο φορεμα της Ναταλιας Γερμανου πως σας φανηκε; - Τι εχεις ντυθει, πανοπλιος; - Αυτοι που μενουν στα Ματαλα, πως λεγονται, Ματαλεζοι; - Τηλεφωνιστε και κερδιστε το, είναι ένα πολύ ευχαριστο βραχιολι - Εκτος απο φαι, η κακαβια είναι και περιοχη;
Ανδρεας Μικρουτσικος: - Στο σπιτι μου εχω τεραστιες σιωπες και εσωτερικο τροπο σκεψης… - Ξεκουραζεται ο εγκεφαλος τους από την πληροφορηση και ετσι κυριαρχει το συναισθημα
Γιωργος Λιαγκας: Μιλωντας στην Πωλινα Γκιωνακη για τον Γιαννη Γκιωνακη - Να ζησετε να τον χαιρεστε… να τον θυμαστε…
Τερενς Κουικ: - Στα 40 χρονια που ειμαι στο επαγγελμα εχω σηκωθει πολλες φορες ορθιος, για να μην πω ότι εχω σηκωσει ορθια ολη την πρωινη ζωνη - Από την άλλη μερια επαναλαμβανω, γιατι δεν μου αρεσει να λεω τα πραγματα δυο φορες
Μαρινα Τσιντικιδου: - Για να δουμε ποσες φιναλιστ θα μπουνε στην δωδεκαδα
Παναγιωτης Ψωμιαδης: Μιλωντας στην Τατιανα Στεφανιδου - Οι ηρωες εχυσαν το αιμα τους για να μπορεις εσυ τωρα να εχεις εκπομπη Βλεποντας τα πυροτεχνηματα το βραδυ των εκλογων αναφωνησε - Οι ουρανοι είναι δικοι μας
Ελενα Παπαριζου: - Στην κουζινα μου εχω διαθετησει τα πιο πολλα χρηματα (μιλωντας για το καινουργιο της σπιτι)
Ρανια Θρασκια: - Οι ανθρωποι καμια φορα ραγιζουν, δεν είναι σαν τα ταπερ
Ελεανα Τριφιδου: - Σ’αυτή την εκπομπη εχουμε ηθος, εχουμε και στηθος
Τατιανα Στεφανιδου: - Απαντωντας σε μια τηλεθεατρια που της ειπε ότι η εκπομπη της είναι ανθρωπινη: Τι ανθρωπινη, πανανθρωπινη - Εχουμε στο τηλερφωνο την χηρα του αγνοουμενου - Δυο χρονια κυνηγαω την Βασω Καζαντζιδη να της παρω συνεντευξη και εκεινη αρνειται. Αυτό συμαινει ότι είναι μια αξιοπρεπης κυρια
Όταν οι ρεπορτερ εχουν κεφια: Ρεπορτερ καναλιου: - Το Ευρω είναι το πρωτο συγχρονο διεθνες νομισμα - Ειχε εξωσυζυγικες σχεσεις πριν και μετα τον γαμο… - Εμεις την αιφνιδιασαμε νωριτερα απ’ότι ειχαμε συννενοηθει - (για τον Κουφοντινα: ) Αυτοικανοποιηθηκε με αυτά που ακουσε - Η χωρα βυθιστηκε σε ηθικη αυτοικανοποιηση - (για την Αγγελικη Νικολουλη: ) Η καθημερινοτητα της είναι απλη και παντοτε με σπορ διαθεση - (για τον Θεμο Αναστασιαδη: ) Τον συναντησαμε σε μια λαχταριστη συνεντευξη στο πλατο του «Όλα» - (για τον Γρηγορη Αρναουτογλου: ) Απαντησε χιουμοριστικα. Διασκεδασε τις εντυπωσεις για μια ακομη φορα. - Αθλητικος ρεπορτερ ειπε: «Ειμαστε παντα διπλα μας» ενώ άλλος συναδελφος του μεγαλουργησε λεγοντας «Ετοιμαζεται για την πρωτη βολη στο αλμα» Ρεπορτερ της ΕΤ1: - Στην Ισπανια το χαλαζι επεφτε επι δικαιων και αδικων… Ρεπορτερ του Alter απευθηνομενη στην Βασια Παναγοπουλου: - Σας βρισκω σε εγκυμονουσα κατασταση Ρεπορτερ του Star: - Όταν μιλαει ο στελιος Διονυσιου στο «Σουπερ STAR» γινεται πραγματικος χείμαρρος Ρεπορτερ του «Σουπερ STAR» μιλωντας για την Εφη Θωδη: - Ετοιμαζεται να εκτοξευσει την καριερα της στο εξωτερικο Ρεπορτερ του «Πολύ μπλα μπλα»: το τηλεοπτικο τοπιο μοιαζει με καζανι που σιγοβραζει σε πολύ υψηλες θερμοκρασιες… - Τα ποδια της Χριστινας Κολετσα είναι τα πιο μελωδικα ποδια της σοου μπιζ - Το ποδι κοκαλο, σαν να βλεπεις ακτινογραφια, αλλα ωραια ακτινογραφια. (ο ιδιος μιλωντας για την Ταμτα) Παρουσιαστης της ΕΤ3 που διεκοψε τον Γιαννη Μπουταρη για να περασει σε άλλο θεμα λεγοντας: - Οι ειδησεις τρεχουν σε γρηγορους ρυθμους. Όπως η ωριμανση του παλιου καλου κρασιου.
Ο καταλογος είναι μακρυς και για επιλογο μονο την ατακα του Λακη Χαζοπουλου μπορουμε να βαλουμε: Εχει ανοιξει το ΚΤΕΛ της βλακειας και περνανε ολοι ελευθερα…
Ένα δωδεκάχρονο παιδάκι βλέποντας τις ειδήσεις ρωτάει τον μπαμπά του:
- Μπαμπά, τι είναι η πολιτική; Ο πατέρας, που είναι φανερά ικανοποιημένος που ο γιος του δείχνει σημάδια ωρίμανσης, του απαντάει με ένα παράδειγμα:
- Κοίταξε παιδί μου... Μια χώρα είναι σαν μια οικογένεια. Πάρε για παράδειγμα τη δική μας. Η μαμά, είναι σαν την κυβέρνηση, κανονίζει τα πάντα μέσα στο σπίτι. Εγώ, ο πατέρας, είμαι σαν το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο, στηρίζω την οικονομία του σπιτιού. Η υπηρέτρια, είναι σαν την εργατική τάξη, κάνει όλες τις εργασίες που πρέπει να γίνουν.O πακιστανος λαθρομεταναστης στην δουλεψη μου ειναι για να με εξυπηρετει στις δουλειες μου. Εσύ, είσαι η κοινή γνώμη που παρατηρεί τα όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω της. Τέλος, το μωρό που έχουμε σπίτι συμβολίζει το μέλλoν της χώρας. Σκέψου τα όλα αυτά το βράδυ, και αύριο θα συζητήσουμε για τα συμπεράσματα που έβγαλες, εντάξει;
- Εντάξει μπαμπά, απαντάει ο μικρός, και σκεφτικός πηγαίνει στο κρεβάτι του. Στη διάρκεια της νύχτας και ενώ σκεφτόταν τα σοφά λόγια του πατέρα, ακούει κλάματα από την κούνια του μωρού.
Σηκώνεται πάνω, πλησιάζει την κούνια και βλέπει ότι το μωρό έχει λερωθεί.. Πηγαίνει στην κρεβατοκάμαρα να το πει στην μητέρα του, ανοίγει την πόρτα και βλέπει μόνο τη μητέρα του στο κρεβάτι να κοιμάται. Ο πατέρας άφαντος! Τον πιάνει πανικός! Από την μισάνοιχτη πόρτα του δωματίου υπηρεσίας, ακούει ύποπτους θορύβους...πλησιάζει, κοιτάει και βλέπει τον πατέρα του με την υπηρέτρια στα τέσσερα!Και τον λαθρομεταναστη να κραταει το φαναρι! Κάγκελο ο πιτσιρίκος!!!
- "Τι να κάνω;", σκέφτεται, "να ξυπνήσω την μαμά; θα δει τον μπαμπά με την υπηρέτρια,και τον πακιστανο απο πανω, να διακόψω τον μπαμπά; ντρέπομαι, και ποιος θα αλλάξει το μωρό;;;, εγώ δεν ξέρω να το κάνω..."
Αποφασίζει, λοιπόν να κάνει την πάπια και πάει για ύπνο.
Το επόμενο μεσημέρι, μετά το φαγητό, λέει ο πατέρας στον γιο: - Λοιπόν; Σκέφτηκες αυτά που σου είπα εχθές; - Ναι πατέρα, τα σκέφτηκα. - Και τι συμπέρασμα έβγαλες; - Όταν η κυβέρνηση κοιμάται, το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο πηδάει την εργατική τάξη, οι λαθρομεταναστες του κρατουν το φαναρι,η κοινή γνώμη αδιαφορεί, και το μέλλον της χώρας είναι βυθισμένο στα σκατά!!
Ένα δωδεκάχρονο παιδάκι βλέποντας τις ειδήσεις ρωτάει τον μπαμπά του:
- Μπαμπά, τι είναι η πολιτική; Ο πατέρας, που είναι φανερά ικανοποιημένος που ο γιος του δείχνει σημάδια ωρίμανσης, του απαντάει με ένα παράδειγμα:
- Κοίταξε παιδί μου... Μια χώρα είναι σαν μια οικογένεια. Πάρε για παράδειγμα τη δική μας. Η μαμά, είναι σαν την κυβέρνηση, κανονίζει τα πάντα μέσα στο σπίτι. Εγώ, ο πατέρας, είμαι σαν το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο, στηρίζω την οικονομία του σπιτιού. Η υπηρέτρια, είναι σαν την εργατική τάξη, κάνει όλες τις εργασίες που πρέπει να γίνουν.O πακιστανος λαθρομεταναστης στην δουλεψη μου ειναι για να με εξυπηρετει στις δουλειες μου. Εσύ, είσαι η κοινή γνώμη που παρατηρεί τα όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω της. Τέλος, το μωρό που έχουμε σπίτι συμβολίζει το μέλλoν της χώρας. Σκέψου τα όλα αυτά το βράδυ, και αύριο θα συζητήσουμε για τα συμπεράσματα που έβγαλες, εντάξει;
- Εντάξει μπαμπά, απαντάει ο μικρός, και σκεφτικός πηγαίνει στο κρεβάτι του. Στη διάρκεια της νύχτας και ενώ σκεφτόταν τα σοφά λόγια του πατέρα, ακούει κλάματα από την κούνια του μωρού.
Σηκώνεται πάνω, πλησιάζει την κούνια και βλέπει ότι το μωρό έχει λερωθεί.. Πηγαίνει στην κρεβατοκάμαρα να το πει στην μητέρα του, ανοίγει την πόρτα και βλέπει μόνο τη μητέρα του στο κρεβάτι να κοιμάται. Ο πατέρας άφαντος! Τον πιάνει πανικός! Από την μισάνοιχτη πόρτα του δωματίου υπηρεσίας, ακούει ύποπτους θορύβους...πλησιάζει, κοιτάει και βλέπει τον πατέρα του με την υπηρέτρια στα τέσσερα!Και τον λαθρομεταναστη να κραταει το φαναρι! Κάγκελο ο πιτσιρίκος!!!
- "Τι να κάνω;", σκέφτεται, "να ξυπνήσω την μαμά; θα δει τον μπαμπά με την υπηρέτρια,και τον πακιστανο απο πανω... να διακόψω τον μπαμπά; ντρέπομαι, και ποιος θα αλλάξει το μωρό;;;, εγώ δεν ξέρω να το κάνω..."
Αποφασίζει, λοιπόν να κάνει την πάπια και πάει για ύπνο.
Το επόμενο μεσημέρι, μετά το φαγητό, λέει ο πατέρας στον γιο: - Λοιπόν; Σκέφτηκες αυτά που σου είπα εχθές; - Ναι πατέρα, τα σκέφτηκα. - Και τι συμπέρασμα έβγαλες; - Όταν η κυβέρνηση κοιμάται, το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο πηδάει την εργατική τάξη, οι λαθρομεταναστες του κρατουν το φαναρι,η κοινή γνώμη αδιαφορεί, και το μέλλον της χώρας είναι βυθισμένο στα σκατά!!
Ηρθε χειμωνας,το κρυο εγινε τσουχτερο και στην μεγαλη αυλη,μια σκυλα με τρια μικρα κουταβακια της τουρτουριζαν απο το κρυο.
Στην αλλη γωνια της αυλης,σε ενα ξυλινο καλυβακι,ενα σκυλι ειχε ξαπλωσει στη ζεστασια του και δεν φοβοταν το χειμωνα.
Η σκυλα πλησιασε τοτε το καλυβακι και ειπε στο σκυλο:
-Γειτονα μου εχω,εχω τρια μωρα παιδια που υποφερουν απο το κρυο και μπορει να μου πεθανουν. Αφησε μου να μπω στο καλυβακι σου να περασουμε τον παγερο χειμωνα και την ανοιξη φευγουμε.Εσυ εισαι μεγαλος και δεν παθαινεις τιποτε απο το κρυο.
Ο σκυλος τη λυπηθηκε.
-Θα σου κανω την χαρη,της ειπε. Παρε τα παιδια σου κι΄ελα να μεινεις στο καλυβακι μου.Κι'οταν θα ερθει η ανοιξη και ζεστανει ο καιρος,θα ερθω να παρω την θεση μου.
Ετσι, η σκυλα με τα παιδια της περασαν ενα ζεστο και ομορφο χειμωνα και δεν φοβηθηκαν ουτε το κρυο,ουτε τις βροχες,ουτε τα χιονια. Και οταν ηρθε η ανοιξη,ο σκυλος παρουσιαστηκε να παρει τη θεση του στο καλυβι.
-Σε παρακαλω γειτονα,του ειπε τοτε η σκυλα ,αφησε μας να μεινουμε μεχρι το καλοκαιρι γιατι τα παιδια μου δεν ειναι πολυ μεγαλα και την ανοιξη χαλαει συχνα ο καιρος.
-Θα σου κανω την χαρη,της ειπε ο σκυλος που ειχε καλη καρδια. Οταν μπει το καλοκαιρι και αρχισουν οι μεγαλες ζεστες ,θα ερθω.
Περασε η ανοιξη,ηρθε το καλοκαιρι με τις μεγαλες ζεστες και ο σκυλος πηγε να παρει τη θεση του στο καλυβακι.
-Κυρα γειτονισσα,μπηκε για καλα το καλοκαιρι,ειπε στη σκυλα. Μπορειτε τωρα να μεινετε σε καποια γωνια.Καιρος ειναι να μπω και εγω στο καλυβακι μου.
-Κοπιασε να μπεις!! του ειπε τοτε η σκυλα.
Τα παιδια μου μεγαλωσαν και αν τολμησεις να μπεις θα σε σκισουν με τα κοφτερα τους δοντια!
Το καλυβακι μας αρεσει και θα γινει δικο μας!
Και αμεσως τα τρια παιδια της βγηκαν ετοιμα να πεσουν επανω του. Ο καλος ο σκυλος αναγκαστηκε να φυγει.
''Καλα να παθω,ειπε με το νου του. Στους κακους,δεν πρεπει να φερεσαι με καλοσυνη. Ομως,η κακια και η αδικια δεν μπορουν να χαρουν για παντα τη δυναμη τους. Ειμαι σιγουρος οτι η σκυλα και τα παιδια της θα τιμωρηθουν για αυτο που μου εκαναν''.
Αυτό το αλαλούμ που συμβαίνει με τη δημόσια διοίκηση στην Ελλάδα δεν μπορούμε να το καταλάβουμε. Άλλη αρχή δίνει τις άδειες για το παζάρι (νομαρχία), άλλη παρακολουθεί τη νόμιμη εφαρμογή και αξιοποίησή τους (δήμος) και άλλη κάνει τους ελέγχους σ' αυτούς που βρίσκονται στους «πάγκους» (ΕΛΑΣ)!
Δεν θα αναφερόμασταν άλλη φορά σε αυτό το χάλι, που προσβάλλει τον Πειραιά και κάθε Κυριακή μάς κάνει να... κοκκινίζουμε από ντροπή όλους εμάς τους Πειραιώτες, αν δεν συνέβαινε ένα περιστατικό την περασμένη Κυριακή που απέδειξε ότι το παζάρι δεν κάνει μόνο τεράστια ζημιά στην εικόνα της πόλης, αλλά είναι και επικίνδυνο! Συγκεκριμένα, οι δημοτικοί αστυνομικοί, λίγο πριν από το μεσημέρι, με επικεφαλής τον προϊστάμενο της Υπηρεσίας Γ. Μπενέτο, μπήκαν στο παζάρι και ζήτησαν από έναν αλλοδαπό, που όπως αποδείχθηκε δεν είχε ούτε χαρτιά, δηλαδή είναι παράνομος στη χώρα μας, την άδεια που του επέτρεπε να δραστηριοποιείται στο παζάρι. Αντί απάντησης, ο αλλοδαπός, μαζί με δύο τρεις άλλους που πετάχτηκαν δίπλα από τον πάγκο, άρχισε να ξυλοκοπάει τους αστυνομικούς, να τους κυνηγάει με μαχαίρι, να τους πετάει βαριά αντικείμενα κ.λπ. Από... θαύμα γλίτωσαν και... κρύφτηκαν στα γύρω στενά μέχρι να... ξεθυμάνουν οι αλλοδαποί!
Αν χανόταν κάποιος δημοτικός αστυνομικός (που είναι εκ του νόμου άοπλος) τι θα γινόταν; Αν κάποιο από τα παιδιά του Πειραιά που βγάζουν το ψωμί τους στη Δημοτική Αστυνομία πάθαινε κάτι, τι θα λέγαμε τώρα; Πολλές φορές ο δήμαρχος έχει καλέσει την ΕΛΑΣ για να εφαρμόσει τον νόμο στο παζάρι, αλλά μάταια. Οι αστυνομικοί δηλώνουν... αριθμητικά ανεπαρκείς για να αντιμετωπίσουν την κατάσταση και... νίπτουν τας χείρας τους. Μένουν λοιπόν να... βγάλουν το φίδι από την τρύπα οι άοπλοι και ολιγάριθμοι δημοτικοί αστυνομικοί, που αντικειμενικά δεν μπορούν να επιβάλουν τον νόμο. Έτσι, ο νόμος μπαίνει στο περιθώριο στο παζάρι και κάθε Κυριακή, εκτός των άλλων, έχουμε και απόλυτη αυθαιρεσία. Ο νόμος παραβιάζεται κατάφωρα και κανείς δεν μπορεί να τον προστατεύσει ή να τον επιβάλει. Και όλοι, πολίτες, καταναλωτές κ.λπ., βρίσκονται στο έλεος των συμμοριών των παράνομα διαβιούντων στη χώρα μας αλλοδαπών! Και το χειρότερο είναι πως οι «συμμορίες» αυτές επιβάλλουν και τη διατήρηση του παζαριού. Γιατί όλοι οι παράγοντες του Πειραιά, από τον δήμαρχο μέχρι τον Εμπορικό Σύλλογο αλλά και τους απλούς πολίτες, έχουν εκφράσει την άποψη ότι πρέπει να σταματήσει να λειτουργεί το παζάρι ή να νοικοκυρευτεί και να λειτουργεί σε ελεγχόμενους χώρους. Παρ' όλα αυτά, όμως, το παζάρι ζει και βασιλεύει με τον τρόπο που προαναφέραμε: χωρίς έλεγχο και χωρίς όρια! Όταν εκείνοι που πάνε να επιβάλουν τη νομιμότητα κινδυνεύουν να σκοτωθούν και δεν προστατεύονται από το ίδιο το κράτος που τους έχει ορίσει να ελέγχουν την εφαρμογή των νόμων του, δεν πρόκειται να ξαναπάνε... Επανειλημμένα ο δήμος έχει καλέσει την ΕΛΑΣ να συνδράμει τη Δημοτική Αστυνομία, αλλά η Αστυνομία, είτε γιατί δεν έχει διαθέσιμο προσωπικό είτε γιατί έχει άλλες, σοβαρότερες ασχολίες, δεν πάει. Ή, μάλλον, στέλνει τυπικά στη χάση και στη φέξη ένα περιπολικό, που δεν μπορεί να κάνει τίποτα. Εμείς ένα έχουμε να πούμε: Όλοι οι παράνομοι λαθρομετανάστες που ζουν στον Πειραιά και πολλοί άλλοι που επιβιώνουν κάνοντας παρανομίες έχουν σημείο αναφοράς το παζάρι. Αν θέλουν οι αρμόδιοι να «καθαρίσουν» τον Πειραιά απ' όλους αυτούς που τραυματίζουν την εικόνα και τον κοινωνικό ιστό της πόλης, ας πάνε να τους πιάσουν! Ιδού η Ρόδος!
Σας σπάνε τα νεύρα οι σχέσεις προϊσταμένων με συνεδέλφους σας; Είστε σε κανάλι- εφημερίδα- ραδιόφωνο όπου ο άχρηστος αρχισυντάκτης σάς "χώνει" επειδή δεν του κάθεστε; Μήπως γνωρίζετε κάποιους παντρεμένους μέσα από τη δουλειά σας,στον ιδιωτικό ή δημόσιο τομέα που το παίζουν σε διπλό και τριπλό ταμπλό; Νομίζετε ότι σας αδικούν; σας απέλυσαν δίχως λόγο;
192 σχόλια:
ela ayto einai eykolo.kala kanei teties doulies i tzina i stasino?mitromana kai den tis fainete.pantos emena mou aresei pou einai skilomoura.aytes kanoun ta kalitera bukkake.grafei i alogomouri me to garnirisma poli sto fako.an kai go me tis tb persones idios tin vizarou tha protimousa ayto:http://www.efukt.com/2292_Unwanted_Public_Facials_1.html
ayto elega:http://www.efukt.com/2292_Unwanted_Public_ Facials_1.html
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols:
"We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols:
"… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts:
God exists and Evil exists.
A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways.
Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil."
The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few.
Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind.
The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan.
The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion.
The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement.
The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years.
The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt.
Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design.
Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see.
The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve.
Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order.
The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier.
The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable.
Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs.
The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28)
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
Invariably, explanations of historical events are simple yet diabolical. Moreover behind the scenes, those who understand such things believe the following to be quite true:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
It is a mental condition those who wield true power on Earth (the Global or Power Elite) wish to preserve. For, if the deluded masses (the serfs or Useless Eaters) were made cognisant of their condition of servitude they would be moved to do something about it, which would be problematic to their masters (the Power Elite) who want power over them with the least trouble as possible. For, the ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those who blissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves.
Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant of the pernicious –and precarious- nature of the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters who control it. These masters of the modern world are the men of unique wealth and influence who control, by a complete and complex Matrix of Evil, the banking and financial systems of the world and by that the economic and political spheres in human affairs. These men of fabulously unique wealth and influence are not known to the masses since they conduct their affairs in great secrecy -in dark unions and secret meetings- far away from public scrutiny. Yet, their influence in human affairs is massive. Unfortunately, this massive influence is far from benign since it serves a far larger agenda that is nothing less than the establishment of a New World Order -with its One World Government and its One World Religion: in other words, the Last Secular Global Kingdom under the rule of Antichrist ... in other words, the Beast System that is Kingdom of Antichrist on Earth.
Control of the World Financial System is integral to the success of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government often called the New World Order. Consequently, any proper study of the modern financial system and those who control it must have as its central theme this Ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of the New World Order otherwise it is deficient at least, dishonest at most, but either way wholly inadequate to its subject. With this in mind, and for those with the eyes to see, the obvious precarious nature and apparent instability of the modern financial system can be understood as merely a tool, a very useful and very, very powerful tool, to be used by sinister secret powers to bring about desired ends.
The Secret Masters of this world, the true Lords of Power, have created the modern financial system along predefined lines for very definite purposes. Moreover, the periodic crashes of markets that uninformed and dishonest sources tell us are beyond the ken or influence of individuals or groups are an integral part of this process. In short: modern financial markets are manipulated by dark forces and do not move or crash without the knowledge of these Secret Masters. Moreover, the ignorant masses are merely pawns in the Great Game, which is an Ancient Evil Plan to Transform Society. In other words, it is the Ancient Dream of the Secret Societies, their "Ancient Hope," their "Big Idea of the New World Order" under their spiritual leader, the New Age Christ … The Antichrist … who is verily one of the Two Beasts described by John the Divine in the Book of Revelation.
Although the New World Order has been called various names, such as the "Ancient Hope," World Government, Global Governance, Internationalism and Globalism, they are all ultimately the Kingdom of Antichrist. And in this sense, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be viewed as a genuine revelation of this plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth" whose spiritual and temporal capital will be Jerusalem and whose spiritual source is the malefic spirit of immense power often called Satan but who is also called Ahriman. An ancient dream described in the words of the unknown author of the Protocols:
"We shall set up a super government that shall subdue all the nations of the world."
This plot has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "all collective forces except ours." These "collective forces" are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals' identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of Race, Religion, Nation and Family, all of which are products of Natural Moral Order. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the Will of God, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth at whose head seat enthrone two spirits of immense power that are the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the two faces of Evil.
Although there is a definite spiritual awakening occurring on Earth, and more and more people are becoming aware that something is not quite right with things, it is a depressing fact that the majority of humanity are wholly ignorant of the dire predicament they are in. That they are hopelessly enslaved in a material existence that is largely controlled by Secret Masters and that key to this enslavement is their dependence upon, and blind obedience to, the modern financial system.
Fundamental to the control of the modern financial system is the Central Banks and the few conjoined, intermarried families who own them, and pre-eminent among these are Rothschild and Rockefeller: respectively the European and North American foci of the Great Conspiracy whose exoteric organisation and activities are often referred to as the Anglo-American Establishment. Thus, the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are part of the vanguard of the Great Conspiracy, representing a sort of corporate aristocracy, but they are not its leaders … this great power lies elsewhere; and those who hold it are verily the Lords of Power and are, in the temporal sense, truly the Masters of our Destiny.
However, this lesser power -the Corporate Aristocracy– often called the Anglo-American Establishment - have controlled Western governments, the media and education for more than a century. Moreover, Freemasonry, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Zionism, Neo-Conservativism, Feminism, the Homosexual Agenda, Multiculturalism and more are all their instruments of control since the attack on Natural Moral Order is perforce all encompassing and acts on all levels of human existence. The Lords of Power via their control of the Anglo-American Establishment are responsible for most modern wars, rumours of wars, "international terrorism," economic depressions and the modern mass wave of non-white immigrants into the West all of which are designed to degrade and demoralise humanity but they are especially designed to destroy Western Christian Civilisation.
Why is Western Christian Civilisation the main main target? Because not only is it the cradle of the Ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western civilisation, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Conspiracy -the Lords of Power- have worked ceaselessly for centuries to subvert Christendom.
The Lords of Power, the cabal of immensely powerful men, to whom the international bankers and politicians are merely lackeys, own most of the world and in the not too distant future intend to come out of the shadows and directly control it: for, they want to be treated as gods. The object of this ancient satanic cult, at whose head sit the Lords of Power, is to rid the world of God by extinguishing all knowledge of Him in the hearts and minds of all people: in short, their goal is to control a Godless society.
To this end, the Dark Lords of Power have orchestrated an ancient, pernicious assault on the minds and morals of people, especially targeting the children, and have been so successful, that they have corrupted society to such a degree, that they now gloat in the belief that they are very near to accomplishing their Evil desires: a world without God and controlled by them. For, these very wicked and evil men, these Dark Lords of Power, these intergenerational Satanists, are the Elect of the Secret Societies. They are the Externalised Hierarchy of the coming New World Order who will reign supreme along with the Dark Gods they worship. The two baleful spirits who are Ahriman and Lucifer, who are verily the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse, incarnated in flesh and blood, walking this Earth in human form as Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the future Satanic World Empire. Just as its was prophesied by Christ long ago.
Dear reader, understand the grave nature of our plight. It is very terrible indeed. For, now, at this late stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government, mankind is trapped in the satanic grip of an ancient, malignant and all-encompassing Dark Power whose earthly representatives are the Lords of Power, the intergenerational Satanists, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the Elect of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies.
Moreover, this almost total control of modern culture, and especially the indoctrination of western youth in state schools and universities, are used to conceal this brutal reality from the purview of the masses (1 John 5:19). In the words of The Protocols:
"… we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us ... we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction... [and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..."
It is because of this deep-seated pervasive corruption and treason by high officials of all nations, who secretly betray their people to this internationalist dream of Global Governance, of World Empire, that public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise and iniquity and why so many of our "political leaders" appear moral pygmies, dissolutes and liars. The ultimate result of this design for a world ruled by Elites lusting for total domination and control of humanity is an electronic world prison ... a Global Gulag ... a Prison Planet. That is, the scheme for an earthly society in which the individual is reduced to a slave in a global feudal-fascist tyranny ruled by an Elite -the Lords of Power- and enforced by a technologically sophisticated World Police Force and World Army. In short: a scientific dictatorship using the psychological and super technological tools expounded by Aldous Huxley in his book Brave New World (1931) but a dictatorship that will also readily employ brutal force, as described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948), to destroy those who refuse to conform to this new reality ... the New World Order that is the ancient dream of Secret Societies for World Empire.
That is why the "War on Terror" and "9/11" are grand hoaxes designed to bring this state about, namely, bringing Muslim countries under the heel of the Anglo-American Establishment and to help facilitate the integration of the United States of America and a Federated Europe into a World Police State. J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) the United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years and a man who understood such things, wrote that:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Reader, understand, what is unfolding on this Earth is indeed a monstrous conspiracy so great, so grave, so meticulously planned and so near its completion .... and the vast majority of people are wholly ignorant of it ... And, reader, on such weighty matters concerning the loss of liberty and freedom, of life and death, both physical and spiritual, ignorance is not bliss.
To understand what is unfolding on this Earth one must be cognisant of these fundamental facts:
God exists and Evil exists.
A Cosmic battle between these two opposing Active Principles exists that manifests on Earth in myriad ways.
Secret Societies exist and have been the principle vehicles of the transmission of this ancient knowledge of the Cosmic battle between opposing forces of "Good" and "Evil."
The main vehicle of Evil on Earth is called the Cult of Evil. It is a secret, ancient cult that represents the oldest religion on Earth that has usurped most Secret Societies. Consequently, these occult societies, although the ordinary members of them may be ignorant of it, serve the ancient Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government. This World Empire is often called the New World Order but what most commentators on the matter do not understand is that this Global Empire will not be under the auspices of unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations. Rather, it will be under the sway of the Secret Elect, the Occult Hierarchy of the Secret Societies who are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil and who are verily the real but secret rulers of the Earth. Freemasonry is the most prominent of these Secret Societies whose outward appearance belies its secret, dark inner purpose and conceals the malefic nature of its true leadership known only to the very select few.
Temporal affairs of this world are largely controlled from the shadows by these powerful, ancient Secret Societies whose placemen within the banking and political spheres carry out what part of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government they are privy to and have sworn, with terrible blood-oaths, to uphold. The powerful banking families that control international finance and the credit of nations, of which Rothschild and Rockefeller are pre-eminent, typify this public face of the Dark Conspiracy to enslave mankind.
The Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Government that has been unfolding over centuries on Earth has been perpetuated by people who hate humanity, Christ and God. They despise everything arising from Christ, the spirituality that is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary, and have worked ceaselessly to extinguish its presence here on Earth. The men who orchestrate this assault on Christ, God and man are the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil; from the oldest religion in the world. These Black Adepts are intergenerational Satanists and Luciferians who pass occult power on to successive generations of Dark Adepts, each generation sworn to advance the Evil Agenda into the future. These are also called in many New Age writings the Occult Hierarchy. Surrounding these Black Adepts are the minions of the Great Conspiracy, those people who have given themselves over to the dark side but who do not have the occult power of the Black Adepts who are the true Lords of Power on Earth. These minions hope that by their fealty to these Secret Masters they will be well rewarded with power, wealth and prestige. Contemporary examples of such minions are Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama. Mikhail Gorbachev and Alan Greenspan.
The financial system is integral to the success of the Evil Agenda for the establishment of a World Empire, the New World Order with its One World Government and its One World Religion.
The modern financial system has been so contrived that those who control it have garnered for themselves power and influence beyond compare. Such that they can beggar kings and impoverish nations at will. This power is also used to change society along predefined lines so that the final push to World Empire will face the least resistance possible. All modern wars since the time of Napoleon have been precipitated and then orchestrated by the Elect, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, for this purpose of changing society. Thus, modern wars, even the much vaunted "War on Terror", are never fought to defeat a perceived enemy but are used by these Secret Masters to increasingly mould society into their image. This latter stage of the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government in which subversive movements and contrived wars and revolutions predominate is sometimes called the World Revolutionary Movement.
The one true target of the forces of Evil, whose earthly representatives are called the Cult of Evil, is the spirituality emanating from the Cross at Calvary -the Christ Impulse commonly called Christianity- and everything arising from it. Thus, the Confederacy of Evil has remorselessly attacked Western Civilisation (whose initial spirituality and morality was predicated upon the Christ Impulse) and to such a degree, that in one sense we live now in its twilight years.
The Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government is now so well advanced because the corruption arising from the Cult of Evil has worked itself insidiously into all institutions and organisations in Western Civilisation. It has destroyed all institutions worthy of praise and made infinitely worse those deserving contempt.
Fear is the great mechanism used with consummate skill by the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the true but secret rulers of the Earth, to shepherd the masses along paths they would otherwise fear to tread. Wars, rumours of wars and now the fear of "international terrorism" are routinely used to coerce the masses into giving up, for the vague promise of increased security, more and more of what little freedoms they have left. For, the secret rulers of the Earth understand all too well the propensity of people to give up their freedoms for the notion of increased security. Related to this is the phenomenon of mass "legal" and illegal immigration of non-white, non-Christian peoples, and especially Muslims, into the West. All of whom are encouraged into the West (legally or otherwise) to partake of the Wealth and Welfare Benefits of the West and all encouraged by official policy (commonly called Multiculturalism) NOT to integrate. For, against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners, a secret, high level policy of mass immigration aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional "Race Relations" experts and "Race Industry" organisations whose disproportionate "power" within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this "power," for, these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders upon the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by non-white, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the ancient "divide and rule" principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilisation and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Wicked, evil Political and Cultural Elites, energised by Judaeo-Freemasonry, conspire with foolish liberal idealists and Zionists Conspirators to bring about the Liberal Utopia, which is the last stepping stone to Total World Tyranny. In Europe this manifests as the Bolshevik Soviet European Union. Crucial to the Liberal Utopia is the Multicultural Agenda; a terrible device facilitated by the official policy of every government in the West to encourage massive illegal and legal immigration of non-white, non-Christian immigrants. Hence, the iniquitous policy of generously subsidised welfare immigrants who are encouraged to preserve their own culture and language. Thus, the growing millions of immigrants who refuse to speak the indigenous language of the Western nation they choose to call home and who produce vast numbers of uneducated, illiterate Western-hating children. While, simultaneously, official policies of discrimination against the indigenous peoples of the West, and deliberate, iniquitous taxation, force many of the young Western couples to abstain from raising healthy and educated children. Further, the more prescient and ambitious Westerners emigrate from these oppressed lands, for, they see no future in a land lost to Multicultural Zionist Oppression, bizarre Political Correctness, ceaseless and unremitting taxation, monstrous health insurance rises and unaffordable price increases. Consequently, the Western World now experiences the lowest birth rates in the world. In other words: it is ethnic genocide by stealth and Culture suicide by design.
Financial ruin and an increasing anxiety of it happening due to deteriorating macro-economic conditions are also used to ratchet up the fear factor of individuals and society. Consequently, the placemen and lackeys of the Cult of Evil, who some call the Illuminati, which control the financial system routinely manipulate markets and periodically crash them according to timetables given to them by their Secret Masters. Modern stock market bubbles and crashes do not happen by accident but by design. Furthermore, the machinations of these market manipulators can be easily seen by those with eyes to see.
The impoverishment of the middle class within the West, but especially those in the United States of America, is a prerequisite for the establishment of the New World Order. For, this social class and everything it represents (especially their ethos of work, personal freedom, independent critical thinking and wariness of the ever-increasing interference of the State in every aspect of their lives) is not only an impediment to the move to World Empire but an anathema to those who desire it. This is because the ethos of the World Government-in-waiting is Socialism but not the benign type beloved of effete urban sophisticates, venal academics and naïve students rather it is the vigorous socialism of the kind monsters, mass murders and tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler and Mao Zedong would approve.
Most people simply wish to live peacefully and prosper and grow old in the bosom of a loving family and do not care to ponder on such weighty matters or indeed care to consider that such sinister things exist. However, the way of things is otherwise and the Cabal of Evil, the Lords of Power, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are verily the Shadow Government of the world, do not intend that the world and its people remain at peace. For, their ancient dream of World Empire demands that the world and its entire peoples become totally subordinated to their will such that everyone, everywhere is controlled, both bodily and mentally, from the cradle to the grave. And, to do this they must first destroy Western civilisation predicated upon the spirituality that is Christianity. Integral to this planned destruction is the control of the modern financial system by which the Cult of Evil have corrupted leaders and enslaved nations and who will use it in the not too distant future to precipitate a huge financial crises of unparalleled proportions that will cause so much fear and uncertainty that the majority of people willingly succumb to the blandishments of the Globalists and rush to embrace the New World Order.
The ingenuity, industry and wealth of the world's peoples, but especially the American people, have been used by the planners of the New World Order to facilitate their monstrous agenda for World Empire. The huge wealth creating capacity of the American people has been used to finance the conspiracy to enslave the world and its military used to initiate the geopolitical realities necessary to affect World Government. Once the usefulness of the United States, its military might and its peoples' wealth creating capacity is over the plan then is to destroy America as a viable sovereign state thereby making its assimilation into the New World Order easier.
The Secret Rulers of the Earth plan a financial catastrophe of undreamed of proportions to bring about the destruction of the West and the wholesale ruin and impoverishment of the middle class in the knowledge that in the ensuing turmoil and social chaos (compounded by the spectacle of wars, the rumours of wars, orchestrated "International Terrorist" acts and man-made pandemics) that, to the vast majority of frightened people, the case for World Government, which promises to bring peace and stability to all things everywhere, will appear unassailable.
Until one understands the nature of the spiritual forces at work on this Earth then one really cannot understand the true nature of the events unfolding all about. And because you, reader, may not believe or comprehend such things does not mean they are false. For, although you, gentle reader, may not believe in gods, Evil or Prophecy, it is such that among the leaders of nations there are those who do and their every political action, which affects everyone, everywhere and in all things, are in accordance with these deeply held beliefs.
The Dark Empire of the Secret Societies working to destroy Western Christian Civilisation are commanded by the Cult of Evil, who are the human agents of Evil and are all Luciferians and Satanists that practice Black Magic. These secret groups are working ceaselessly to bring about conditions that are propitious for the incarnation of their Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, on Earth, in flesh and blood, which they believe will make the enslavement of mankind complete and forever. These two Dark Gods are the Antichrist and the Great Dictator of the coming New World Order and are the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse that John the Divine wrote about in Revelation. That is why those with eyes to see can perceive an ancient Evil uncoiling again in the world and with sorrowful hearts, contemplate the Red Dragon unfurling its wings and the Angel of Death mustering millions of his disciples for the coming battle. This battle is the Great Battle, often called Armageddon, which is the consummation of the spiritual battle being fought in the Arena of History and whose consequences are grave indeed. For, the true Lords of Power, the Occult Hierarchy who rule the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil, who are the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed and the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice, believe that if their Great Conspiracy prevails against God they will be able to command with complete authority the Sun itself to stop. Gentle reader, verily, we live in perilous times indeed yet few people comprehend it ...
"But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28)
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
When We Are Young Age Has No Meaning
i Never Gave It A Second Thought
until One Day Along Came This Old Man
and This Is What He Said To Me
yes This Is What He Said To Me
i Know What It Is To Be Young
but You,
You Don't Know What It Is To Be Old
someday You'll Be Saying The Same Thing
time Takes Away So The Story Is Told
i Have So Many Questions
for The Wise Man I Met
couldn't Find All The Answers
no One Has Theirs As Yet
there'll Be Days To Remember
full Of Laughter And Tears
after Summer Comes Winter
so Go The Years
so My Friend Let's Make Music Together
i'll Play The Old While You Sing Me The New
in Time When Your Young Days Are Over
there'll Be Someone Sharing Their Time With YOU
When We Are Young Age Has No Meaning
i Never Gave It A Second Thought
until One Day Along Came This Old Man
and This Is What He Said To Me
yes This Is What He Said To Me
i Know What It Is To Be Young
but You, You Don't Know What It Is To Be Old
someday You'll Be Saying The Same Thing
time Takes Away So The Story Is Told
i Have So Many Questions
for The Wise Man I Met
couldn't Find All The Answers
no One Has Theirs As Yet
there'll Be Days To Remember
full Of Laughter And Tears
after Summer Comes Winter
so Go The Years
so My Friend Let's Make Music Together
i'll Play The Old While You Sing Me The New
in Time When Your Young Days Are Over
there'll Be Someone Sharing Their Time With You
__ ___ __
! ! ! ! !
!____ __ ! ! !
! ! ___ __
! ! !
! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
! ___ __ ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
και ελεγα ποιον μου θυμιζει.κατι απο μεγαλους ελληνες του green graecilus-anthelinus ecology energy system.incorporated εν τω σωματει και υπο των κοκαλλων ελληνων ιερα(alekos;)
το βρηκα!ειναι ο εθναρχης με περουκα και βυζια σε νεαρη ηλικια!!το καταλαβον απο το ερκωτο κυρτωμενο στομα.σημα κατατεθεν του μεγαλου.
η μακεδονια ανηκει στην πρασινη ενεργεια.
η ελλαδα ανηκει στο social market economy.
jeffrey-giorgo her zaman arkadas for global leadership-goverment.
η λεξη γενιτσαρος εχει ενα ιδιαιτερο περιεχομενο ιστορικο.στα πλαισια ομως της υποταγης στην ιστορικη θεωρηση της τουρκιας απο την ελλαδα,εμφανιζονται τσασοι πανεπιστημιακοι που με την στηριξη του επισημου κρατους ανελαβαν να εφαρμοσουν στην κοινωνια αυτη την εξωεπιστημονικη επιλογη.ετσι και οι γενιτσαροι μεσα στο γενικοτερο κλιμα αυτο γινονται απο τους τσατσους περιπου τυχοδιωκτες πρωην βυζαντινοι και νυν οσμανοι υπηκοοι που για τον παρα μεσα στην τρελη χαρα αυτο στρατολογουνται ως ειδικες δυναμεις του σουλταν εφεντι.δεν ειναι τυχαιο οτι οι λυκοι της ταταρομογγολικης στεπας με τις ελληνικες βαλκανιες αραβικες αρμενικες και φραγκικες[οδαλισκες] γενετικες σεξο μπασταρδευσεις εχουν κοσκινισει και τα λεξικα και εγκυκλοπαιδειες αλλα και βιβλιοθηκες πανεπιστημιων ανα τον κοσμο με εξαγορες προσωπων,ωστε να εξαφανιζουν οτι αντιμαχεται την δικη τους ψευδη ιστορικη καταγραφη.αφορμη της σκεψης η αναζητηση στον γουγλη του λημματος janizary.παραδειγμα λοιπον τι γραφει το ιστορικο χερι και μαθαινουν για τους μογγολους τα φοιτηταρια και καθεις ανα τον κοσμο για αυτο ειναι πχ εδω http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/janizary
αλλα και εδω το merriam webster
πολιτικαντηδες και οι ομογενειες ημπορουν να συνεχισουν να παιζουν το βιολι τους ακουραστα.
ετσι και αλλιως εχουν μοιρολατρικα δεχτει οτι μεχρι το τελος του αιωνα 2100 μαλλον ελλας ως χωρα δεν θα υφισταται.αλλα και ελληνισμος ως εννοια οικουμενικη οπως λχ οι ιουδαιοι επι 2 χιλιαδες χρονια συντηρουσαν υπαρξη χωρις χωρα land ειναι αμφιβολο αν θα υπαρχει αφου ο αφελληνισμος ειναι ραγδαιος και στο εδω land και στις επομενες γενεες ομογενων αλλοδαπης εξω.φροντιζει για αυτο ο εθνομηδενισμος και τα προταγματα της παγκοσμιας οικονομικης συγκυριας καθως και ο εποικισμος της υπαρχουσας ελληνικης γης.
ισως λοιπον ως το 2150 θαυμασουν στην θεση της μπαναλ ακροπολεως [που δεν θα εχει πιθανον και ουδενα πολιτισμικο δεσμο με του τοτε διαβιουντες] ενα μεγαλοπρεπες ισλαμικο ανακτορο..
η μεγαλη ουγγαρεζα cameron diaz σε μια απο τις μεγαλες της παραστασεις.θεα!ουγγαρεζες νουμερο1!
λοιπον ειναι ευκαιρια για καποιες παρατηρησεις.
1.μπραβο στον σακη.ηταν αξιοπρεπεστατος.εκανε το καλυτερο.το τραγουδι ομως ηταν πιο λιγο απο τον ιδιο.κληθηκε να στηριξει ενα τραγουδι που ειχε στηθει μονο για την εικονα.αυτο ειναι σωστο μεν,αλλα δεν αρκει.θελει και καποιο μουσικο ευρημα.οπως ειχαν τα πρωτα τραγουδια.δηλ.το βιολιστικο σολαρισμα φιοριτουρα της νορβηγιας,το καθηλωτικο γυρισμα στην μελωδια της ισλανδιας στο κορυφωμα της μπαλαντας[προσεχτε τα εκπληκτικης δυναμης γυρισματα που κανει η μελωδια στους στιχους 'Falling out of a perfect dream'
και λιγο μετα στο στιχο Did you tell me
You would never leave me this way?]
το ιδιο και τα εθνικ ινδικο μπολυγουντ γυρισματα με ολιγο απο εναρξη μπουζουκιου στο αζερμπαιτζαν[με το ανατολιτικο ροδοστανθο του μπακου την αισελ] πανω σε rnb χορευτικο ηχο ειναι στοιχεια που γραφουν.
το ιδιο το τουρκικο που ειχε το ευρημα του τεκ τεκ[ξανα ξανα στα τουρκικα] το τσιφτετελι με ολιγον rnb ηχο.εστω και αν η ερμηνευτρια ηταν μετριοτατη και το καθηλωσε το τραγουδι,που τελικα ανεβηκε στο 4 για πολιτικους συσχετισμους.
ακομη και το τραγουδι της εστονιας με το μελαχρινο κουκλι του βορρα με τα ματια νεραιδας ειχε μεσα ενα σκανδιναβικο ακουσμα της εθνικ κουλτουρας που εγραφε.
2.η αγγλια μαλλον αποτελει προιον των επιτροπων στην θεση αυτη.το ιδιο και η γαλλια στο 8.δυο τραγουδια εκτος κλιματος διαγωνισμου που σωθηκαν απο τις επιτροπες.
3.οι οποιες επιτροπες περιοριστηκαν μονο στο να σπασουν το ανατολικοευρωπαικο λομπι.μονο για να στειλουν το διαγωνισμο στην δυτικη.αντιθετα οι πολιτικες ισορροπιες των ψηψων καλα κρατησαν.οι επιτροπες δεν αλλοιωσαν καθολου καποιες κραυγαλεα μεταξυ αδελφων λαων ψηφους.
ετσι η τουρκια επαιρνε και εδινε στο αδελφο αζερμπαιτζαν,στην 'μακεδονια' και την αλβανια.η ελλαδα με την κυπρο και τις χωρες των βαλκανιων με μεταναστες εδω,η ρουμανια την μολδαβια,οι σκανδιναβοι αναμεταξυ τους,οι βαλτικες με τους ρωσους,οι πρωην γιουγκοσλαβοι μεταξυ τους κλπ κλπ.
οι επιτροπες δεν απαλυναν αυτες τις ακροτητες οπου ηταν εξοφθαλμο.λχ ανδορα δωδεκα στην μετρια ισπανια που καταποντιστηκε!αρα ποιο το νοημα της υπαρξης τους.μονο καλλωπιστικο και για την μεταφορα του διαγωνισμου στην δυτικη ευρωπη.
4.επιτελους ας εξηγησουν στον κοσμο οτι η ελλαδα ειναι καθε χρονο στα φαβορι του στοιχηματος για ενα απλο λογο.γιατι ειναι η πρωτη χωρα της ευρωπης σε κατα κεφαλη τζογο.και σε συνδιασμο οτι ειναι απο τις πρωτες σε ενδιαφερον για την ευροβιζιον,αυτο σημαινει αναλογικα τα μεγαλυτερα ποσα να πονταρονται πανω στην εκαστοτε ελληνικη συμμετοχη.απο ελληνες..αρα οσο μεγαλυτερο συγκριτικα το πονταρισμα σε μια χωρα,τοσο χαμηλοτερη η αποδοση που δινει ο μπουκης για να προφυλαξει το μαγαζι του.αυτο ομως δεν σημαινει φαβορι.μπορει να σημαινει και μεγαλο κερδος για τον μπουκη που παιρνει στοιχημα μονοπατα απο ελληνες μονο..
5.κραυγαλεα πολιτικες καποιες ψηψοι.12 της γαλλιας στην τουρκια!αφου δεν σας βαζουμε στη ευρωπη σας δινουμε 12.η αγγλια 12 στην τουρκια για να τους βαλουν στην ευρωπη. η αρμενια 4 στη τουρκια για να κανουμε διπλωματια αλα ζειμπεκικα.ημαρτον!
6.στο τελος το σημαντικοτερο.η κυρια λινατσα απο τα σκοπια εκανε χυδαια πολιτικη λεγωντας τρις για μακεδονια.το καταστατικο της ebu απαγορευει πολιτικες ενεργειες και παραξεις στο διαγωνισμο.το ονομα αυτης της χωρας ειναι προσωρινα φυρομ διεθνως.μονο με αυτο δικαιουνται να εμφανιζονται.τις κουτοπονηριες και τους λεονταρισμους στην χωρα τους.ντροπη στην ερτ και στην κοιμωμενη του υπεξ υπουργο με το βλεμμα αγελαδας και χαμογελο κολγκειτ που επιτρεπουν τετοιες προκλησεις.η ερτ οφειλει να θεσει στο συμβουλιο της ebu το ζητημα και να ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙ κυρωσεις εις βαρος της mrt [τηλεορασης σκοπιων]ισως και απειλη αποκλεισμου απο την επομενη ευροβιζιον αν δεν συμμορφωθουν.δεν ειναι παραλογο,ειμαστε απολυτα καλυμμενοι να απαιτησουμε σεβασμο στους κανονες του διαγωνισμου.και κυρωσεις για τις παραβιασεις.ξυπνατε κυριοι.η αδιαφορια τα προκαλει αυτα.
γιατι αντιδρουν οσοι το κανουν για την τουρκικη επιστροφη εν ελλαδι μεσω νατοικου διοικητη?αφου η κυρια ρεπουση κατα την διαλεκτικη που δημιουργησε το ευαγγελιο της σαφως τοποθετηθηκε.οι ρωμιοι περνουσαν υπεροχα επι οσμανοκρατιας μας ειπε.
τι θελετε λοιπον?αντι να ευχαριστειτε τους πολιτικους που φροντιζουν να μας ξαναχαρισουν παλαιους παραδεισους,σεις τους μεμφεστε?αχαριστια..
βεβαια το ρεπουσιον(και κρατικο..) αποφθεγμα θα ημπορουσε και να αναστραφει.αφου περνουσαμε ζαχαρη,ας προτεινομε στους ευεργετες τουρκους να το εφαρμοσουμε αντιστροφα σημερα.
να καταλαβουμε και εμεις την τουρκια και να κανουμε τις ιδιες πραξεις ευεγερσιας με τοτε στους ιδιους.
για να ανταποδωσουμε το καλο βρε αδερφε που μας εκαμαν και που διδασκονται ημεδαποι[και ελληνοπουλα απο το ταμ ριρι ραμ και την μεκκα..] μαθητες και φοιτητες σημερον..
καθως και να βγαλουμε την υποχρεωση για τα τοσα κακα που τους προκαλεσαμε οπως παλι διδασκονται[τροπολιτσα, 1922,κλπ].ειμαι πεπεισμενος πως τοσο οι τουρκοι οσο και η κυρια ρεπουση και σια δεν θα εχουν αντιρρηση σε μια τετοια πραξη μεγαλοψυχιας και στην αναγκη μας να καθαρουμε τις ερινυες ημων..
νεοελληνικος σουρρεαλισμος..
Έχω δικές μου απόψεις με τις οποίες πολλές φορες δεν συμφωνώ.
*George Bush Junior*
Πιστεύω ότι το ανθρώπινο γένος μπορεί να συνυπάρξει ειρηνικά με τα ψάρια...
*Τζίνα Αλοιμόνου (Μοντέλο)*
Ο δείκτης των τιμών σήμερα έκλασε... συγγνώμη... έκλεισε στις τάδε τιμές.
*Παρουσιάστρια ειδήσεων του MEGA *
Έπρεπε να διαλέγουν φύλακες με αρχαιοελληνικές μούρες στην Ακρόπολη.
*Βάνα Μπάρμπα*
Και θα περάσουμε να ακούσουμε τη Μέλανι Τσι και το Αϊ τουρν του γιου ( Melanie
C , I turn to you )...
*Δημήτρης Φωτιάδης (Ιδιωτικός σταθμός Κατερίνης)*
-Κυρία Σαρρή, διαβάζετε Ηράκλειττο;
-Ναι, γιατί γενικώς είμαι πολύ των extreme πραγμάτων.
*Έφη Σαρρή*
-Ποια είναι τα αγαπημένα σας τραγούδια απο το καινούργιο CD ;
-Το 2, το 5 και το 8.
*Κατερίνα Στανίση*
Βλέπω στην τηλεόραση τα παιδάκια στην Αφρική και κλαίω. Θα ήθελα να ήμουν
και εγώ τόσο αδύνατη, αλλά χωρίς όλες αυτές τις μύγες γύρω μου...
*Mariah Carey*
Κατά την διάρκεια αγώνα ανώμαλου δρόμου γυναικών: Και οι ανώμαλες μπαίνουν
στα τελευταία 1000 μέτρα...
*Σχολιαστής στίβου*
Σε ποια χώρα τραγούδησε ο Λευτέρης Πανταζής; Στην Τουρκία, στην Αγγλία ή στο
*Εύα Αντωνοπούλου (Τουίστ, ALPHA TV)*
Ρεάλ-Λάτσιο 2-2 υπέρ της Ρεάλ.
*Εκφωνητής του MEGA *
Σε κάποιο ακριτικό χωριό:
Εκτός από ανθρώπους, περνάνε και Ρουμάνοι τα σύνορα;
*Ρεπόρτερ του TEMPO *
Μου αρέσουν όλοι οι ποιητές, ακόμα και ο Μπετόβεν.
*Τζένη Χειλουδάκη*
Μετά από αγορά εκτυπωτή, παίρνουν τηλέφωνο στον προμηθευτή: -Πείτε μου το
πρόβλημά σας. -Ο καινούργιος εκτυπωτής που πήραμε δεν εκτυπώνει.. -Είναι στο
ρεύμα; -Ναι. -Πατήσατε το κουμπί; -Ναι. -Είναι on- line ; -Ναι. -Χαρτί έχει;
-Ναι. -Οι μελανοταινίες είναι εντάξει; -Ναι... Τελικά πάει ο τεχνικός από
κει και λέει: -Πού είναι ο υπολογιστής; -Ποιος υπολογιστής;
*Τράπεζα Κύπρου*
Ναι, αλλά εσύ απάντησε θετικά όχι.
*Ηθοποιός σε πρόγραμμα του ΑΝΤ1*
Οκτώ στους δέκα Ελληνες πιστεύουν ότι τα μοντέλα είναι χαζά. Τους υπόλοιπους
τρεις όμως, που πιστεύουν πως είμαστε έξυπνες δεν τους ακούμε.
*Βίκυ Κουλιανού*
-Και πού βρίσκεστε τώρα;
-Στα Τρίκαλα.
-Α, ωραία, κοντά στη θάλασσα.
*Νίκη Κάρτσωνα*
Και τώρα ο ζωντανός καλεσμένος μας.
*Ρούλα Κορομηλά*
Σε περιγραφή ανόργανης γυμναστικής:
Οι αθλήτριες αποφάσισαν επιτέλους να ανοίξουν τα πόδια τους.
*Κώστας Καπάταης*
Και τώρα μαζί μας η πασίγνωστη τραγουδίστρια... Πώς είπαμε ότι σε λένε;
*Αννα Μαρία Λογοθέτη*
Σε τηλεφωνική σύνδεση με Καβάλα:
-Ναι... από πού τηλεφωνείτε;
-Γίναμε και ιντερνάσιοναλ.
*Αννα Μαρία Λογοθέτη*
Πόσοι νέοι είναι στον σατανισμό... παθαίνουν ναρκωτικα και όλα αυτά τα
*Ελένη Λουκά*
Θέλοντας να πει οτι το παιχνίδι βόλλεϋ θα ειναι μαγνητοσκοπημένο, λέει: Όχι
κυρίες και κύριοι, αύριο δεν θα βγούμε ζωντανοί από το στάδιο Ειρήνης και
*Χάρης Αλευρόπουλος*
Κατά την διάρκεια των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων στην Βαρκελώνη και ενώ ο φακός
ζουμάρει στα οπίσθια της Βαν Αντσικ (διάσημης κολυμβήτριας), λέει: "Και η
Βαν Αντσικ, η βασίλισσα των πισινών."
*Χάρης Αλευρόπουλος*
Ο αγώνας τέλειωσε με τρία γκολ, ένα για κάθε ομάδα.
*Κώστας Μπάνιας (Αρτα TV)*
Η πρωτοπόρος Αναγέννηση Αρτας είναι δεύτερη.
*Κώστας Μπάνιας (Αρτα TV)*
Έχουμε μαζί μας τον Σπύρο Γιαννάκη, 16 ετών, μαθητή του 3ου Λυκείου και
αθλητή του Πύρρου. Λοιπόν Σπύρο, πες μας πώς σε λένε, πόσο χρονών είσαι, σε
ποιο σχολείο πηγαίνεις και σε ποια ομάδα αγωνίζεσαι.
*Κώστας Μπάνιας (Αρτα TV )*
Τηλεφώνημα σε γραφείο έκδοσης εισιτηρίων: Κρατήσεις στοματικώς κάνετε;
Οι επιβάτες για Σπέτσες να είναι έτοιμοι για αποβίβαση. Passengers for
Spetses , ready for the ksebarkation.
*Καπετάνιος σε πλοίο προς Σπέτσες*
Αυτό τον καιρό δεν έχω σχέση, είμαι άσχετος.
*Κάποιος από Δράμα*
Απορία σε εξεταστική, για θέμα πολλαπλής επιλογής:
Εάν δεν είναι σωστή καμιά από τις πέντε απαντήσεις, τι να γράψουμε;
*Κάποια απο Αθήνα*
Συζήτηση με τουρίστα:
-How much is that?
- Upstairs downstairs, one thousand (πάνω κάτω ένα χιλιάρικο).
* **Κάποιος ιδιοκτήτης μαγαζιού με σουβενίρ στην Ξάνθη *
Αντζελα Δημητριου:
απαντωντας στην ερωτηση αν τα τραγουδια που ειπε στην συναυλια της είναι ανεκδοτα:
- Όχι, κάθε άλλο, ηταν και πολύ σοβαρα
- Εισαι ποταπος και πραος (απαντωντας σε δημοσιογραφο που της εκανε κριτικη)
Ευη Αδαμ:
- Η ευτυχια είναι μια ικανοτητα που δεν επηρεαζεται από τα δεδομενα…
- Το κονσεπτ της οικογενειας δεν προβλεπει άλλο παιδι
Βεφα Αλεξιαδου:
- Τα πορτοκαλια είναι ζαχαρωμενα με ζαχαρη…
- Σημερα θα φτιαξουμε μια παραδοσιακη ελληνικη συνταγη με λουκανικα Φραγκφουρτης
Δημητρης Χατζηγεωργιου:
- Είναι εξυπνος παικτης παρόλο που είναι βραχυσωμος
Μαρια Μπακοδημου:
- ο Μακαριος που ζει τωρα;
Ελεονωρα Μελετη:
- οι ζεβρες κανουν ωραια παπουτσια
Φαιη Σκορδα:
Εμεις θα μεταφερουμε τι ειδαμε, τι ακουσαμε, τι μυρισαμε…
- Όταν κανεις γραφει την αληθεια, μπορει και να κανει λαθος
- Θα σας δειξω μια εικονα που είναι φανταστικη και πραγματικη συγχρονως
- Εμεις τα κουτσομπολια θα τα λεμε με άλλο τροπο. Εμεις θα τα παιρνουμε αλλιως. Από πισω.
Γιατι αλλιως είναι να παιρνεις από μπρος και αλλιως από πισω...
Ελενη Μενεγακη:
- Μα το καπονι είναι ψαρι; Γιατι εγω ξερω τον σεναριογραφο.
- Είναι ένα καθημερινο σιριαλ που προβαλλεται 3 φορες την εβδομαδα
- Το ημιγυμνο φορεμα της Ναταλιας Γερμανου πως σας φανηκε;
- Τι εχεις ντυθει, πανοπλιος;
- Αυτοι που μενουν στα Ματαλα, πως λεγονται, Ματαλεζοι;
- Τηλεφωνιστε και κερδιστε το, είναι ένα πολύ ευχαριστο βραχιολι
- Εκτος απο φαι, η κακαβια είναι και περιοχη;
Ανδρεας Μικρουτσικος:
- Στο σπιτι μου εχω τεραστιες σιωπες και εσωτερικο τροπο σκεψης…
- Ξεκουραζεται ο εγκεφαλος τους από την πληροφορηση και ετσι κυριαρχει το συναισθημα
Γιωργος Λιαγκας:
Μιλωντας στην Πωλινα Γκιωνακη για τον Γιαννη Γκιωνακη
- Να ζησετε να τον χαιρεστε… να τον θυμαστε…
Τερενς Κουικ:
- Στα 40 χρονια που ειμαι στο επαγγελμα εχω σηκωθει πολλες φορες ορθιος, για να μην πω ότι εχω σηκωσει ορθια ολη την πρωινη ζωνη
- Από την άλλη μερια επαναλαμβανω, γιατι δεν μου αρεσει να λεω τα πραγματα δυο φορες
Μαρινα Τσιντικιδου:
- Για να δουμε ποσες φιναλιστ θα μπουνε στην δωδεκαδα
Παναγιωτης Ψωμιαδης:
Μιλωντας στην Τατιανα Στεφανιδου
- Οι ηρωες εχυσαν το αιμα τους για να μπορεις εσυ τωρα να εχεις εκπομπη
Βλεποντας τα πυροτεχνηματα το βραδυ των εκλογων αναφωνησε
- Οι ουρανοι είναι δικοι μας
Ελενα Παπαριζου:
- Στην κουζινα μου εχω διαθετησει τα πιο πολλα χρηματα (μιλωντας για το καινουργιο της σπιτι)
Ρανια Θρασκια:
- Οι ανθρωποι καμια φορα ραγιζουν, δεν είναι σαν τα ταπερ
Ελεανα Τριφιδου:
- Σ’αυτή την εκπομπη εχουμε ηθος, εχουμε και στηθος
Τατιανα Στεφανιδου:
- Απαντωντας σε μια τηλεθεατρια που της ειπε ότι η εκπομπη της είναι ανθρωπινη: Τι ανθρωπινη, πανανθρωπινη
- Εχουμε στο τηλερφωνο την χηρα του αγνοουμενου
- Δυο χρονια κυνηγαω την Βασω Καζαντζιδη να της παρω συνεντευξη και εκεινη αρνειται. Αυτό συμαινει ότι είναι μια αξιοπρεπης κυρια
Όταν οι ρεπορτερ εχουν κεφια:
Ρεπορτερ καναλιου:
- Το Ευρω είναι το πρωτο συγχρονο διεθνες νομισμα
- Ειχε εξωσυζυγικες σχεσεις πριν και μετα τον γαμο…
- Εμεις την αιφνιδιασαμε νωριτερα απ’ότι ειχαμε συννενοηθει
- (για τον Κουφοντινα: ) Αυτοικανοποιηθηκε με αυτά που ακουσε
- Η χωρα βυθιστηκε σε ηθικη αυτοικανοποιηση
- (για την Αγγελικη Νικολουλη: ) Η καθημερινοτητα της είναι απλη και παντοτε με σπορ διαθεση
- (για τον Θεμο Αναστασιαδη: ) Τον συναντησαμε σε μια λαχταριστη συνεντευξη στο πλατο του «Όλα»
- (για τον Γρηγορη Αρναουτογλου: ) Απαντησε χιουμοριστικα. Διασκεδασε τις εντυπωσεις για μια ακομη φορα.
- Αθλητικος ρεπορτερ ειπε: «Ειμαστε παντα διπλα μας»
ενώ άλλος συναδελφος του μεγαλουργησε λεγοντας «Ετοιμαζεται για την πρωτη βολη στο αλμα»
Ρεπορτερ της ΕΤ1:
- Στην Ισπανια το χαλαζι επεφτε επι δικαιων και αδικων…
Ρεπορτερ του Alter απευθηνομενη στην Βασια Παναγοπουλου:
- Σας βρισκω σε εγκυμονουσα κατασταση
Ρεπορτερ του Star:
- Όταν μιλαει ο στελιος Διονυσιου στο «Σουπερ STAR» γινεται πραγματικος χείμαρρος
Ρεπορτερ του «Σουπερ STAR» μιλωντας για την Εφη Θωδη:
- Ετοιμαζεται να εκτοξευσει την καριερα της στο εξωτερικο
Ρεπορτερ του «Πολύ μπλα μπλα»: το τηλεοπτικο τοπιο μοιαζει με καζανι που σιγοβραζει σε πολύ υψηλες θερμοκρασιες…
- Τα ποδια της Χριστινας Κολετσα είναι τα πιο μελωδικα ποδια της σοου μπιζ
- Το ποδι κοκαλο, σαν να βλεπεις ακτινογραφια, αλλα ωραια ακτινογραφια. (ο ιδιος μιλωντας για την Ταμτα)
Παρουσιαστης της ΕΤ3 που διεκοψε τον Γιαννη Μπουταρη για να περασει σε άλλο θεμα λεγοντας:
- Οι ειδησεις τρεχουν σε γρηγορους ρυθμους. Όπως η ωριμανση του παλιου καλου κρασιου.
Ο καταλογος είναι μακρυς και για επιλογο μονο την ατακα του Λακη Χαζοπουλου μπορουμε να βαλουμε:
Εχει ανοιξει το ΚΤΕΛ της βλακειας και περνανε ολοι ελευθερα…
Ένα δωδεκάχρονο παιδάκι βλέποντας τις ειδήσεις ρωτάει τον μπαμπά του:
- Μπαμπά, τι είναι η πολιτική;
Ο πατέρας, που είναι φανερά ικανοποιημένος που ο γιος του δείχνει σημάδια ωρίμανσης, του απαντάει με ένα παράδειγμα:
- Κοίταξε παιδί μου... Μια χώρα είναι σαν μια οικογένεια. Πάρε για παράδειγμα τη δική μας. Η μαμά, είναι σαν την κυβέρνηση, κανονίζει τα πάντα μέσα στο σπίτι. Εγώ, ο πατέρας, είμαι σαν το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο, στηρίζω την οικονομία του σπιτιού. Η υπηρέτρια, είναι σαν την εργατική τάξη, κάνει όλες τις εργασίες που πρέπει να γίνουν.O πακιστανος λαθρομεταναστης στην δουλεψη μου ειναι για να με εξυπηρετει στις δουλειες μου. Εσύ, είσαι η κοινή γνώμη που παρατηρεί τα όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω της. Τέλος, το μωρό που έχουμε σπίτι συμβολίζει το μέλλoν της χώρας. Σκέψου τα όλα αυτά το βράδυ, και αύριο θα συζητήσουμε για τα συμπεράσματα που έβγαλες, εντάξει;
- Εντάξει μπαμπά, απαντάει ο μικρός, και σκεφτικός πηγαίνει στο κρεβάτι του. Στη διάρκεια της νύχτας και ενώ σκεφτόταν τα σοφά λόγια του πατέρα, ακούει κλάματα από την κούνια του μωρού.
Σηκώνεται πάνω, πλησιάζει την κούνια και βλέπει ότι το μωρό έχει λερωθεί.. Πηγαίνει στην κρεβατοκάμαρα να το πει στην μητέρα του, ανοίγει την πόρτα και βλέπει μόνο τη μητέρα του στο κρεβάτι να κοιμάται. Ο πατέρας άφαντος! Τον πιάνει πανικός! Από την μισάνοιχτη πόρτα του δωματίου υπηρεσίας, ακούει ύποπτους θορύβους...πλησιάζει, κοιτάει και βλέπει τον πατέρα του με την υπηρέτρια στα τέσσερα!Και τον λαθρομεταναστη να κραταει το φαναρι! Κάγκελο ο πιτσιρίκος!!!
- "Τι να κάνω;", σκέφτεται, "να ξυπνήσω την μαμά; θα δει τον μπαμπά με την υπηρέτρια,και τον πακιστανο απο πανω, να διακόψω τον μπαμπά; ντρέπομαι, και ποιος θα αλλάξει το μωρό;;;, εγώ δεν ξέρω να το κάνω..."
Αποφασίζει, λοιπόν να κάνει την πάπια και πάει για ύπνο.
Το επόμενο μεσημέρι, μετά το φαγητό, λέει ο πατέρας στον γιο:
- Λοιπόν; Σκέφτηκες αυτά που σου είπα εχθές;
- Ναι πατέρα, τα σκέφτηκα.
- Και τι συμπέρασμα έβγαλες;
- Όταν η κυβέρνηση κοιμάται, το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο πηδάει την εργατική τάξη, οι λαθρομεταναστες του κρατουν το φαναρι,η κοινή γνώμη αδιαφορεί, και το μέλλον της χώρας είναι βυθισμένο στα σκατά!!
Ένα δωδεκάχρονο παιδάκι βλέποντας τις ειδήσεις ρωτάει τον μπαμπά του:
- Μπαμπά, τι είναι η πολιτική;
Ο πατέρας, που είναι φανερά ικανοποιημένος που ο γιος του δείχνει σημάδια ωρίμανσης, του απαντάει με ένα παράδειγμα:
- Κοίταξε παιδί μου... Μια χώρα είναι σαν μια οικογένεια. Πάρε για παράδειγμα τη δική μας. Η μαμά, είναι σαν την κυβέρνηση, κανονίζει τα πάντα μέσα στο σπίτι. Εγώ, ο πατέρας, είμαι σαν το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο, στηρίζω την οικονομία του σπιτιού. Η υπηρέτρια, είναι σαν την εργατική τάξη, κάνει όλες τις εργασίες που πρέπει να γίνουν.O πακιστανος λαθρομεταναστης στην δουλεψη μου ειναι για να με εξυπηρετει στις δουλειες μου. Εσύ, είσαι η κοινή γνώμη που παρατηρεί τα όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω της. Τέλος, το μωρό που έχουμε σπίτι συμβολίζει το μέλλoν της χώρας. Σκέψου τα όλα αυτά το βράδυ, και αύριο θα συζητήσουμε για τα συμπεράσματα που έβγαλες, εντάξει;
- Εντάξει μπαμπά, απαντάει ο μικρός, και σκεφτικός πηγαίνει στο κρεβάτι του. Στη διάρκεια της νύχτας και ενώ σκεφτόταν τα σοφά λόγια του πατέρα, ακούει κλάματα από την κούνια του μωρού.
Σηκώνεται πάνω, πλησιάζει την κούνια και βλέπει ότι το μωρό έχει λερωθεί.. Πηγαίνει στην κρεβατοκάμαρα να το πει στην μητέρα του, ανοίγει την πόρτα και βλέπει μόνο τη μητέρα του στο κρεβάτι να κοιμάται. Ο πατέρας άφαντος! Τον πιάνει πανικός! Από την μισάνοιχτη πόρτα του δωματίου υπηρεσίας, ακούει ύποπτους θορύβους...πλησιάζει, κοιτάει και βλέπει τον πατέρα του με την υπηρέτρια στα τέσσερα!Και τον λαθρομεταναστη να κραταει το φαναρι! Κάγκελο ο πιτσιρίκος!!!
- "Τι να κάνω;", σκέφτεται, "να ξυπνήσω την μαμά; θα δει τον μπαμπά με την υπηρέτρια,και τον πακιστανο απο πανω...
να διακόψω τον μπαμπά; ντρέπομαι, και ποιος θα αλλάξει το μωρό;;;, εγώ δεν ξέρω να το κάνω..."
Αποφασίζει, λοιπόν να κάνει την πάπια και πάει για ύπνο.
Το επόμενο μεσημέρι, μετά το φαγητό, λέει ο πατέρας στον γιο:
- Λοιπόν; Σκέφτηκες αυτά που σου είπα εχθές;
- Ναι πατέρα, τα σκέφτηκα.
- Και τι συμπέρασμα έβγαλες;
- Όταν η κυβέρνηση κοιμάται, το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο πηδάει την εργατική τάξη, οι λαθρομεταναστες του κρατουν το φαναρι,η κοινή γνώμη αδιαφορεί, και το μέλλον της χώρας είναι βυθισμένο στα σκατά!!
Ηρθε χειμωνας,το κρυο εγινε τσουχτερο και στην μεγαλη αυλη,μια σκυλα με τρια μικρα κουταβακια της τουρτουριζαν απο το κρυο.
Στην αλλη γωνια της αυλης,σε ενα ξυλινο καλυβακι,ενα σκυλι ειχε ξαπλωσει στη ζεστασια του και δεν φοβοταν το χειμωνα.
Η σκυλα πλησιασε τοτε το καλυβακι και ειπε στο σκυλο:
-Γειτονα μου εχω,εχω τρια μωρα παιδια που υποφερουν απο το κρυο και μπορει να μου πεθανουν.
Αφησε μου να μπω στο καλυβακι σου να περασουμε τον παγερο χειμωνα και την ανοιξη φευγουμε.Εσυ εισαι μεγαλος και δεν παθαινεις τιποτε απο το κρυο.
Ο σκυλος τη λυπηθηκε.
-Θα σου κανω την χαρη,της ειπε.
Παρε τα παιδια σου κι΄ελα να μεινεις στο καλυβακι μου.Κι'οταν θα ερθει η ανοιξη και ζεστανει ο καιρος,θα ερθω να παρω την θεση μου.
Ετσι, η σκυλα με τα παιδια της περασαν ενα ζεστο και ομορφο χειμωνα και δεν φοβηθηκαν ουτε το κρυο,ουτε τις βροχες,ουτε τα χιονια.
Και οταν ηρθε η ανοιξη,ο σκυλος παρουσιαστηκε να παρει τη θεση του στο καλυβι.
-Σε παρακαλω γειτονα,του ειπε τοτε η σκυλα ,αφησε μας να μεινουμε μεχρι το καλοκαιρι γιατι τα παιδια μου δεν ειναι πολυ μεγαλα και την ανοιξη χαλαει συχνα ο καιρος.
-Θα σου κανω την χαρη,της ειπε ο σκυλος που ειχε καλη καρδια.
Οταν μπει το καλοκαιρι και αρχισουν οι μεγαλες ζεστες ,θα ερθω.
Περασε η ανοιξη,ηρθε το καλοκαιρι με τις μεγαλες ζεστες και ο σκυλος πηγε να παρει τη θεση του στο καλυβακι.
-Κυρα γειτονισσα,μπηκε για καλα το καλοκαιρι,ειπε στη σκυλα.
Μπορειτε τωρα να μεινετε σε καποια γωνια.Καιρος ειναι να μπω και εγω στο καλυβακι μου.
-Κοπιασε να μπεις!!
του ειπε τοτε η σκυλα.
Τα παιδια μου μεγαλωσαν και αν τολμησεις να μπεις θα σε σκισουν με τα κοφτερα τους δοντια!
Το καλυβακι μας αρεσει και θα γινει δικο μας!
Και αμεσως τα τρια παιδια της βγηκαν ετοιμα να πεσουν επανω του.
Ο καλος ο σκυλος αναγκαστηκε να φυγει.
''Καλα να παθω,ειπε με το νου του.
Στους κακους,δεν πρεπει να φερεσαι με καλοσυνη.
Ομως,η κακια και η αδικια δεν μπορουν να χαρουν για παντα τη δυναμη τους.
Ειμαι σιγουρος οτι η σκυλα και τα παιδια της θα τιμωρηθουν για αυτο που μου εκαναν''.
Recover files deleted from Recycle Bin
Αυτό το αλαλούμ που συμβαίνει με τη δημόσια διοίκηση στην Ελλάδα δεν μπορούμε να το καταλάβουμε. Άλλη αρχή δίνει τις άδειες για το παζάρι (νομαρχία), άλλη παρακολουθεί τη νόμιμη εφαρμογή και αξιοποίησή τους (δήμος) και άλλη κάνει τους ελέγχους σ' αυτούς που βρίσκονται στους «πάγκους» (ΕΛΑΣ)!
Δεν θα αναφερόμασταν άλλη φορά σε αυτό το χάλι, που προσβάλλει τον Πειραιά και κάθε Κυριακή μάς κάνει να... κοκκινίζουμε από ντροπή όλους εμάς τους Πειραιώτες, αν δεν συνέβαινε ένα περιστατικό την περασμένη Κυριακή που απέδειξε ότι το παζάρι δεν κάνει μόνο τεράστια ζημιά στην εικόνα της πόλης, αλλά είναι και επικίνδυνο! Συγκεκριμένα, οι δημοτικοί αστυνομικοί, λίγο πριν από το μεσημέρι, με επικεφαλής τον προϊστάμενο της Υπηρεσίας Γ. Μπενέτο, μπήκαν στο παζάρι και ζήτησαν από έναν αλλοδαπό, που όπως αποδείχθηκε δεν είχε ούτε χαρτιά, δηλαδή είναι παράνομος στη χώρα μας, την άδεια που του επέτρεπε να δραστηριοποιείται στο παζάρι. Αντί απάντησης, ο αλλοδαπός, μαζί με δύο τρεις άλλους που πετάχτηκαν δίπλα από τον πάγκο, άρχισε να ξυλοκοπάει τους αστυνομικούς, να τους κυνηγάει με μαχαίρι, να τους πετάει βαριά αντικείμενα κ.λπ. Από... θαύμα γλίτωσαν και... κρύφτηκαν στα γύρω στενά μέχρι να... ξεθυμάνουν οι αλλοδαποί!
Αν χανόταν κάποιος δημοτικός αστυνομικός (που είναι εκ του νόμου άοπλος) τι θα γινόταν; Αν κάποιο από τα παιδιά του Πειραιά που βγάζουν το ψωμί τους στη Δημοτική Αστυνομία πάθαινε κάτι, τι θα λέγαμε τώρα; Πολλές φορές ο δήμαρχος έχει καλέσει την ΕΛΑΣ για να εφαρμόσει τον νόμο στο παζάρι, αλλά μάταια. Οι αστυνομικοί δηλώνουν... αριθμητικά ανεπαρκείς για να αντιμετωπίσουν την κατάσταση και... νίπτουν τας χείρας τους. Μένουν λοιπόν να... βγάλουν το φίδι από την τρύπα οι άοπλοι και ολιγάριθμοι δημοτικοί αστυνομικοί, που αντικειμενικά δεν μπορούν να επιβάλουν τον νόμο. Έτσι, ο νόμος μπαίνει στο περιθώριο στο παζάρι και κάθε Κυριακή, εκτός των άλλων, έχουμε και απόλυτη αυθαιρεσία. Ο νόμος παραβιάζεται κατάφωρα και κανείς δεν μπορεί να τον προστατεύσει ή να τον επιβάλει. Και όλοι, πολίτες, καταναλωτές κ.λπ., βρίσκονται στο έλεος των συμμοριών των παράνομα διαβιούντων στη χώρα μας αλλοδαπών! Και το χειρότερο είναι πως οι «συμμορίες» αυτές επιβάλλουν και τη διατήρηση του παζαριού. Γιατί όλοι οι παράγοντες του Πειραιά, από τον δήμαρχο μέχρι τον Εμπορικό Σύλλογο αλλά και τους απλούς πολίτες, έχουν εκφράσει την άποψη ότι πρέπει να σταματήσει να λειτουργεί το παζάρι ή να νοικοκυρευτεί και να λειτουργεί σε ελεγχόμενους χώρους. Παρ' όλα αυτά, όμως, το παζάρι ζει και βασιλεύει με τον τρόπο που προαναφέραμε: χωρίς έλεγχο και χωρίς όρια! Όταν εκείνοι που πάνε να επιβάλουν τη νομιμότητα κινδυνεύουν να σκοτωθούν και δεν προστατεύονται από το ίδιο το κράτος που τους έχει ορίσει να ελέγχουν την εφαρμογή των νόμων του, δεν πρόκειται να ξαναπάνε... Επανειλημμένα ο δήμος έχει καλέσει την ΕΛΑΣ να συνδράμει τη Δημοτική Αστυνομία, αλλά η Αστυνομία, είτε γιατί δεν έχει διαθέσιμο προσωπικό είτε γιατί έχει άλλες, σοβαρότερες ασχολίες, δεν πάει. Ή, μάλλον, στέλνει τυπικά στη χάση και στη φέξη ένα περιπολικό, που δεν μπορεί να κάνει τίποτα. Εμείς ένα έχουμε να πούμε: Όλοι οι παράνομοι λαθρομετανάστες που ζουν στον Πειραιά και πολλοί άλλοι που επιβιώνουν κάνοντας παρανομίες έχουν σημείο αναφοράς το παζάρι. Αν θέλουν οι αρμόδιοι να «καθαρίσουν» τον Πειραιά απ' όλους αυτούς που τραυματίζουν την εικόνα και τον κοινωνικό ιστό της πόλης, ας πάνε να τους πιάσουν! Ιδού η Ρόδος!
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